Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB  

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 Hangman (Actually good)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:18 pm   Post subject: Hangman (Actually good)

Alright, I had a school project to make hangman, and I think it turned out nicely. It is all mouse and clicking based, no typing. I added some original graphics too. I did not include the source code for fear of stealers, but here's the standalone alone with all the pictures and the text file. Oh yea, the words that my program chooses for the user to guess is picked randomly from the text file, which has 20 words inside. At the moment, the 20 words in the text file are:


If you guys want to change it, just open the text file, change the words, and save the text file again
*Note, this is the school project version so I made it to be able to hold only exactly 20 words. No more or no less. I do have another version which includes flexible arrays, making it able to hold up to a maxint amount of words, but I'm not sharing that version because it's not done yet.

You have to download the zip, and extract it, keep the standalone file in the folder or else it wont work.
Have fun! Any suggestions, bug reports, etc. are greatly appreciated!
The game is called "A Man With Spikes". I only names the folder because hangman is probably more recognized.

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