snake game
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Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:30 pm Post subject: snake game |
here's a snake game i made, choose a difficulty, the higher the difficulty the more points youll get... ill post the source later cuz there are some members that like to alter the source to get high scores.... *cough*short1*/cough*
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275.34 KB |
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1135 Time(s) |
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Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:56 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
I got 200 using level 5
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:24 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
looks nice and simple it's just a bit hard to turn
oh yeah, I got to 350 or something might have been more, there's no pause when game ends
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 11:42 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Good job. Works very well. Like it a lot. One suggestion is to have a game over scene where teh snake blows up, it tells u ure score, and then asks if u want to continue. Great job.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:58 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
im glad you guys like it... btw the game keeps track of your highscore so just start a new game and it will be above your current score.
i got something like 1240 on level 4 and like 850 on level 5 so try and beat that!
ill post the source later tonight
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:29 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
har har har! i got soooooooooooooo close to zylum's score!!!!!!!!!! i was off by bout hundred points on lvl 4!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:55 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
anyways, here's the source for whoever's interested
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Filename: |
snake.t |
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3.98 KB |
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571 Time(s) |
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 5:46 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
this is a really neat game. It is addictive. Kudos.
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Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:05 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
cool game i got 400 and something anyway...i found that the controls were a little sticky might just be my computer though. but i doubt it
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:32 am Post subject: RE:snake game |
Amazing, can someone paste the source here, i have problems with downloading files atm.
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:47 am Post subject: Re: snake game |
This topic is a bit old, it is from 2004.
Here is the code any how tho:
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics:320;350,nooffscreenonly,nobuttonbar")
type snakeCoords :
x : int
y : int
end record
type snakeData :
dx : int
dy : int
speed : int
clr : int
end record
type gridData :
size : int
width : int
clr : int
end record
const foodClr := RGB.AddColor (0. 9, 0. 1, 0. 1)
var grdData : gridData
grdData.size := 30
grdData.width := 10
grdData.clr := RGB.AddColor (0. 2, 0. 9, 0. 2)
var grid : array 1 .. grdData.size, 1 .. grdData.size of int
var snake : flexible array 1 .. 5 of snakeCoords
var snkData : snakeData
var keysDown : array char of boolean
var score, highScore, scoreInc : int := 0
var foodx, foody : int
snkData.clr := RGB.AddColor (0. 3, 0. 7, 0. 3)
proc resetData
var temp : int
score := 0
snkData.dx := 0
snkData.dy := - 1
setscreen ("graphics:320;350,nooffscreenonly,nobuttonbar")
put "what is the difficulty? (1-5)"
get temp
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2)
put "3"
delay (1000)
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2)
put "2"
delay (1000)
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2)
put "1"
delay (1000)
setscreen ("graphics:320;350,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar")
if temp > 5 then
temp := 5
elsif temp < 1 then
temp := 1
end if
scoreInc := temp ** 2
snkData.speed := (6 - temp ) * 10 + 10
new snake, 5
for i : 1 .. upper (snake )
snake (i ).x := grdData.size div 2
snake (i ).y := grdData.size
end for
end resetData
proc moveFood
var done : boolean
done := true
foodx := Rand.Int (1, grdData.size )
foody := Rand.Int (1, grdData.size )
for i : 1 .. upper (snake )
if snake (i ).x = foodx and snake (i ).y = foody then
done := false
end if
end for
exit when done = true
end loop
end moveFood
proc moveSnake
var tempx, tempy : int
if snake (1).x = foodx and snake (1).y = foody then
score + = scoreInc
new snake, upper (snake ) + 1
end if
tempx := snake (1).x
tempy := snake (1).y
for decreasing i : upper (snake ) .. 2
snake (i ).x := snake (i - 1).x
snake (i ).y := snake (i - 1).y
end for
snake (1).x := tempx + snkData.dx
snake (1).y := tempy + snkData.dy
end moveSnake
proc updateSnakeData
Input.KeyDown (keysDown )
if keysDown (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and snkData.dx not= - 1 then
snkData.dx := 1
snkData.dy := 0
elsif keysDown (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and snkData.dx not= 1 then
snkData.dx := - 1
snkData.dy := 0
elsif keysDown (KEY_UP_ARROW) and snkData.dy not= - 1 then
snkData.dx := 0
snkData.dy := 1
elsif keysDown (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and snkData.dy not= 1 then
snkData.dx := 0
snkData.dy := - 1
end if
end updateSnakeData
proc drawGrid
drawfillbox (grdData.width, grdData.width, grdData.size * grdData.width + grdData.width, grdData.size * grdData.width + grdData.width, grdData.clr )
drawfillbox (foodx * grdData.width, foody * grdData.width, foodx * grdData.width + grdData.width, foody * grdData.width + grdData.width, foodClr )
for i : 1 .. upper (snake )
drawfillbox (snake (i ).x * grdData.width, snake (i ).y * grdData.width, snake (i ).x * grdData.width + grdData.width, snake (i ).y * grdData.width + grdData.width, snkData.clr )
end for
end drawGrid
proc checkIfDead
for i : 2 .. upper (snake )
if (snake (1).x = snake (i ).x and snake (1).y = snake (i ).y ) or snake (1).x < 1 or snake (1).x > grdData.size or snake (1).y < 1 or snake (1).y > grdData.size then
if score > highScore then
highScore := score
end if
end if
end for
end checkIfDead
locate (1, 1)
put "HIGH: ", highScore
put "SCORE: ", score
delay (snkData.speed )
end loop
Note: this is not my code and i was no way inlvoed in making it.
Computer Science Canada
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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:34 pm Post subject: RE:snake game |
yeah this is an old post, still its kinda neat. mind you theres been A LOT cooler stuff you could have pulled up. still its nice to see people look that far back lol.
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:01 pm Post subject: RE:snake game |
Thanks for sharing! Now I have something to do in class... it is so boring, we're still learning about var and if stuff