Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:55 am Post subject: Access parallel port with windows 7 32bit
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Has anyone had success with parallel port activation and windows 7?
What is the problem you are having?
Can't access parallel port on DELL GX620 with Windows 7 home premium 32bit. When using parallelput command " unable to find I/O address [4]" error comes up. Same computer with winXP SP2 works fine.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
The LPT specs/settings as shown in Device manager on either operating system are the same, specifically I/O range is - 0378-037F and 0778-077F. LPT in bios set to AT (have tried all other variations - off, ps/2, ecp, epp), tried replacing dlportio.dll with updated inpout32.dll file (renamed to dlportio.dll). this worked in XP but not Win 7. replaced parport.sys and parvdm.sys files in windows/sys32/drivers with older XP versions, no difference. Run turing.exe and install dlportio.exe with Win XP serv pack 2 and 3 compatibility (shows programs as being incompatible after running compatibility wizard). Run both programs as administrator.
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