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 need help with moving sprites
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:11 pm   Post subject: need help with moving sprites

hello i have a summative due soon, its worth 30% of my mark and its due on tuesday. Can someone tell me how to move pic/sprties so they look like theyr walking and not just one pic that is still when it moves. I am a complete nub at this. Neutral

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:34 pm   Post subject: RE:need help with moving sprites

why don't you post the sprites you want to use and the code that you've got

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 12:45 am   Post subject: Re: need help with moving sprites

My friend made a Mario game and he had the same problem. I first told him he needed each image of Mario walking. Laughing
Next he had to create a procedure for when Mario is walking (just a loop). then he had to define when mario was walking (run procedure) and when he was not (display still image of Mario standing). I hope you understand.

BenLi wrote:
why don't you post the sprites you want to use and the code that you've got

It is a good idea to post any problem programs (if there are more than 1 file use zip). That way people can help you faster.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:00 am   Post subject: Re: need help with moving sprites

what version of Turing are you using? if you are using 4.1, there is a Sprite. module that you can use. Although I have never personally used it myself, there is a tutorial in the [Turing Tutorials] on the Sprite module. If you are not using 4.1 however, you will have to do it manually. meaning importing each frame of mario (or whomever) running as a jpg, then running a control procedure to draw the appropriate picture.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:03 am   Post subject: RE:need help with moving sprites

In the most recent version of Turing there is a command called "Pic.FileNewFrames" that you can use to load an animated gif.

The Sprite module will probobally make actually drawing the frames a bit easier though.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:40 pm   Post subject: RE:need help with moving sprites

here is the code
setscreen ("graphics:300,200")
setscreen ("nocursor")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var pic, picground : int
picground := Pic.FileNew ("exterior.jpg")
var picfile_right_step : array 0 .. 1 of string
picfile_right_step (0) := "scientist right.jpg"
picfile_right_step (1) := "scientist right step one.jpg"
var picfile_back_step : array 0 .. 1 of string
picfile_back_step (0) := "scientist back step two.jpg"
picfile_back_step (1) := "scientist back step one.jpg"
var picfile_front_step : array 0 .. 1 of string
picfile_front_step (0) := "scientist front step two.jpg"
picfile_front_step (1) := "scientist front step one.jpg"
var picfile_left_step : array 0 .. 1 of string
picfile_left_step (0) := "scientist left.jpg"
picfile_left_step (1) := "scientist left step one.jpg"
var x, y : int := 100
var input : string (1)
getch (input)
for a : 0 .. 1
if hasch then
getch (input)
end if
if ord (input) = 205 then
Pic.Draw (picground, 0, 0, 1)
x := x + 2
pic := Pic.FileNew (picfile_right_step (a mod 2))
delay (60)
Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, 2)
elsif ord (input) = 203 then
Pic.Draw (picground, 0, 0, 1)
x := x - 2
pic := Pic.FileNew (picfile_left_step (a mod 2))
delay (60)
Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, 2)
elsif ord (input) = 200 then
Pic.Draw (picground, 0, 0, 1)
y := y + 2
pic := Pic.FileNew (picfile_back_step (a mod 2))
delay (60)
Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, 2)
elsif ord (input) = 208 then
Pic.Draw (picground, 0, 0, 1)
y := y - 2
pic := Pic.FileNew (picfile_front_step (a mod 2))
delay (60)
Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, 2)
end if
end for
end loop
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