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 Tic Tac Toe
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:51 pm   Post subject: Tic Tac Toe

I am trying to get the mouse to register what box of the grid it is in; then paste a picture in that box.

'This is the procedure to make the grid if it helps'

procedure Grid
var x1, y1, x2, y2 : int
for row : 1 .. 4
for column : 1 .. 6
x1 := column * BOX_SIZE + 25
y1 := row * BOX_SIZE - 10
x2 := x1 + BOX_SIZE
y2 := y1 + BOX_SIZE
drawbox (x1, y1, x2, y2, black)
end for
end for
end Grid

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:24 pm   Post subject: Re: Tic Tac Toe

And what problem are you having with this?
Oh, and chances are we'll need the full code, not just the one procedure (and images if there are any).

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:14 pm   Post subject: Re: Tic Tac Toe

I figured out most of it now, but having problems with the 6x4 grid.
The program can create circles out side of the grid and I don't know how to fix this. Try clicking on the outside of the grid to see what I mean. (I only want the circles inside the grid space where I clicked.)
I will just paste the code here.

import GUI
View.Set ("nobuttonbar")
setscreen ("graphics:max;max")

const BOARD_SIZE := 6
const GRID_SIZE := 1
const BOX_SIZE := round (maxy / (GRID_SIZE + 5))
var x, y : int
var picID : int
var X, Y, button : int
var column, row : int
var ymouse, xmouse : int

procedure Draw_Card (row, column : int)
Draw.FillOval (row * BOX_SIZE + (BOX_SIZE div 2), column * BOX_SIZE + (BOX_SIZE div 2), 30, 60, brightblue)
end Draw_Card

procedure Grid % Procedure to make the grid
var x1, y1, x2, y2 : int
for row : 1 .. 4
for column : 1 .. 6
x1 := column * BOX_SIZE + 25
y1 := row * BOX_SIZE - 10
x2 := x1 + BOX_SIZE
y2 := y1 + BOX_SIZE
drawbox (x1, y1, x2, y2, black)
end for
end for
end Grid

%Game board creation
drawfillbox (100, 76, 895, 600, brightred)
drawbox (100, 76, 895, 600, brightblue)
drawbox (100 + 1, 76 + 1, 895 + 1, 600 + 1, brightblue)
drawbox (100 + 2, 76 + 2, 895 + 2, 600 + 2, brightblue)

Grid % Creates grid here

var quitBtn : int := GUI.CreateButton (950, 665, 0, "Quit", GUI.Quit)

Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
if button = 0 then
ymouse := y
xmouse := x

for x_2 : 1 .. BOARD_SIZE + 1
if xmouse >= (x_2 * BOX_SIZE) and xmouse <= (xmouse * BOX_SIZE) + BOX_SIZE then
row := x_2
end if
end for

for y_2 : 1 .. BOARD_SIZE + 1
if ymouse >= (y_2 * BOX_SIZE) and ymouse <= (ymouse * BOX_SIZE) + BOX_SIZE then
column := y_2
end if
end for
put row
put column
Draw_Card (row, column)
end if

exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
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