Variables in Font.Draw
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Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:50 pm Post subject: Variables in Font.Draw |
Hey guys, it's me again, Aaron. I was just making another program which is like a hide-and-seek type of game. I want to be able to display the final score at the end in a bigger font than the Turing default when I do "put score". Can anyone help meh?
Turing: |
var mousex, mousey, click, boxx, boxy, col, score, timevar, font : int
View.Set ("graphics:1000;600,offscreenonly")
font := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:30")
timevar := 0
score := 0
randint (col, 1, 15)
randint (boxx, 20, maxx - 20)
randint (boxy, 20, maxy - 120)
mousewhere (mousex, mousey, click )
drawfilloval (mousex, mousey, 50, 50, 0)
drawfillbox (boxx - 10, boxy - 10, boxx + 10, boxy + 10, col )
drawfillbox (0, 500, maxx, maxy, 0)
drawline (0, 500, maxx, 500, 7)
colourback (0)
put "score: ", score
locate (1, 50)
put timevar
colourback (col )
if timevar = 5000 then
end if
timevar := timevar + 1
if mousex >= boxx - 10 and mousex <= boxx + 10 and mousey >= boxy - 10 and mousey <= boxy + 10 and click = 1 then
score := score + 1
end if
end loop
if timevar = 5000 then
end if
end loop
colourback (0)
Font.Draw (score, 100, 100,font, 7)
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
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Hide and Seek.t |
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987 Bytes |
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76 Time(s) |
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Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:08 am Post subject: Re: Variables in Font.Draw |
It says (txtStr : string, x, y, fontID, Color : int) which means that txtStr needs to be a string value but I need to be able to put a variable there so I was wonderin if maybe there's another way of doing this? all I want is to display my score with big font.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:24 am Post subject: RE:Variables in Font.Draw |
Change score to intsr(score) and you'll be fine
Font.Draw (intstr(score),100,100,font,7)
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:50 am Post subject: RE:Variables in Font.Draw |
Thanks a lot that worked :p