View.Set ("graphics:800,600")
%Music Files/ Not Implemented Yet
process hit
Music.Play ("c")
end hit
process background
Music.PlayFile ("disclaimer.mid")
end loop
end background
%The Title Procedure - Draws the title screen and waits for the user to click before proceeding
proc title (font, picid : int)
var mx, my, mb : int
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
%Puts In a Picture
%Pic.Draw (picid, (maxx div 2) - 200, maxy - 200, picMerge)
Draw.Text ("PooYan", (maxx div 2) - 150, maxy div 2, font, red)
delay (1000)
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
if mb = 1 then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
end if
end loop
end title
% Choose Difficulties - Affects Arrow Speed, Wolf Fall Speed - Needs to affect amount of wolves on screen at a time.
proc difficulty (var input : int)
locate (10, maxrow div 2)
put "Choose Your Difficulty."
put "1- Easy Mode"
put "2- Normal Mode"
put "3- Hard Mode"
put "4- Hyper Mode"
locate (15, maxrow div 2)
get input
if input <= 4 then
end if
end loop
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
end difficulty
%Gives a countdown so that the user can get ready for HYPER MODE DIFFICULTY
proc rdy4hype (font2 : int)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("!! HYPER MODE !!", (maxx div 2) - 200, (maxy div 2), font2, yellow)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("3", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, yellow)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("2", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, yellow)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("1", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, yellow)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("GO!", (maxx div 2) - 50, (maxy div 2), font2, yellow)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
end rdy4hype
% Moves the character - Restricts movement so that the characther can't move farther than the background(yet to be implemented, needs a sprite.)
%(Try Keyboard Input?)
proc moveguy (my : int)
% x-var not necessary because x doesnt change
if my <= maxy - 140 and my >= 60 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 120, my + 21, maxx - 80, maxy + 20, white)
drawfillbox (maxx - 120, my - 21, maxx - 80, -20, white)
drawfillbox (maxx - 120, my - 20, maxx - 80, my + 20, blue)
end if
end moveguy
% Shoots projectile - Speed adjusted accordingly to difficulties, needs a sprite. (try getting another arrow after 1st has passed 3/4 of screen?)
%(Try Keyboard Input?)
proc shootarrow (my, mb : int, var arrowx, arrowy : int, var arrowShotFlag : string, var deadWolf : int, var currentWolfCount : int, input : int)
%changes according to dificulty
var inputvar : int := 10
if input = 1 then
inputvar := 10
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := 7
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := 7
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := 20
end if
if currentWolfCount not= deadWolf then
arrowShotFlag := "no"
arrowx := maxx - 120
end if
if mb = 1 and arrowShotFlag = "no" then %%Flag makes sure only one arrow at a time
arrowy := my
arrowShotFlag := "yes"
end if
if arrowx < -100 then
arrowShotFlag := "no"
arrowx := maxx - 120
end if
if arrowShotFlag = "yes" and my <= maxy - 140 and my >= 60 then
% moves arrow accross the screen from right to left
drawfilloval (arrowx, arrowy, 5, 5, white)
arrowx -= inputvar
drawfilloval (arrowx, arrowy, 5, 5, red)
end if
end shootarrow
% Drops the wolf, speed is adjusted to difficulties, sets wolves up at top screen to be dropped,(Need to fix: Get wolves to set up without delaying program.)
proc dropwolf (var wx, wy, mis : int, var wolffallflag, oneshotperwolf : boolean, var deadWolf : int, var currentWolfCount : int, wolfsize, my, input : int, var bulletshotflag : boolean, wolfbulletx,
wolfbullety : int)
%changes according to dificulty
var inputvar : int := 10
if input = 1 then
inputvar := 1
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := 2
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := 3
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := 5
end if
var rwx : int
if currentWolfCount not= deadWolf then
wolffallflag := false
currentWolfCount := deadWolf
end if
%check to see if one died
if wolffallflag = false then %resets wolf
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5 + 1, 5 + 1, white) % THis will destroy wolf's attack if wolf is destroyed
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize + 1, wolfsize + 1, white)
randint (wx, 40, maxx - 200)
wolffallflag := true
bulletshotflag := false
oneshotperwolf := true
wy := maxy - 100
%sets wolf up to be dropped
rwx := wx
for rx : 0 .. rwx
drawfilloval (rx, wy, wolfsize + 1, wolfsize + 1, white)
drawfilloval (rx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
end for
end if
if wolffallflag = true and wy > -100 then
wy -= inputvar %drops wolf
drawfilloval (wx, wy + inputvar, wolfsize + 1, wolfsize + 1, white)
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
delay (5)
elsif wolffallflag = true then
wolffallflag := false
end if
end dropwolf
% Wolves set uo for round 2 , speed is adjusted to difficulties, wolves fire more than one shot in round two,(Need to fix: Get wolves to set up without delaying program.)
proc wolfup (var wx, wy, mis : int, var wolfupflag, oneshotperwolf : boolean, var deadWolf : int, var currentWolfCount : int, wolfsize, my, input : int, var bulletshotflag : boolean, wolfbulletx,
wolfbullety : int)
%changes according to dificulty
var topwolf : boolean := false
var inputvar : int := 10
if input = 1 then
inputvar := 1
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := 2
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := 3
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := 5
end if
var rwx : int
if currentWolfCount not= deadWolf then
wolfupflag := false
currentWolfCount := deadWolf
end if %check to see if one died
if wolfupflag = false then %resets wolf
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5 + 1, 5 + 1, white) % THis will destroy wolf's attack if wolf is destroyed
drawfilloval (wx, wy + inputvar, wolfsize + 1, wolfsize + 1, white)
randint (wx, 40, maxx - 200)
wolfupflag := true
bulletshotflag := false
oneshotperwolf := true
wy := 30
%sets wolf up to be dropped
rwx := wx
for rx : 0 .. rwx
drawfilloval (rx, 30, wolfsize + inputvar, wolfsize + inputvar, white)
drawfilloval (rx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, red)
delay (2)
end for
end if
if wolfupflag = true and wy <= maxy - 120 then
wy += inputvar
drawfilloval (wx, (wy - (wolfsize div 2)) + 1, wolfsize, wolfsize, white)
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, red)
locate (4, 1)
put "Under the top."
delay (5)
if wolfupflag = true and wy > maxy - 120 then
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize + 1, wolfsize + 1, white)
locate (4, 1)
put "Over the top."
end if
if oneshotperwolf = false then
oneshotperwolf := true
end if
elsif wolfupflag = true then
wolfupflag := false
end if
end wolfup
% Handles when a wolf reaches the top - right now a wolf at the top takes away 1 life
proc wolftop (wx, wolfsize : int, var wy : int, deadWolf : int, var lifecount : int, var oneshotperwolf, wolfupflag : boolean)
if wy > (maxy - 120) then
oneshotperwolf := true
drawfilloval (wx, wy + 10, wolfsize, wolfsize, white)
lifecount := lifecount - 1
wolfupflag := false
wy := 0
end if
end wolftop
% Wolf Attack Code - Under Construction - Should shoot according to where my is, gets more accurate/faster the higher the difficulties
%(Try making the projectile attackable for points.) TRYING TO MAKE PARABOLAS>>!!!! NOT WORKING - TO COMPLEX
proc wolfattack (wx, wy, my, mis : int, var lifecount : int, wolfFallFlag : boolean, var oneshotperwolf : boolean)
var px, py : int
if wolfFallFlag = true and oneshotperwolf = false and wy <= my then
px := wx
py := wy
drawline (px, py, maxx - 120, mis, red)
oneshotperwolf := true
end if
%drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx - 120, maxy - 100, white)
end wolfattack
% Wolf Attack Code - Straight Shooter Version! ( THIS WORKS ) bullets should be attackable
proc wolfshoot (wx, wy, my, input : int, var wolfbulletx, wolfbullety : int, wolffallflag : boolean, var bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf : boolean)
var shooton : boolean := bulletshotflag
% This part changes Projectile Speed According To Difficulty
var inputvar : int := 0
if input = 1 then
inputvar := 2
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := 4
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := 5
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := 10
end if
if wolffallflag = false then
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5 + 1, 5 + 1, white)
end if
if wolffallflag = true and bulletshotflag = false and wy <= my + 20 and wy >= my - 20 then
wolfbullety := wy
wolfbulletx := wx
if oneshotperwolf = true then
bulletshotflag := true
end if
end if
if shooton = true and oneshotperwolf = true then
wolfbulletx += inputvar
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5 + inputvar, 5 + inputvar, white)
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5, 5, yellow)
end if
if wolfbulletx >= maxx then
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 5 + 1, 5 + 1, white)
bulletshotflag := false
oneshotperwolf := false
end if
if wy <= 30 and wolfbulletx >= maxx then
oneshotperwolf := true
end if
end wolfshoot
%< = less than, > = greater than
%Wolf Projectile Collision Code - if shot connects to player then player loses one life
proc projcoll (my : int, var wolfbulletx, wolfbullety : int, var lifecount : int, var bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf : boolean)
if wolfbulletx >= maxx - 120 and wolfbulletx <= maxx - 80 and wolfbullety <= my + 20 and wolfbullety >= my - 20 then
drawfilloval (wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, 10, 10, white)
wolfbulletx := 0
wolfbullety := 0
oneshotperwolf := false
bulletshotflag := false
lifecount := lifecount - 1
end if
end projcoll
% Handles Collision for wolf/player projectle - Resets arrow if hit, blanks out the arrow shot.
proc collisionDetection (wx, wy : int, var arrowx, arrowy : int, var arrowShotFlag : string, var deadWolf : int, input : int)
var inputvar : int := 10
if input = 1 then
inputvar := 1
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := 2
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := 3
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := 5
end if
if arrowx - 5 <= wx + 40 and arrowy - 5 >= wy - 40 and arrowx - 5 >= wx - 40 and arrowy + 5 <= wy + 40 then
%fork hit %Plays Chime Upon Hit
arrowShotFlag := "no"
drawfilloval (wx, wy, 30 + inputvar, 30 + inputvar, white)
drawfilloval (arrowx, arrowy, 10 + inputvar, 10 + inputvar, white)
arrowx := maxx - 120
deadWolf := deadWolf + 1
end if
end collisionDetection
% Handles when a wolf reaches the bottom - right now a wolf at the bottom takes away 1 life
%(fills up slots to 4 then lose a life for any extra wolf that gets down.)
proc wolfbottom (wx, wolfsize : int, var wy : int, deadWolf : int, var lifecount : int, var oneshotperwolf : boolean, slot4 : boolean)
if wy <= 30 and slot4 = true then
oneshotperwolf := true
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, white)
wy := maxy - 100
lifecount := lifecount - 1
elsif wy <= 30 then
oneshotperwolf := true
drawfilloval (wx, wy, wolfsize, wolfsize, white)
wy := maxy - 100
end if
end wolfbottom
% Turns on the slot wolf switches (needs to be adjusted so that it counts at higher difficulties.)
proc wolfhit (wx, wy : int, var slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 : boolean, input : int)
%Puts a wolf in a slot
if wy <= 30 and slot1 = false then
slot1 := true
elsif wy <= 30 and slot1 = true and slot2 = false then
slot2 := true
elsif wy <= 30 and slot2 = true and slot3 = false then
slot3 := true
elsif wy <= 30 and slot3 = true and slot4 = false then
slot4 := true
end if
end wolfhit
% Puts Wolves into the four slots - Needs to go along with random attacks from slot positions and take away lives if they are all full.
proc slotwolf (slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 : boolean, wolfsize : int)
var range : int := (maxy - 80) - (0 + 80)
drawbox (maxx - 40, 40, maxx - 30, range, black)
if slot1 = true then
drawfilloval (maxx - 40, (range - (range div 2)) div 2, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
end if
if slot2 = true then
drawfilloval (maxx - 40, range div 2, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
end if
if slot3 = true then
drawfilloval (maxx - 40, (range + (range div 2)) div 2, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
end if
if slot4 = true then
drawfilloval (maxx - 40, range, wolfsize, wolfsize, green)
end if
end slotwolf
% Timed attacks from the wolves inside the four slot (Yet to be finished.)
process timer (wslot1atk, wslot2atk, wslot3atk, wslot4atk : boolean)
delay (1000)
end timer
proc slotwolfattack (my : int, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 : boolean, var wslot1atk, wslot2atk, wslot3atk, wslot4atk : boolean)
end slotwolfattack
% Decides if Game was sucessful or not - allows player to choose whether or not it they want to play again.
proc endgame (lifecount : int, var playagain : boolean, var roundtwo : boolean)
var decision : string
if lifecount = 0 then
locate (10, 5)
elsif lifecount >= 1 then
locate (10, 5)
put "Congratulations You Win."
end if
locate (16, 5)
put "Play Again? [Y/N]"
get decision
if decision = "y" or decision = "Y" then
playagain := true
roundtwo := false
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
elsif decision = "n" or decision = "N" then
playagain := false
roundtwo := false
end if
end endgame
% Basic Heads Up Display that shows the points calculated according to difficulties,and number of lives left.
proc headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input : int, var highscore : int, roundtwo : boolean, var shs : int, wolveslefttonext : int)
%Multiplies Score According To Difficulties
var inputvar : int
if input = 1 and roundtwo = false then
inputvar := 100
elsif input = 2 and roundtwo = false then
inputvar := 200
elsif input = 3 and roundtwo = false then
inputvar := 300
elsif input = 4 and roundtwo = false then
inputvar := 400
end if
if input = 1 and roundtwo = true then
inputvar := 200
elsif input = 2 and roundtwo = true then
inputvar := 300
elsif input = 3 and roundtwo = true then
inputvar := 500
elsif input = 4 and roundtwo = true then
inputvar := 1000
end if
%Displays Score/Lives Left
locate (1, 2)
put deadWolf * inputvar, " points."..
highscore := deadWolf * inputvar
locate (2, 1)
put wolveslefttonext - deadWolf, " wolves left"..
locate (1, 18)
put lifecount, " lives left."..
if roundtwo = false then
locate (1, 32)
put " ROUND ONE"..
elsif roundtwo = true then
locate (1, 32)
put " ROUND TWO"..
end if
end headsup
% Makes a Basic High Score List, shows points, difficulty level and lives left, calculating a culmative final score accordingly.
proc scores (input, highscore, lifecount : int, var rto : boolean, shs : int)
var inputvar : string
var mx, my, mb : int
var bylives : int
if input = 1 then
inputvar := " - Easy"
elsif input = 2 then
inputvar := " - Normal"
elsif input = 3 then
inputvar := " - Hard"
elsif input = 4 then
inputvar := " - Hyper"
end if
if lifecount = 0 then
bylives := 1
bylives := lifecount
end if
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
locate (2, 30)
put "Highscores"
if rto = false then
put shs, inputvar, " LIVES ", lifecount, " TOTAL POINTS ", (shs * bylives), " HIGHEST LEVEL REACHED :: ROUND ONE"
elsif rto = true then
put shs, inputvar, " LIVES ", lifecount, " TOTAL POINTS ", (shs * bylives), " HIGHEST LEVEL REACHED :: ROUND TWO"
end if
locate (maxrow, 30)
put "Click To Continue"
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
if mb = 1 then
end if
end loop
end scores
%Gives a countdown so that the user can get ready for round two
proc countdowner (roundtwo : boolean, font2 : int)
if roundtwo = true then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("ROUND TWO- GET READY", (maxx div 2) - 200, (maxy div 2), font2, white)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("3", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, white)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("2", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, white)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("1", (maxx div 2), (maxy div 2), font2, white)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Draw.Text ("GO!", (maxx div 2) - 50, (maxy div 2), font2, white)
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
end if
end countdowner
%Shows a Health Bar for remaining lives/Hit Points
proc lifebar (lifecount : int)
var numcount : int := 10
var currentcount : int
var c : int := 0
drawfillbox (maxx - 310, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, red)
drawbox ((maxx - 310) - 1, (maxy - 20) - 1, (maxx - 210) + 1, (maxy - 10) + 1, black)
if lifecount = 9 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 220, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 8 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 230, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 7 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 240, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 6 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 250, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 5 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 260, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 4 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 270, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 3 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 280, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 2 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 290, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 1 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 300, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
elsif lifecount = 0 then
drawfillbox (maxx - 310, maxy - 20, maxx - 210, maxy - 10, c)
end if
end lifebar
% Global Variables List
var highscore, shs : int := 0
var picid : int
var font, font2 : int
var input : int := 1
var mx, my, mb : int
var arrowx : int := maxx - 120
var arrowy : int := 0
var arrowShotFlag : string := "no"
var wx, wy : int := 0
var wolfFallFlag : boolean := false
var wolfupflag : boolean := false
var deadWolf : int := 0
var currentWolfCount : int := 0
var lifecount : int := 10
var wslot1atk, wslot2atk, wslot3atk, wslot4atk := false
var slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4 : boolean := false
var wolfsize : int := 30
var playagain : boolean := false
var mis : int := 0
var oneshotperwolf : boolean := false
var bulletshotflag : boolean := false
var wolfbulletx, wolfbullety : int := 0
var roundtwo, rto : boolean := false
var hyperwarning : boolean := false
var wolveslefttonext : int := 0
% Declaration of some Global Variables
picid := Pic.FileNew ("narutologo.bmp")
font := Font.New ("Verdana:70")
font2 := Font.New ("impact:40")
% Main Loop of the Game
title (font, picid)
loop %Difficulty Loop/End Game Loop
playagain := false
hyperwarning := false
difficulty (input)
loop % Round One +Round Two Loop
if roundtwo = false then
wolveslefttonext := 5
loop % Round One Loop
if input = 4 and hyperwarning = false then
hyperwarning := true
rdy4hype (font2)
end if
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
moveguy (my)
shootarrow (my, mb, arrowx, arrowy, arrowShotFlag, deadWolf, currentWolfCount, input)
dropwolf (wx, wy, mis, wolfFallFlag, oneshotperwolf, deadWolf, currentWolfCount, wolfsize, my, input, bulletshotflag, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety)
wolfshoot (wx, wy, my, input, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, wolfFallFlag, bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf)
projcoll (my, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, lifecount, bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf)
%wolfattack (wx, wy, my, mis, lifecount, wolfFallFlag, oneshotperwolf)
collisionDetection (wx, wy, arrowx, arrowy, arrowShotFlag, deadWolf, input)
wolfhit (wx, wy, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, input)
wolfbottom (wx, wolfsize, wy, deadWolf, lifecount, oneshotperwolf, slot4)
slotwolf (slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, wolfsize)
%slotwolfattack (my, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, wslot1atk,wslot2atk,wslot3atk,wslot4atk)
lifebar (lifecount)
headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input, highscore, roundtwo, shs, wolveslefttonext)
if deadWolf = wolveslefttonext then % Ends Round One with 35 dead wolves
roundtwo := true
if roundtwo = true then
shs := shs + highscore
end if
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
end if
if lifecount = 0 then
shs := shs + highscore
end if
end loop %End Round One
end if
exit when lifecount = 0
headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input, highscore, roundtwo, shs, wolveslefttonext)
if roundtwo = true and lifecount >= 0 then
deadWolf := 0
wolveslefttonext := 10
countdowner (roundtwo, font2) %COUNTDOWN PWNAGE
rto := true
headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input, highscore, roundtwo, shs, wolveslefttonext)
mousewhere (mx, my, mb)
moveguy (my)
shootarrow (my, mb, arrowx, arrowy, arrowShotFlag, deadWolf, currentWolfCount, input)
wolfup (wx, wy, mis, wolfupflag, oneshotperwolf, deadWolf, currentWolfCount, wolfsize, my, input, bulletshotflag, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety)
wolftop (wx, wolfsize, wy, deadWolf, lifecount, oneshotperwolf, wolfupflag)
collisionDetection (wx, wy, arrowx, arrowy, arrowShotFlag, deadWolf, input)
wolfshoot (wx, wy, my, input, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, wolfupflag, bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf)
projcoll (my, wolfbulletx, wolfbullety, lifecount, bulletshotflag, oneshotperwolf)
lifebar (lifecount)
if deadWolf >= wolveslefttonext then % Ends Round One with 70 dead wolves
shs := shs + highscore
roundtwo := false
end if
if lifecount = 0 then
shs := shs + highscore
roundtwo := false
end if
end loop % END ROUND TWO
end if
if roundtwo = false and highscore >= 0 then
end if
exit when lifecount = 0
headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input, highscore, roundtwo, shs, wolveslefttonext)
end loop
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
headsup (deadWolf, lifecount, input, highscore, roundtwo, shs, wolveslefttonext)
endgame (lifecount, playagain, roundtwo)
if playagain = false then
roundtwo := false
elsif playagain = true then
wolveslefttonext := 0
roundtwo := false
rto := false
shs := 0
deadWolf := 0
lifecount := 10
slot1 := false
slot2 := false
slot3 := false
slot4 := false
end if
end loop
scores (input, highscore, lifecount, rto, shs)
wolveslefttonext := 0
deadWolf := 0
lifecount := 10
shs := 0
roundtwo := false
slot1 := false
slot2 := false
slot3 := false
slot4 := false
rto := false
end loop
%Collision takes too long
%Delay while loading a wolf stops program
%Randomizing Slot wolves attacks
%Wolf Attacks using parabolas