turing (tic tac toe)
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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:11 am Post subject: turing (tic tac toe) |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
for the program to chose a winner in the tic tac toe game
What is the problem you are having?
i dont know how to command the prgramer to show a winner
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
i have tried adding up the answers for it to equal a certain total
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics:max;max")
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 3)
%All of the variables in the program
var HomePage : int := Pic.FileNew ("tictactoe.jpg")
var CenterX : int := round (maxx / 2) - round (Pic.Width (HomePage ) / 2)
var CenterY : int := round (maxy / 2) - round (Pic.Height (HomePage ) / 2)
var UserInp : char
var reply : string
var answer : string
var choice : string
var xpic : int := Pic.FileNew ("xpic.bmp")
var xpic2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("2xpic.bmp")
var xpic3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("3xpic.bmp")
var xpic4 : int := Pic.FileNew ("4xpic.bmp")
var xpic5 : int := Pic.FileNew ("5xpic.bmp")
var xpic6 : int := Pic.FileNew ("6xpic.bmp")
var xpic7 : int := Pic.FileNew ("7xpic.bmp")
var xpic8 : int := Pic.FileNew ("8xpic.bmp")
var xpic9 : int := Pic.FileNew ("9xpic.bmp")
var opic : int := Pic.FileNew ("opic.jpg")
var opic2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("2opic.jpg")
var opic3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("3opic.jpg")
var opic4 : int := Pic.FileNew ("4opic.jpg")
var opic5 : int := Pic.FileNew ("5opic.jpg")
var opic6 : int := Pic.FileNew ("6opic.jpg")
var opic7 : int := Pic.FileNew ("7opic.jpg")
var opic8 : int := Pic.FileNew ("8opic.jpg")
var opic9 : int := Pic.FileNew ("9opic.jpg")
var turn1 : int
var turn2 : int
var turn3 : int
var turn4 : int
var turn5 : int
var oturn : int
var oturn1 : int
var oturn2 : int
var oturn3 : int
var oturn4 : int
var face : int := Pic.FileNew ("happyface.jpg")
var finished : int := 45
var intfont : int
process playstuff
Music.PlayFile ("song.mp3")
end loop
end playstuff
fork playstuff
%Home page
Pic.Draw (HomePage, CenterX, CenterY, 0)
delay (5000)
%ASking the player if the want to play
intfont:= Font.New ("TimesNewRoman:15")
Font.Draw ("Would you like to play the game, yes or no? This is a two player game so please bring a friend", 2, 900,intfont, green)
get reply
if reply = "no" then
put "Too bad... your missing out on a great game"
end if
if reply = "yes" then
put "Welcome to the best TIC TAC TOE game ever!!"
%Asking the player if they would like to see the instrcutions
put "Would you like to read the instructions? yes or no"
get answer
if answer = "no" then
put "Begin to play"
delay (500)
elsif answer = "yes" then
intfont := Font.New ("TimesNewRoman:15")
Font.Draw ("To play this game you must use your number pad to access the playing field.", 5, 430,intfont, green)
Font.Draw ("The number '7' would allow you to access the top left part of the the table", 5, 400,intfont, green)
Font.Draw ("and the rest of the numbers would allow you to access the part of the graph", 5, 370,intfont, green)
Font.Draw ("in which they are located.", 5, 340,intfont, green)
Font.Draw ("Are you now ready to play? yes or no", 5, 310,intfont, green)
get choice
if choice = "yes" then
put "Wonderful!!"
elsif choice = "no" then
put "too bad the game is about to start"
end if
end if
end if
%Actual screen that the player plays on
if reply = "yes" then
drawbox (100, 100, 200, 200, 1) % bottom-left
drawbox (200, 100, 300, 200, 1) % bottom-centre
drawbox (300, 100, 400, 200, 1) % bottom-right
drawbox (100, 200, 200, 300, 1) % mid-left
drawbox (200, 200, 300, 300, 1) % mid-centre
drawbox (300, 200, 400, 300, 1) % mid-right
drawbox (100, 300, 200, 400, 1) % top-left
drawbox (200, 300, 300, 400, 1) % top-centre
drawbox (300, 300, 400, 400, 1) % top-right
%x's turn
put "X's turn,choose location" %Tells the X user to input their answer
get turn1
if turn1 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 130, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 229, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 323, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 130, 224, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 232, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 327, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 130, 326, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 231, 330, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn1 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (xpic, 329, 327, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
end if
%Cirlces turn
put "circle's turn,choose location" %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
get oturn
if oturn = 1 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 130, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 2 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 229, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 3 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 323, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 4 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 130, 224, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 5 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 232, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 6 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 327, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 7 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 130, 326, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 8 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 231, 330, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn = 9 then
Pic.Draw (opic, 329, 327, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
end if
%X's turn
put "X's turn" %Tells the X user to input their answer
get turn2
if turn2 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 130, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 229, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 323, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 130, 224, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 232, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 327, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 130, 326, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 231, 330, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn2 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (xpic2, 329, 327, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
end if
% Cirlce's turn
put "cirlce's turn" %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
get oturn2
if oturn2 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 130, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 229, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 323, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 130, 224, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 232, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 327, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 130, 326, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 231, 330, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn2 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (opic2, 329, 327, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
end if
% X's turn
put "X's turn" %Tells the X user to input their answer
get turn3
if turn3 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 130, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 229, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 323, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 130, 224, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 232, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 327, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 130, 326, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 231, 330, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn3 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (xpic3, 329, 327, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
end if
% Circle's turn
put "cirlce's turn" %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
get oturn3
if oturn3 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 130, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 229, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 323, 134, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 130, 224, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 232, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 327, 232, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 130, 326, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 231, 330, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
elsif oturn3 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (opic3, 329, 327, 0) %Shows the CIRCLE in the certain location
end if
% X's turn
put "X's turn" %Tells the X user to input their answer
get turn4
if turn4 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 130, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 229, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 323, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 130, 224, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 232, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 327, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 130, 326, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 231, 330, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn4 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (xpic4, 329, 327, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
end if
% Circle's turn
put "cirlce's turn" %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
get oturn4
if oturn4 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 130, 134, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 229, 134, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 323, 134, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 130, 224, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 232, 232, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 327, 232, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 130, 326, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 231, 330, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
elsif oturn4 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (opic4, 329, 327, 0) %Tells the CIRCLE user to input their answer
end if
%X's turn
put "X's turn" %Tells the X user to input their answer
get turn5
if turn5 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 130, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 229, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 323, 134, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 130, 224, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 232, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 327, 232, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 130, 326, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 231, 330, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
elsif turn5 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (xpic5, 329, 327, 0) %Shows X in the certian location
end if
delay (500)
%End Page
intfont := Font.New ("TimesNewRoman:22")
Font.Draw ("Thank you for playing our game, please come again!", 10, 10, intfont, green)
Pic.Draw (face, 581, 364, 0)
delay (5000)
exit when turn1 + turn2 + turn3 + turn4 + turn5 + oturn + oturn1 + oturn2 + oturn3 + oturn4 = 45
end loop
end if
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.1.1 |
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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:01 pm Post subject: RE:turing (tic tac toe) |
Banana, you posted this same post 4 times in different forums... Don't spam the same help topic, it won't get you help any faster and may even turn people off from helping you. Moreover, it helps if you use proper English in your posts... it's obvious you are capable of this, since your code contains decent English, so put in the effort when asking for help.
In the future, use more descriptive topic titles ("turing" means nothing in the Turing Help forum) and describe your problem in more detail.
What code have you tried already to detect the winner? Hint: You're going to have to keep track of the state of each of the squares on the tic-tac-toe board, and look for three in a row. There are only 8 (each row + each column + each diagonal) x 2 (Os, Xs) possibilities for a winning board that you have to check for. |
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:42 pm Post subject: Re: turing (tic tac toe) |
Try using a procedure and use if statements.
And by the way, I found a spelling error in "Shows X in CERTIAN position" |
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:34 am Post subject: RE:turing (tic tac toe) |
Quote: Try using a procedure and use if statements.
This is like a hockey coach saying "Try using your skates and your stick". It really doesn't help at all. |