Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:49 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
I guess you should just read over the commands you don't use often (I rarely use getch, and likely would forget the exact syntax for the command). If there's going to be any computer history or hardware stuff on it (will be on mine) look over those notes. Don't trust me on this though, I don't remember the last time I studied for anything.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:07 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
Ask your teacher what they are putting on the exam. Im 100% sure they will tell you whats on it.
If not, review what you ahve done in the program...That is what they will test you on.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:51 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
It also depends on the format. If it's all done on the computer, then you can count on help files and should focus and studying what you've learned (for example - how to loop, or sorting, etc).
If there's a written portion, make sure you know the commands, especially if you'll need to write a small program in pencil. Most multiple choice and true/false are specific to commands, while in my experience pencil programs don't involve a lot of special commands but rather an undertstanding of control structure and langauge syntax, as well as basic logic understanding.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:21 pm Post subject: Re: Studying for a turing exam?
well, for the last two years, i have competed in the CCC, or Canadian Computing Competition, and, although this my not work for you, this is what i do every year, and it seems to do a pretty good job.
- First, compile a list of all of the commands in truing that you have been taught and are likely to encounter on the exam
- Think of some possible programs that would use ALL of the commands you have compiled, as this is likely how your teacher writes the questions
- Write the programs. Not necessarily all of them, but enough so that you feel that you are comfortable with the use of each of the commands
Good Luck on your exam
Reality Check
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:54 pm Post subject: Re: Studying for a turing exam?
This is a such a shady area for me. There are certain things that you MUST study for and memorize like Biology. However, CS and Math is different. I know many people that study and study and memorize question after question and get a good mark on the exams and tests. Their marks might even be amongst the highest in the class but if given a math aptitude test, they'd fail miserably compared to someone that understands the concepts.
But then your question depends on the type of exam. If it's a written exam on paper then make sure you know what's going to be on the exam so you can look over some syntax. If it's on computer, then I personally believe there isn't much you can do. Just hope you understand the concepts and your logic skills are strong because the syntax is there for you in a help file. I personally never study for any programming exams or test. If our teacher gave us an outline I'd just look over it in my head the night before to make sure I know everything. Everything after that such as the teacher asking for output, fixing errors, or completing a given problem falls under how well I understand basic concepts and the strength of my logic.
The best thing you can do for CS is practice. Do problems in your own time and make sure you get used to solving them. Teachers usually use similar questions or at least similar concepts so doing practice problems throughout the year is more beneficial then whipping out the books the night before and memorizing syntax.
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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:08 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
Just hope you understand the concepts and your logic skills are strong because the syntax is there for you in a help file.
Do not hope you understand the concepts and you have strong logic skills. Those skills and that understanding has to be built up the same as knowing syntax, just in a different way. There are two things that are going to help you understand the concepts better:
1) Know WHY the work, HOW they work, WHEN they're good to use, etc
2) Know HOW to implement them. You could be taught a bubble sort using integers in class and then be told to sort strings on a test. I get these in college, and (surprise!) all the guys in the class that loaded up their jump drives with examples get pissed because they "weren't taught that". Some of the smart(er) ones try to just change all 'int' to 'String', and then flip out when they get a wonky results (Java, and if you know Java you know why string1 == string2 is a bad equality check).
That being said, working both those methods will work a tremendous amount better if used together.
Reality Check
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:54 am Post subject: Re: Studying for a turing exam?
I guess hope was the wrong word to use on my part. I meant "ensure".
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:07 am Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
That fits the bill better.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:16 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
You could do what I do and just know you're awesome enough to pass the exam without studying.
This, however, is not recommended; for anyone.
Except me, of course.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:32 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
I've done that for most of my compsci education.
Hopefully that changes this year (optional "advanced" third year)
Reality Check
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:56 pm Post subject: Re: Studying for a turing exam?
You could do what I do and just know you're awesome enough to pass the exam without studying.
This, however, is not recommended; for anyone.
Except me, of course.
Arrogant much? But yea I've gone through high school this way for CS. I do all of my learning on my own time and I usually sleep in class. I don't study for any exams or tests since whatever we tests we write are stuff I learned a long time ago. It also helps that my school sucks for programming in general and we're pretty slow on a lot of subjects. This is why I think there needs to be a ministry set curriculum for CS so everyone gets the same education in high school.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:12 pm Post subject: RE:Studying for a turing exam?
I have a few friends that do that. Makes me laugh when they're a bit too arrogant and don't get something that I do get (in something other than CS of course.).