Buttons for Dummies!
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Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:50 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Does anyone know if there is tutorial on GUI.CreateRadioButtons or is this the only tutorial for anything involving GUI? |
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Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 3:19 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
i just started programmering and turing i don't know what this error means it is. The error is it is unable to pen file GUI. Why isn't it working i followed all the instructions |

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:24 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Clayton @ Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:39 am wrote: i would like to add a bit to this if you want your buttons to be disabled you would do this
code: |
proc disableButton
GUI.Disable (buttonName)
end disableButton
this stops the button from working, also if you are drawing boxes and such on the screen and you dont want your buttons to disappear then use the GUI.Refresh command as such
code: |
proc refreshButton
end refreshButton
this basically redraws your buttons on top of the screen again in the middle of your program without actually creating it
hope this helps
So if I want to have multiple buttons throughout my program (and not have them reappearing in sections I don't want them in), I would just use these commands or is there more?
Btw nice tutorial on GUI, helped me a lot with making buttons, I just need to figure out how to remove them when I don't need em  |
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:50 pm Post subject: Re: Buttons for Dummies! |
hi can u tell me how to make the program go to a next question?
for example i put What is Ice cream made out of and there is 2 buttons i can click
how can i make it so that if i click any of the 2 buttons i go the to the next question for example the next question is What is Fries made out of
so like this
What is ice cream made out of?
button 1
button 2
so if someone clicks one of the buttons it clears the page and goes to
What is Fries Made out of?
button 1
button 2
etc etc
and please reply as soon as possible i need to use this for my project |
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:19 am Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
Can the loop go ANYWHERE in the code? |
Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:24 am Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
Also, how would I make it so it displays the button at a certain point in the code?
Turing: |
import GUI
var button1 : int := GUI.CreateButton (25, 25, 0, "Button 1", test1 )
procedure test1
put button1
end test1
put button1
Doesn't work, even if I put "var button1..." after "procedure test1...."
How would i make this work? |
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:05 pm Post subject: Re: Buttons for Dummies! |
Omg, this helped alot, thank you sooo much  |
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:46 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
Thank you soooooooo much |
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Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:45 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
but it doesnt work when you change the colour of the boutton |
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:11 am Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
how WOULD you change the color of the button? |
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:33 am Post subject: Re: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
qmanjr5 @ Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:11 am wrote: how WOULD you change the color of the button?
with the gui_setcolor command, which appears to work fine for me. |
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:27 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
Great tuti, I understand the button GUI commands pretty well now, Is there a way besides GUI.setsize to change the height of the button? |
Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:53 pm Post subject: Re: Buttons for Dummies! |
can someone check my code and tell me whats wrong. Its suppose to be a rock, paper, scissors game.
import GUI
var choice : char
var bet : int
var winning : int
var money : int
var answer : char
put "What difficulty do you want to play? Hard(H), Medium(M), or Easy(E)? " ..
procedure easy
put "You chose Easy!"
answer := "e"
end easy
procedure medium
put "You chose Medium!"
answer := "m"
end medium
procedure hard
put "You chose Hard!"
answer := "h"
end hard
var button1:int:=GUI.CreateButton(50,50,0,"Easy",easy)
var button2:int:=GUI.CreateButton(150,50,0,"Medium",medium)
var button3:int:=GUI.CreateButton(250,50,0,"Hard",hard)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
if answer = "E" or answer = "e" or answer = "easy" or answer = "Easy" or answer = "EASY" then
money := 1000
elsif answer = "M" or answer = "m" or answer = "medium" or answer = "Medium" or answer = "MEDIUM" then
money := 750
elsif answer = "H" or answer = "h" or answer = "hard" or answer = "Hard" or answer = "HARD" then
money := 500
end if
var random := Rand. Int (1, 3)
put "You have " ..
put money ..
put " dollars left to bet."
put "How much money do you want to bet? " ..
get bet
if bet > money then
put "You have been caught trying to cheat!"
put "Remember kids the T-rex ate the Unicorn."
put "Listen carefully."
for count : 1..3
sound (440, 500)
sound (400, 500)
sound (500, 500)
sound (360, 500)
end for
sound (440, 600)
end if
put " "
put "Rock(r), Paper(p) or Scissors(s)?(Push e to exit the game) " ..
get choice
if choice = "r" and random = 1 then
put "Computer chose Rock. "
put "You chose Rock."
put "Its a tie."
elsif choice = "p" and random = 2 then
put "Computer chose Paper. "
put "You chose Paper."
put "Its a tie."
elsif choice = "s" and random = 3 then
put "Computer chose Scissors. "
put "You chose Scissors."
put "Its a tie."
elsif choice = "r" and random = 3 then
put "Computer chose Scissors. "
put "You chose Rock."
put "You won."
money := bet + money
elsif choice = "p" and random = 1 then
put "Computer chose Rock. "
put "You chose Paper."
put "You won."
money := bet + money
elsif choice = "s" and random = 2 then
put "Computer chose Paper. "
put "You chose Scissors."
put "You won."
money := bet + money
elsif choice = "s" and random = 1 then
put "Computer chose Rock. "
put "You chose Scissors."
put "You lose."
money := money - bet
elsif choice = "p" and random = 3 then
put "Computer chose Scissors. "
put "You chose Paper."
put "You lose."
money := money - bet
elsif choice = "r" and random = 2 then
put "Computer chose Paper. "
put "You chose Rock."
put "You lose."
money := money - bet
end if
put " "
if money < 1 then
put "You lose."
put "Remember kids the T-rex ate the Unicorn."
put "Listen carefully."
for count : 1..3
sound (440, 500)
sound (400, 500)
sound (500, 500)
sound (360, 500)
end for
sound (440, 600)
end if
if money > 4999 then
put "You win!"
put "Remember kids the T-rex ate the Unicorn."
put "Listen carefully."
for count : 1..3
sound (440, 500)
sound (400, 500)
sound (500, 500)
sound (360, 500)
end for
sound (440, 600)
end if
if choice = "e" or choice = "E" or choice = "exit" or choice = "Exit" or choice = "EXIT" or choice = "quit" or choice = "Quit" or choice = "QUIT" then
put "You have quit."
put "Remember kids the T-rex ate the Unicorn."
put "Listen carefully."
for count : 1..3
sound (440, 500)
sound (400, 500)
sound (500, 500)
sound (360, 500)
end for
sound (440, 600)
end if
end loop |

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:26 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
Um, why isn't this in a seperate topic? |

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:15 am Post subject: RE:Buttons for Dummies! |
@ jacobjacobb
you will get much more attention for your program if you post it in a separate topic, which from the start of your post, should probably be in the Help section |