%Title: Alien Warfare
%Programmers: Andrew Stewart and Matt Redmond
%Graphic Artists : Andrew Stewart and Matt Redmond
%Concept Desginers: Andrew Stewart
%Copyright: May 22, 2003
var x : int := 100
var y : int := 410
var x2 : int := 100
var y2 : int := 70
var jet1nofire : int
var jet2nofire : int
var skipintro : string
var Clouds : int
var Clouds2 : int
var Clouds3 : int
var Clouds4 : int
var Clouds5 : int
var Clouds6 : int
var Clouds7 : int
var Clouds8 : int
var GOBG : int
var GOBG2 : int
var GOBG3 : int
var earth : int
var colourhealth1 : int
var colourhealth2 : int
var comicsansms : int
comicsansms := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:33")
var comicsansms2 : int
comicsansms2 := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:20")
var copperplategothicbold : int
copperplategothicbold := Font.New ("Copperplate Gothic Bold:33")
var gamewon : boolean := false
var enemiescountermabob : int := 0
var gun1fire : boolean := false
var gun2fire : boolean := false
var jetalive1 : boolean := true
var jetalive2 : boolean := true
var gamestart : boolean := false
var gameoverfinal : boolean := false
var lastexplosion1 : boolean := false
var lastexplosion2 : boolean := false
var skywidth, skyheight : int := 0
var skywidth2, skyheight2 : int := 0
var skywidth3, skyheight3 : int := 0
var skywidth4, skyheight4 : int := 0
var skyx, skyy : int := 0
var skyxedge : int := 640
var skyyedge : int := 480
var skyxedge2 : int := 1280
var skyxedge3 : int := 1920
var mshipcrystal : int
var earthhole : int
%Drawing the pictures
mshipcrystal := Pic.FileNew ("mothershipcrystal.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (mshipcrystal, white)
Clouds := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds2 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds2 := Pic.Mirror (Clouds2)
Clouds3 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds3 := Pic.Flip (Clouds3)
Clouds4 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds4 := Pic.Flip (Clouds4)
Clouds4 := Pic.Mirror (Clouds4)
Clouds5 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds5 := Pic.Flip (Clouds5)
Clouds6 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds7 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds7 := Pic.Mirror (Clouds7)
Clouds8 := Pic.FileNew ("Clouds.jpg")
Clouds8 := Pic.Flip (Clouds8)
Clouds8 := Pic.Mirror (Clouds8)
earth := Pic.FileNew ("earth2.jpg")
jet1nofire := Pic.FileNew ("jet1nofire.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (jet1nofire, white)
jet2nofire := Pic.FileNew ("jet2nofire.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (jet2nofire, white)
GOBG := Pic.FileNew ("aliens.jpg")
GOBG2 := Pic.FileNew ("aliens.jpg")
GOBG2 := Pic.Mirror (GOBG2)
GOBG3 := Pic.FileNew ("aliens.jpg")
earthhole := Pic.FileNew ("earthhole.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (earthhole, white)
var gameoverquestionmark : boolean := false
var jethealth1 : int := 100
var jethealth2 : int := 100
var playagain : string
var score1 : int := 0
var score2 : int := 0
var bullets : int
var bullets2 : int
var lives1 : int := 3
var lives2 : int := 3
var enemyhigh : int := 9
var enemylow : int := 1
%Declaring the enemy pictures
var enemies : array 1 .. 100 of int
for d : 1 .. 25
enemies (d) := Pic.FileNew ("ufoshocker.bmp")
end for
for f : 26 .. 50
enemies (f) := Pic.FileNew ("ufolightfighter.bmp")
end for
for g : 51 .. 75
enemies (g) := Pic.FileNew ("ufoheavyfighter.bmp")
end for
for h : 76 .. 100
enemies (h) := Pic.FileNew ("ufobomber.bmp")
end for
const jetradius : int := 20
var enemyx : array 1 .. 100 of int
for cv : 1 .. 100
enemyx (cv) := 800
end for
var enemyy : array 1 .. 100 of int
for rv : 1 .. 92 by 9
enemyy (rv) := 10
end for
for ev : 2 .. 93 by 9
enemyy (ev) := 60
end for
for wv : 3 .. 94 by 9
enemyy (wv) := 110
end for
for tv : 4 .. 95 by 9
enemyy (tv) := 160
end for
for iv : 5 .. 96 by 9
enemyy (iv) := 210
end for
for iv : 6 .. 97 by 9
enemyy (iv) := 260
end for
for iv : 7 .. 98 by 9
enemyy (iv) := 310
end for
for iv : 8 .. 99 by 9
enemyy (iv) := 360
end for
for iv : 9 .. 100 by 9
enemyy (iv) := 410
end for
var e1 : int
var e2 : int
var e3 : int
var e4 : int
var e5 : int
var e6 : int
var e7 : int
var e8 : int
var e9 : int
var e10 : int
var e11 : int
var e12 : int
e1 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion1.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e1, black)
e2 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion2.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e2, black)
e3 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion3.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e3, black)
e4 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion4.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e4, black)
e5 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion5.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e5, black)
e6 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion6.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e6, black)
e7 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion7.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e7, black)
e8 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion8.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e8, black)
e9 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion9.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e9, black)
e10 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion10.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e10, black)
e11 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion11.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e11, black)
e12 := Pic.FileNew ("explosion12.bmp")
Pic.SetTransparentColour (e12, black)
var keys : array char of boolean
skywidth := Pic.Width (Clouds)
skyheight := Pic.Height (Clouds)
skywidth2 := Pic.Width (Clouds2)
skyheight2 := Pic.Height (Clouds2)
skywidth3 := Pic.Width (Clouds3)
skyheight3 := Pic.Height (Clouds3)
skywidth4 := Pic.Width (Clouds4)
skyheight4 := Pic.Height (Clouds4)
var totalenemies : int := 0
var lastattack : int := 0
var enemieskilled : int := 1
const enemycounter : int := 4
const timebetweenattacks : int := 5
setscreen ("graphics:max;max,offscreenonly,nocursor,nobuttonbar")
var timeelapsed : int := Time.Elapsed
%Explosion Sounds
process explosionsound1
exit when jetalive1 = true
exit when lastexplosion1 = true
Music.PlayFile ("explosio.wav")
end loop
end explosionsound1
process explosionsound2
exit when jetalive2 = true
exit when lastexplosion2 = true
Music.PlayFile ("explosio.wav")
end loop
end explosionsound2
process explosion1
Pic.Draw (e1, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e2, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e3, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e4, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e5, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e6, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e7, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e8, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e9, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e10, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e11, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e12, x - 25, y - 6, picMerge)
delay (100)
end explosion1
process explosion2
Pic.Draw (e1, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e2, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e3, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e4, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e5, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e6, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e7, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e8, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e9, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e10, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e11, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
Pic.Draw (e12, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
delay (100)
end explosion2
% The Background
procedure drawscreen
skyx := skyx - 20
skyxedge := skyxedge - 20
skyxedge2 := skyxedge2 - 20
skyxedge3 := skyxedge3 - 20
if skyx < -640 then
skyx := 1900
end if
if skyxedge < -640 then
skyxedge := 1900
end if
if skyxedge2 < -640 then
skyxedge2 := 1900
end if
if skyxedge3 < -640 then
skyxedge3 := 1900
end if
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
Pic.Draw (Clouds, skyx, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds2, skyxedge, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds3, skyx, skyyedge, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds4, skyxedge, skyyedge, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds5, skyxedge2, skyyedge, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds6, skyxedge2, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds7, skyxedge3, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds8, skyxedge3, skyyedge, picCopy)
locate (1, 1)
if jethealth1 > 50 then
colourhealth1 := 10
elsif jethealth1 > 20 then
colourhealth1 := 14
colourhealth1 := 12
end if
if jethealth2 > 50 then
colourhealth2 := 10
elsif jethealth2 > 20 then
colourhealth2 := 14
colourhealth2 := 12
end if
put "Player 1:", "" : 2, "Health: " : 20 ..
put "" : 6, "Lives: ", lives1, " Score: ", score1
put "Player 2:", "" : 2, "Health: " : 20 ..
put "" : 6, "Lives: ", lives2, " Score: ", score2
drawfillbox (145, 520, 145 + jethealth1, 529, colourhealth1) %NOTE: The health bars might not
drawfillbox (145, 503, 145 + jethealth2, 512, colourhealth2) %be in the exactly right position
drawbox (145, 520, 145 + jethealth1, 529, 7) %due to monitor size differences.
drawbox (145, 503, 145 + jethealth2, 512, 7)
if jetalive1 = true then
Pic.Draw (jet1nofire, x, y, picMerge)
elsif jetalive1 = false and lastexplosion1 = false and gameoverfinal = false then
fork explosion1
fork explosionsound1
end if
if jetalive2 = true then
Pic.Draw (jet2nofire, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
elsif jetalive2 = false and lastexplosion2 = false and gameoverfinal = false then
fork explosion2
fork explosionsound2
end if
end drawscreen
%Making the enemies go across the screen THE ENEMY PROCESS
process enemyprocess
delay (2000)
for r : 1 .. 150
exit when enemyhigh >= 100
delay (5)
for h : enemylow .. enemyhigh
Pic.Draw (enemies (h), enemyx (h), enemyy (h), picMerge)
enemyx (h) := enemyx (h) - 5
if enemyx (h) = -56 then
score1 := score1 - 50
score2 := score2 - 50
end if
end for
end for
enemylow := enemylow + 9
enemyhigh := enemyhigh + 9
lastattack := timeelapsed
exit when enemyhigh >= 100
end loop
end enemyprocess
procedure drawscreen2
colourback (0)
colour (7)
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
Pic.Draw (Clouds, skyx, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds2, skyxedge, skyy, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds3, skyx, skyyedge, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (Clouds4, skyxedge, skyyedge, picCopy)
locate (1, 1)
if jethealth1 > 50 then
colourhealth1 := 10
elsif jethealth1 > 20 then
colourhealth1 := 14
colourhealth1 := 12
end if
if jethealth2 > 50 then
colourhealth2 := 10
elsif jethealth2 > 20 then
colourhealth2 := 14
colourhealth2 := 12
end if
put "Player 1:", "" : 2, "Health: " : 20 ..
put "" : 6, "Lives: ", lives1, " Score: ", score1
put "Player 2:", "" : 2, "Health: " : 20 ..
put "" : 6, "Lives: ", lives2, " Score: ", score2
drawfillbox (145, 520, 145 + jethealth1, 529, colourhealth1) %NOTE: The health bars might not
drawfillbox (145, 503, 145 + jethealth2, 512, colourhealth2) %be in the exactly right position
drawbox (145, 520, 145 + jethealth1, 529, 7) %due to monitor size differences.
drawbox (145, 503, 145 + jethealth2, 512, 7)
if jetalive1 = true then
Pic.Draw (jet1nofire, x, y, picMerge)
end if
if jetalive2 = true then
Pic.Draw (jet2nofire, x2 - 35, y2 - 10, picMerge)
end if
end drawscreen2
process opbgmusic
exit when gamestart
Music.PlayFile ("sephroth.mid")
end loop
end opbgmusic
process gobgmusic
exit when gameoverfinal = not true
Music.PlayFile ("2-15 Conitnue Xg.mid")
end loop
end gobgmusic
process bgmusic
var randmusic : int
randint (randmusic, 1, 3)
if randmusic = 1 and gameoverquestionmark = false then
exit when gameoverquestionmark = true
Music.PlayFile ("2-14 J-E-N-O-V-A Xg.mid")
end loop
elsif randmusic = 2 and gameoverquestionmark = false then
exit when gameoverquestionmark = true
Music.PlayFile ("1-10 Fighting Xg.mid")
end loop
elsif randmusic = 3 and gameoverquestionmark = false then
exit when gameoverquestionmark = true
Music.PlayFile ("1-20 Still More Fighitng Xg.mid")
end loop
end if
end bgmusic
process mgun1sound
exit when gun1fire = false
Music.PlayFile ("mgun.wav")
end loop
end mgun1sound
process mgun2sound
exit when gun2fire = false
Music.PlayFile ("mgun.wav")
end loop
end mgun2sound
process mgun1
randint (bullets, 1, 5)
for shot : 1 .. 15
drawline (x + 22 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 22, x + 24 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 22, 12)
drawline (x + 22 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 39, x + 24 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 39, 12)
drawline (x + 20 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 22, x + 23 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 22, 15)
drawline (x + 20 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 39, x + 23 + shot * 20 + bullets, y + 39, 15)
delay (1)
end for
end mgun1
process mgun2
randint (bullets2, 1, 5)
for shot2 : 1 .. 15
drawline (x2 + 22 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 23, x2 + 24 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 23, 12)
drawline (x2 + 22 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 41, x2 + 24 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 41, 12)
drawline (x2 + 20 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 23, x2 + 23 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 23, 15)
drawline (x2 + 20 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 41, x2 + 23 + shot2 * 20 + bullets2, y2 + 41, 15)
delay (5)
end for
end mgun2
process explosion4earth
Music.PlayFile ("explosio.wav")
end explosion4earth
%Opening Screen
procedure opening
colour (brightgreen)
colourback (7)
put "Skip intro?"
put "y/n"
get skipintro
if skipintro = "n" then
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Alien Warfare", 250, 300, comicsansms, 12)
delay (3000)
for t : 1 .. 200 by 5
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
drawfillarc (393, -200 + t, 450, 150, 0, 360, 6)
drawarc (393, -200 + t, 450, 150, 0, 360, 7)
Pic.Draw (mshipcrystal, 355, -200 + t, picMerge)
drawfillbox (355, -100, 435, -51 + t, 6)
drawline (355, -51 + t, 435, -51 + t, 7)
drawline (355, -200 + t, 355, -52 + t, 7)
drawline (435, -200 + t, 435, -52 + t, 7)
end for
delay (1000)
for q : 1 .. 149
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
drawfillarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 6)
drawfillbox (356, 0, 434, 148, 7)
drawarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 7)
Pic.Draw (mshipcrystal, 355, 0, picMerge)
drawfillbox (355, 0, 435, 149 - q, 6)
drawline (355, 149 - q, 435, 149 - q, 7)
drawline (355, 0, 355, 148, 7)
drawline (435, 0, 435, 148, 7)
end for
delay (2000)
for w : 1 .. 150 by 20
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
drawfillarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 6)
drawfillbox (356, 0, 434, 148, 7)
drawarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 7)
Pic.Draw (mshipcrystal, 355, 0, picMerge)
drawfillbox (355, 0, 435, 0, 6)
drawline (355, 0, 435, 0, 7)
drawline (355, 0, 355, 148, 7)
drawline (435, 0, 435, 148, 7)
drawfillbox (393, 130, 395, 131 + w, 12)
end for
for m : 1 .. 100 by 20
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
drawfillarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 6)
drawfillbox (356, 0, 434, 148, 7)
drawarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 7)
Pic.Draw (mshipcrystal, 355, 0, picMerge)
drawfillbox (355, 0, 435, 0, 6)
drawline (355, 0, 435, 0, 7)
drawline (355, 0, 355, 148, 7)
drawline (435, 0, 435, 148, 7)
drawfillbox (393, 130 + m, 395, 281 + m, 12)
end for
fork explosion4earth
for n : 1 .. 160 by 20
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (earthhole, 380, 380, picMerge)
drawfillarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 6)
drawfillbox (356, 0, 434, 148, 7)
drawarc (393, 0, 450, 150, 0, 360, 7)
Pic.Draw (mshipcrystal, 355, 0, picMerge)
drawfillbox (355, 0, 435, 0, 6)
drawline (355, 0, 435, 0, 7)
drawline (355, 0, 355, 148, 7)
drawline (435, 0, 435, 148, 7)
drawfillbox (393, 230 + n, 395, 381, 12)
end for
end if
end opening
%The Game
gamestart := true
Font.Draw ("Ready?", 200, 250, copperplategothicbold, 12)
delay (2000)
Font.Draw ("GO!", 250, 250, copperplategothicbold, 10)
delay (750)
colour (7)
colourback (0)
fork bgmusic
fork enemyprocess
if jethealth1 <= 0 and jetalive1 = true then
jetalive1 := false
fork explosion1
fork explosionsound1
if lives1 > 0 then
jethealth1 := 100
elsif lives1 = 0 then
lastexplosion1 := true
end if
if lives1 >= 1 and jetalive1 = false then
lives1 := lives1 - 1
jetalive1 := true
end if
end if
if jethealth2 <= 0 and jetalive2 = true then
jetalive2 := false
fork explosion2
fork explosionsound2
if lives2 > 0 then
jethealth2 := 100
elsif lives2 = 0 then
lastexplosion2 := true
end if
if lives2 >= 1 and jetalive2 = false then
lives2 := lives2 - 1
jetalive2 := true
end if
end if
if jetalive1 = false and jetalive2 = false and lives1 = 0 and lives2 = 0 then
gameoverquestionmark := true
end if
exit when jetalive1 = false and jetalive2 = false and lives1 = 0 and lives2 = 0
exit when gameoverquestionmark = true
exit when gamewon = true
%Player 1
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) and jetalive1 = true then
y := y + 10
delay (1)
end if
if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and jetalive1 = true then
y := y - 10
delay (1)
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and jetalive1 = true then
x := x + 15
delay (1)
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and jetalive1 = true then
x := x - 15
delay (1)
end if
if keys (KEY_CTRL) and jetalive1 = true then
gun1fire := true
fork mgun1
fork mgun1sound
gun1fire := false
end if
%Player 2
if keys ('w') and jetalive2 = true then
y2 := y2 + 10
delay (1)
end if
if keys ('s') and jetalive2 = true then
y2 := y2 - 10
delay (1)
end if
if keys ('d') and jetalive2 = true then
x2 := x2 + 15
delay (1)
end if
if keys ('a') and jetalive2 = true then
x2 := x2 - 15
delay (1)
end if
if keys ('f') and jetalive2 = true then
gun2fire := true
fork mgun2
fork mgun2sound
gun2fire := false
end if
if y > 438 then %Top Solidness for Player 1
y := 437
end if
if y < 0 then %Bottom Solidness for Player 1
y := 1
end if
if x < 0 then %Left Solidness for Player 1
x := 1
end if
if x > 600 then %Right Solidness for Player 1
x := 599
end if
if y2 > 438 then %Top Solidness for Player 2
y2 := 437
end if
if y2 < 0 then %Bottom Solidness for Player 2
y2 := 1
end if
if x2 < 0 then %Left Solidness for Player 2
x2 := 1
end if
if x2 > 600 then %Right Solidness for Player 2
x2 := 599
end if
end loop
exit when gameoverfinal = true
if gameoverquestionmark = true and gameoverfinal = false then
colourback (7)
fork gobgmusic
Pic.Draw (earth, 250, 250, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (GOBG, -20, -10, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (GOBG2, 300, -10, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (GOBG3, 620, -10, picCopy)
Font.Draw ("Game Over", 275, 300, comicsansms, 12)
Font.Draw ("Player 1:" + intstr (score1, 3), 10, 500, comicsansms2, 12)
Font.Draw ("Player 2:" + intstr (score2, 3), 10, 460, comicsansms2, 12)
delay (8000)
end if
delay (3000)
colour (brightgreen)
put "P"
delay (50)
locate (1, 2)
put "l"
delay (50)
locate (1, 3)
put "a"
delay (50)
locate (1, 4)
put "y"
delay (50)
locate (1, 6)
put "a"
delay (50)
locate (1, 7)
put "g"
delay (50)
locate (1, 8)
put "a"
delay (50)
locate (1, 9)
put "i"
delay (50)
locate (1, 10)
put "n"
delay (50)
locate (1, 11)
put "?"
delay (50)
locate (2, 1)
put "("
delay (50)
locate (2, 2)
put "y"
delay (50)
locate (2, 3)
put "/"
delay (50)
locate (2, 4)
put "n"
delay (50)
locate (2, 5)
put ")"
get playagain
if playagain = "N" or playagain = "n" then
gameoverfinal := true
end if
exit when gameoverfinal = true
if playagain = "Y" or playagain = "y" then
x := 100
y := 410
x2 := 100
y2 := 70
lives1 := 3
lives2 := 3
gamewon := false
gameoverquestionmark := false
jethealth1 := 100
jethealth2 := 100
jetalive1 := true
jetalive2 := true
end if
exit when gameoverfinal = true
end loop