Turing Help Manual wrote:
Syntax GUI.SetLabel (widgetID : int, text : string)
Description Changes the text of a widget specified by widgetID to text. This procedure can accept a button, check box, radio button, label, or a labelled frame widget as the widgetID parameter.
In most cases, if the text will not fit in the widget's current size, the widget will be resized to fit the text. If the widget was made larger to fit the text and then the text is changed, the widget will be resized as appropriate for the original width specified and the new text.
Turing Help Manual wrote:
Syntax GUI.Disable (widgetID : int)
Description Disables a widget specified by widgetID.
Used in conjunction with GUI.Enable to enable and disable widgets.
Disabled widgets generally are "grayed out" to visually depict their disabled status.
Disabled widgets do not respond to keystrokes or mouse clicks.