Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:02 pm Post subject: GUI program
I posted a while ago but nobody helped, maybe it was the way it was posted I dunno.
I am using a GUI for a database, basically I need help calling the procedures to the main program i.e when menu is selected it will perform whatever procedure is called.
Here is my module:
type MOV :
name : string
studio : string
leng : string
dat : string
actor : string
genre : string
rating : string
end record
var filename : string
function countrec : int
var num := 0
var stream : int
var movies : MOV
put "Please enter the name of the file you want to open"
get filename
open : stream, filename, get
get : stream, skip
exit when eof (stream)
get : stream, : *
get : stream, : *
get : stream, movies.leng : *
get : stream, movies.dat : *
get : stream, : *
get : stream, movies.genre : *
get : stream, movies.rating : *
num += 1
end loop
close : stream
result num
end countrec
proc readrecords (var movies : array 1 .. * of MOV, num : int)
var stream : int
open : stream, filename, get
for i : 1 .. num
get : stream, movies (i).name : *
get : stream, movies (i).studio : *
get : stream, movies (i).leng : *
get : stream, movies (i).dat : *
get : stream, movies (i).actor : *
get : stream, movies (i).genre : *
get : stream, movies (i).rating : *
end for
close : stream
end readrecords
var numrecords := countrec
proc view_records (movies : array 1 .. * of MOV, num : int)
put "Hollywod Movie Database"
put " "
put "Name" : 15, "Studio" : 25, "Length" : 10, "Date" : 7, "Actor" : 15, "Genre" : 15, "Rating"
for i : 1 .. num
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 7, movies (i).actor : 15, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
delay (800)
end for
delay (1050)
end view_records
proc sortrecords (t : string, var movies : array 1 .. * of MOV, num : int)
for i : 1 .. num - 1
for j : 1 .. num - 1
if t = "1" then
if movies (j).name > movies (j + 1).name then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "2" then
if movies (j).studio > movies (j + 1).studio then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "3" then
if movies (j).leng > movies (j + 1).leng then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "4" then
if movies (j).dat > movies (j + 1).dat then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "5" then
if movies (j).actor > movies (j + 1).actor then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "6" then
if movies (j).genre > movies (j + 1).genre then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
elsif t = "7" then
if movies (j).rating > movies (j + 1).rating then
var temp := movies (j)
movies (j) := movies (j + 1)
movies (j + 1) := temp
end if
end if
end for
end for
end sortrecords
proc search (var movies : array 1 .. * of MOV, num : int)
var choice : string
put ""
put "Input the name you want to find: " ..
get choice : *
put "Name" : 15, "Studio" : 25, "Length" : 10, "Date" : 7, "Actor" : 15, "Genre" : 15, "Rating"
for i : 1 .. num
if choice = movies (i).name then
put ">", movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 15, movies (i).actor : 7, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).studio then
put movies (i).name : 15, ">", movies (i).studio : 23, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 15, movies (i).actor : 7, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).leng then
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, ">", movies (i).leng : 8, movies (i).dat : 15, movies (i).actor : 7, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).dat then
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, ">", movies (i).dat : 13, movies (i).actor : 7, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).actor then
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 15, ">", movies (i).actor : 5, movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).genre then
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 15, movies (i).actor : 7, ">", movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
elsif choice = movies (i).rating then
put movies (i).name : 15, movies (i).studio : 25, movies (i).leng : 10, movies (i).dat : 15, movies (i).actor : 7, ">", movies (i).genre : 15, movies (i).rating
end if
end for
end search
% pre size < maxsize
% post size <= maxsize and movies (size).name = name1 and movies (size).studio = studio1 and
% movies (size).actor = actor1 and movies (size).genre = genre1 and movies (size).rating = rating1 and movies (size).dat = dat1 and movies (size).leng = leng1
%size += 1
%movies (size).name := name1
%movies (size).studio := studio1
%movies (size).actor := actor1
%movies (size).genre := genre1
%movies (size).rating := rating1
%movies (size).dat := dat1
%movies (size).leng := leng1
%end insert
And here is my main Program (the one that has the actual GUI)
% Main Program
import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
include "main.tu"
View.Set ("graphics:800;600")
var first, second, third, fourth, fifth : int % The menus.
var item : array 1 .. 24 of int % The menu items.
var name2 : array 1 .. 13 of string (25) :=
init ("Open", "View", "---", "Quit", "Add movie", "Delete movie", "By name...", "By studio...", "By length...", "By rating...", "Find...",
"About Simon", "About Salman")
procedure MenuSelected
if item (1) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %Open
delay (4000)
end if
if item (2) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %View Files
delay (1050)
end if
if item (4) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %Quit
put " "
put " "
put "Thank you for using our program."
end if
if item (5) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then % Add movie
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (6) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then % Delete Movie
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (7) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %By name...
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (8) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %By studio...
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (9) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %By length...
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (10) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %By rating....
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (11) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %Find...
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (12) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %About Simon
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
if item (13) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then %About Salman
put "hahah"
delay (4000)
end if
end MenuSelected
%Create the menus
first := GUI.CreateMenu ("File")
for cnt : 1 .. 4
item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name2 (cnt),
end for
second := GUI.CreateMenu ("Edit")
for cnt : 5 .. 6
item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name2 (cnt),
end for
third := GUI.CreateMenu ("Sort")
for cnt : 7 .. 10
item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name2 (cnt),
end for
fourth := GUI.CreateMenu ("Search")
for cnt : 11 .. 11
item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name2 (cnt),
end for
fifth := GUI.CreateMenu ("About")
for cnt : 12 .. 13
item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name2 (cnt),
end for
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
Sorry for the long post, I think it might help better if you can see the whole code. PLease help me with this. Thanks in advance.
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Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:45 pm Post subject: (No subject)
how can noone help with this?! please people!!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:57 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well maybe its because you just posted your whole code with saying "this dont work - fix it"
Seriosly though, if you want some feedback, you need to post a more specific problem. Line of code you have problem with, or what not...
GUI items perform procedure when activated.. its the part of their syntax, so I donno what you're having problems with there...
And dont really take this personally. Not many of us are coumfortable with GUI cuz we ether move on to a better language or just make our own since one in Turing sucks
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:11 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I had a post before, same problems precise, and only the code that I needed help with, nobody replied, so I don't think that's it.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:33 pm Post subject: (No subject)
the only reason i didn't look at it was that it was soooo long and i dont like reading other people's codes to understand them... =/
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 6:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yeah.. really man.. you're code is pretty long and i don't think anyone will sit down to read it all and then figure out your problem.. think about it.. would you sit down and read ALL that and figure out what\s the problem... Exactly... 8)
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'm on the same agree with Homer ... hate reading other people's code to try to find out what their program is suppose to do
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:16 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:27 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah, the gui is fine, except I don't know how to make it do a procedure or a function when it is selected. For example when the Open menu is selected it needs to do function countrec, and procedure readrecords.
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 5:45 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Thx a lot, but would you mind telling me what exactly you did in order to be able to call the function and the procedure when the menu is selected?? I want to be able to do it for the other ones too, but I can't seem to figure out what you did. Thanks again!