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Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 12:43 pm Post subject: help |
setscreen ("graphics:vga")
setscreen ("nocursor")
setscreen ("noecho")
var MidX : int := maxx div 2
var MidY : int := maxy div 2
const UpKey := "8"
const DownKey := "2"
const RightKey := "6"
const LeftKey := "4"
const HoleRadius := 6
const endkey := "1"
const pgdnkey := "3"
const pgupkey := "9"
const homekey := "7"
var keystroke : string (1)
put ""
put "Instructions:"
put ""
put "Use the numberpad on NumLock"
put "to move the pointer around"
put "Press 8 to move up"
put "Press 2 to move down"
put "Press 6 to move right"
put "Press 4 to move left"
put "To clear the screen press c"
put "To quit press q"
put ""
put "tip: if you want the cursor to start "
put "in a certain place move it to that "
put "place and then press c"
put ""
put ""
put ""
put "press any key"
getch (keystroke)
drawfilloval (MidX, MidY, HoleRadius, HoleRadius, 1)
getch (keystroke)
if keystroke = UpKey then
MidY := MidY + 2
elsif keystroke = DownKey then
MidY := MidY - 2
elsif keystroke = RightKey then
MidX := MidX + 2
elsif keystroke = LeftKey then
MidX := MidX - 2
elsif keystroke = endkey then
MidX := MidX - 2
MidY := MidY - 2
elsif keystroke = pgdnkey then
MidX := MidX + 2
MidY := MidY - 2
elsif keystroke = pgupkey then
MidX := MidX + 2
MidY := MidY + 2
elsif keystroke = homekey then
MidX := MidX - 2
MidY := MidY + 2
elsif keystroke = "q" then
elsif keystroke = "c" then
put "Shake Shake"
delay (1000)
end if
end loop
how do i put that game to ask draw a box level 1.
level2.draw a the letter C
level3.draw a funny face
level4. draw house |
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Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 5:47 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
it whode porby be very hread to wirte a progame that can alisyes what was drawn on the screen and see if it was box, ect in turing. althouth it whode not be impoible you whode have to recored the impoute of the user in an array and then check to see if it matchs the inputed need to make a box, ect. this may wrok but the user whode have to make the box 100% like the one you whont them to.
i whode sugested not making your game have levels but insted try adding things like difrent colors and shapes to draw with. |
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