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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:56 pm   Post subject: BLOCK DuDE HElp

i created a program called block dude just like the one on the Ti graphing calculator, i am able to move around but i am having problems with setting boundaries, picking up and moving blocks, and also freeing pictures. how would i make it so i cna pic up bloacks and move them around the level and drop them in certain palces, also i would like to know how toset boundaries so my charachter can't move outside of the screen. here is my code so if you could help em with these small problems or give me suggestions on how to fix it it would be a huge help, thanks in advance

%Stefano Beninati
%Mr Paterson
%block dude
%summative program

% variables

var x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 : int
var pic, pic1, newPic, width, height, picID : int
var move, answer : string (1)
x := 520
y := 122

procedure maze
%Get the original picture
pic := Pic.FileNew ("mario4.bmp")
% draws boarder

drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 480, black) %draws black boarder
drawfillbox (20, 20, 620, 380, 104) %draws white background
% draws blocks

drawfillbox (420, 20, 440, 40, 45)
drawfillbox (140, 20, 160, 40, 45)
drawfillbox (140, 40, 160, 60, 45)
drawfillbox (160, 20, 180, 40, 45)
drawfillbox (20, 80, 40, 100, 45)
drawfillbox (40, 80, 60, 100, 45)
drawfillbox (20, 100, 40, 120, 45)
drawfillbox (180, 140, 200, 160, 45)
drawfillbox (200, 140, 220, 160, 45)
drawfillbox (220, 140, 240, 160, 45)
drawfillbox (200, 160, 220, 180, 45)
drawfillbox (600, 120, 620, 140, 45)
drawfillbox (580, 120, 600, 140, 45)
drawfillbox (600, 140, 620, 160, 45)
drawfillbox (600, 140, 620, 160, 45)
drawfillbox (460, 260, 480, 280, 45)

%level layout
drawfillbox (20, 61, 140, 80, white)
drawfillbox (500, 100, 620, 120, white)
drawfillbox (480, 20, 500, 100, white)
drawfillbox (440, 20, 460, 100, white)
drawfillbox (360, 20, 380, 60, white)
drawfillbox (240, 20, 300, 40, white)
drawfillbox (260, 20, 280, 60, white)
drawfillbox (140, 120, 280, 140, white)
drawfillbox (60, 160, 120, 180, white)
drawfillbox (280, 120, 300, 200, white)
drawfillbox (300, 140, 360, 160, white)
drawfillbox (340, 140, 360, 200, white)
drawfillbox (360, 180, 400, 200, white)
drawfillbox (360, 180, 380, 220, white)
drawfillbox (400, 200, 420, 220, white)
drawfillbox (420, 220, 440, 240, white)
drawfillbox (440, 240, 460, 260, white)
drawfillbox (460, 240, 500, 260, white)
drawfillbox (480, 200, 500, 260, white)
drawfillbox (40, 240, 240, 260, white)
drawfillbox (40, 320, 240, 340, white)
drawfillbox (20, 240, 40, 340, white)
drawfillbox (240, 240, 260, 340, white)
drawfillbox (500, 200, 560, 220, white)
drawfillbox (560, 240, 620, 260, white)
drawfillbox (560, 200, 580, 260, white)
drawfillbox (580, 260, 620, 320, yellow) %Exit

% Traps

drawfillbox (80, 180, 100, 220, 54) %takes user to top of level
drawfillbox (80, 260, 100, 300, 42) %skill testing question
drawfillbox (140, 260, 160, 300, 13) %restart the program
drawfillbox (200, 260, 220, 300, 11) %takes user to prison
drawfillbox (520, 40, 560, 80, 40) %exit

%lines going left to the right
x2 := 0
y2 := 0
x3 := 0
y3 := 400
drawline (x2, y2, x3, y3, 43)
x2 := x2 + 20
x3 := x3 + 20
exit when x2 > 640
end loop

%lines going bottom too the top
x2 := 0
y2 := 0
x3 := 640
y3 := 0
drawline (x2, y2, x3, y3, 43)
y2 := y2 + 20
y3 := y3 + 20

exit when y2 > 400
end loop

% Exits and traps %

Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, picCopy) %draws the object

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Exit fromt the program when user reaches end of maze
if x > 560 and y > 260 and x < 640 and y < 300 then % End of maze
put " Congratulations you have reached the end of the maze"
end if

%%%%%%%%% Exit when the user goes to jail and moves into thered area
if x > 500 and y > 40 and x < 560 and y < 60 then %End of programfrom inside of maze
put " Sadly you have died in prison " %message
end if

%%%%%%%%% Takes the user to the trap area %%%%%%%%%%%%
if x > 60 and y > 180 and x < 100 and y < 220 then %takes user to the trap area
put " you will now have to choose 1 out of the 3 boxes, be carefull ! "

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Exit fromt the program when user reaches end of maze %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if x > 560 and y > 260 and x < 640 and y < 300 then % End of maze
put " Congratulations you have reached the end of the maze"
end if

%%%%%%%%% Exit when the user goes to jail and moves into the red area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if x > 500 and y > 40 and x < 560 and y < 60 then %End of
put " Sadly you have died in prison " %message
end if

%hen user answer 1 correct, fix lcation

%%%%%%%%% Takes the user to the trap area %%%%%%%%%%%%
if x > 60 and y > 180 and x < 100 and y < 220 then %takes user to thetrap area
put " you will now have to choose 1 out of the 3 doors, be carefull ! "
delay (2000)
put "Which door would you like to enter? (1,2,3)"
get answer
if answer = "1" then
put " If systems A and B are in thermodynamic equilibrium, and systems B and C are in thermodynamic equilibrium,then systems A and C are also in thermodynamic equilibrium."
put "The above statement is:"
put " a)Definetly true"
put " b)Impossible to predict"
put " c)Not true"
put " d) 42"
get answer
if answer = "a" then
end if
if answer = "b" or answer = "c" or answer = "d" then
put " sorry you guessed the wrong answer, unfortunatly you lost "
end if

for i : 1 .. 50
x := Rand.Int (42, 62) % Random x
y := Rand.Int (246, 265) % Random y
Pic.Free (pic)
Pic.Draw (pic, 40, 260, picCopy)
end for
end if
end if
end if

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% moves character %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
getch (move)
if move = chr (200) then
y := y + 20
elsif move = chr (203) then
x := x - 20
elsif move = chr (205) then
x := x + 20
elsif move = chr (208) then
y := y - 20
end if

end loop
end maze

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

1. you have to give us all pictures used with it
2. F2
3. [code]
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