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PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:56 pm   Post subject: Hangman Help!!!

if i was doing a hangman program where the computer choses the phrase by random from a datafile,how would i do that and how do i put it in?plz and thanku=)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 5:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

The simple way, which I think is better for you would be to do a random variable and then have each outcome load a differnet text, look into
put :
get :

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:03 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I am just typing the code without running so there might be some typos.

var words : array 1..totalnumofwords of string
var randword : string

var streamno : int

open : streamno, "filename.txt", get

for s : 1..totalnumofwords
get : streamno, words(s)
end for

randword := words(Rand.Int(1, upper(words)))


PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:40 am   Post subject: (No subject)

MysticVegeta wrote:
I am just typing the code without running so there might be some typos.

var words : array 1..totalnumofwords of string
var randword : string

var streamno : int

open : streamno, "filename.txt", get

for s : 1..totalnumofwords
get : streamno, words(s)
end for

randword := words(Rand.Int(1, upper(words)))

wow!thnx so much!lolz,well..there are 2 errors on 'total num of words'...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:31 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

that is the amound of words you have in the textfile.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:37 am   Post subject: (No subject)

oo!!!wow,i could learn a lot from u,lolz.i noe u have 2 declare it put how would i put it in turing?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:10 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

ok, i have made a sample program for you ->

Example IO

 Filename:  Example
 Filesize:  542 Bytes
 Downloaded:  150 Time(s)


PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:22 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

MysticVegeta wrote:
ok, i have made a sample program for you ->

i dont see it... Confused sry=p

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Mystic: I think you knew this was coming. Smile
You don't want to have to count how many words are in your file, then code your program appropriately. Instead, we let the program do it all for us.
Time to unleash the powers of the flexible array!

var streamno : int %Stream number to import file in
var words : flexible array 1 .. 0 of string %Stores the words in the file
var randomword : string %The random word that will be selected

open : streamno, "words.txt", get %Opening "words.txt" should be in the same folder

    exit when eof (streamno)
    new words, upper (words) + 1    %incriment the upper bounds of the array
    get : streamno, words (upper (words)) %Each word is stored in the array
end loop

randomword := words (Rand.Int (1, upper (words))) %Random word is selected from the words in the array.

put randomword %Displaying random word (duh!)

I'm sure you were just trying to keep it simple, Mystic, and with regard to that, I quite agree. But I think the correct version should also be posted, for anyone else who may be interested, as well as to give azn_babie07 a little spur to learn flexible arrays (assuming he doesn't know them, that is).


PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

ah flexible array to the rescue. Nice. I thought that she knew how many words there will be in the file lol. Laughing

Anyways, flexible arrays, super method to do this because in the end if you think you have to add or decrease some words from the text file, you wont have to change the arrays! Razz Just the words in the file.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:13 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

thnx so much!now it works,lolz.but how do i get rid of the menu in the beginning that asks u to make a phrase?and wen i actually still doesznt pic by random..i got rid of the loop but wen i run it,it was blank...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:14 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

if itll help...heres the program..

%make datafile***%
var input : string (1)
var puzzle : string := ""
var unString, unDisplay : string := ""
var bodyCount : int := 0

var lettersUsed : string := ""
var choiceDisplay : string := ""

var playAgain : string (1)

var winID : int := Window.Open ("position:center;middle,graphics:785;500")

var streamno : int %Stream number to import file in
var words : flexible array 1 .. 0 of string %Stores the words in the file
var randomword : string %The random word that will be selected

open : streamno, "data1.txt", get %Opening "words.txt" should be in the same folder

exit when eof (streamno)
new words, upper (words) + 1 %incriment the upper bounds of the array
get : streamno, words (upper (words)) %Each word is stored in the array
end loop

randomword := words (Rand.Int (1, upper (words))) %Random word is selected from the words in the array.

put randomword %Displaying random word
proc PutCenter (inputString : string)
Text.Locate (Text.WhatRow, (maxcol div 2) - (length (inputString) div
put (inputString)
end PutCenter

% Displays a blinking message
proc BlinkMessage (row : int, blinkTimes : int, message : string,
blinkColour : int)
colour (blinkColour)
for i : 1 .. blinkTimes * 2
if i mod 2 = 1 then
Text.Locate (row, 1)
put repeat (" ", maxcol)
Text.Locate (row, 1)
PutCenter (message)
Text.Locate (row, 1)
put repeat (" ", maxcol)
Text.Locate (row, 1)
PutCenter (repeat (" ", length (message)))
end if
delay (300)
end for
colour (13)
end BlinkMessage

% state - a value from 0-6. 0 = no hangman, 1 = head, 2 = torso, 3 = r arm, 4 = l arm, 5 = r leg, 6 = l leg
proc DrawHangman (xLeftFoot : int, yLeftFoot : int, headRad : int, legHeight
: int, torsoHeight : int, footToTorso : int, armsOut : int, armsVertOffset :
int, state : int, colorOf : int)

% Left Leg (6)
if state > 5 then
Draw.Line (xLeftFoot, yLeftFoot, xLeftFoot + footToTorso, yLeftFoot +
legHeight, colorOf)
end if

% Right Leg (5)
if state > 4 then
Draw.Line (xLeftFoot + footToTorso * 2, yLeftFoot, xLeftFoot + footToTorso,
yLeftFoot + legHeight, colorOf)
end if

% Left Arm (4)
if state > 3 then
Draw.Line (xLeftFoot + footToTorso, yLeftFoot + legHeight + (torsoHeight -
(torsoHeight div 6)), (xLeftFoot + footToTorso) - armsOut, (yLeftFoot +
legHeight + (torsoHeight - (torsoHeight
div 6))) + armsVertOffset, colorOf)
end if

% Right Arm (3)
if state > 2 then
Draw.Line (xLeftFoot + footToTorso, yLeftFoot + legHeight + (torsoHeight -
(torsoHeight div 6)), (xLeftFoot + footToTorso) + armsOut, (yLeftFoot +
legHeight + (torsoHeight - (torsoHeight
div 6))) + armsVertOffset, colorOf)
end if

% Torso (2)
if state > 1 then
Draw.Line (xLeftFoot + footToTorso, yLeftFoot + legHeight, xLeftFoot +
footToTorso, (yLeftFoot + legHeight) + torsoHeight, colorOf)
end if

% Head (1)
if state >= 1 then
Draw.Oval (xLeftFoot + footToTorso, yLeftFoot + legHeight + torsoHeight +
headRad, headRad, headRad, colorOf)
end if

end DrawHangman

% Set colors and other graphics
View.Set ("nobuttonbar")
View.Set ("Title:Hangman")
RGB.SetColor (1, 0.11328125, 0.15234375, 0.1953125)
RGB.SetColor (2, 0.90234375, 0.99609375, 0.234375)
colourback (black)
colour (white)


View.Set ("nooffscreenonly")

lettersUsed := ""
bodyCount := 0

DrawHangman (335, 190, 15, 40, 50, 15, 10, -20, 6, 2)

Text.Locate (2, 3)
put "Please enter your phrase here and save Hilary Duff from the kidnappers! But only ", maxcol div
2, " characters=)"
Text.Locate (3, 3)
View.Set ("cursor,echo")
get puzzle : *
exit when length (puzzle) <= maxcol div 2 and puzzle not= ""
if puzzle = "" then
BlinkMessage (5, 3, "You must enter a phrase!", red)
BlinkMessage (5, 3, "Your phrase is too long!", red)
end if
Text.Locate (3, 3)
put repeat (" ", maxcol - Text.WhatCol)
end loop

for i : 1 .. length (puzzle)
if ord (puzzle (i)) > 96 and ord (puzzle (i)) < 123 then
puzzle := puzzle + chr (ord (puzzle (i)) - 32)
puzzle := puzzle + puzzle (i)
end if
end for
puzzle := puzzle ((length (puzzle) div 2) + 1 .. *)

unString := ""
for i : 1 .. length (puzzle)
if ord (puzzle (i)) > 64 and ord (puzzle (i)) < 91 then
unString := unString + "_"
unString := unString + puzzle (i)
end if
end for

View.Set ("offscreenonly")


unDisplay := ""
for i : 1 .. length (unString)
unDisplay := unDisplay + unString (i) + " "
end for
unDisplay := unDisplay (1 .. * -1)

Text.Locate (3, 1)
PutCenter (unDisplay)

Draw.Box (View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2), 130, View.maxx div 2
+ ((View.maxx div 3) div 2), 134, 2)
Draw.Box (View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 10, 134, View.maxx
div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 14, 364, 2)
Draw.Box (View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 14, 360, View.maxx
div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 140, 364, 2)
Draw.Line (View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 14, 324, View.maxx
div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 50, 360, 2)
Draw.Line (View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 138, 360,
View.maxx div 2 - ((View.maxx div 3) div 2) + 138, 310, 2)

DrawHangman (385, 187, 15, 40, 50, 15, 10, -20, bodyCount, 2)


exit when bodyCount = 6
exit when unString = puzzle

choiceDisplay := ""
for i : ord ("A") .. ord ("Z")
if index (lettersUsed, chr (i)) > 0 then
choiceDisplay := choiceDisplay + " "
choiceDisplay := choiceDisplay + chr (i)
end if
choiceDisplay := choiceDisplay + " "
end for

locate (maxrow - 3, 1)
PutCenter (choiceDisplay)


Text.Locate (5, 1)
PutCenter ("Enter your guess but be careful, you only have " + intstr (6
- bodyCount) + " chances before they hang her.")
View.Set ("nocursor,noecho")
getch (input)

exit when ord (input) > 64 and ord (input) < 91

% Converts input to caps (if lower case)
if ord (input) > 96 and ord (input) < 123 then
input := chr (ord (input) - 32)

% This sees if letter has been used
if index (lettersUsed, input) > 0 then
BlinkMessage (5, 3, "You've already used that letter!", yellow)
end if

% If letter is not in lettersUsed, add it
if index (lettersUsed, input) = 0 then
lettersUsed := lettersUsed + input
end if

BlinkMessage (5, 3, "Must be a letter!", yellow)
end if

end loop

% If letter is there, go through and change unString
if index (puzzle, input) > 0 then
for i : 1 .. length (puzzle)
if puzzle (i) = input then
unString := unString (1 .. i - 1) + input + unString (i + 1 .. *)
end if
end for
elsif index (puzzle, input) = 0 then
bodyCount += 1
end if


end loop

% Show any letters not discovered
locate (3, maxcol div 2 - (length (unDisplay) div 2))
for i : 1 .. length (unString)
if unString (i) = "_" then
colour (white)
put puzzle (i) ..
colour (2)
put unString (i) ..
end if
put " " ..
end for

% Victory/Loss Screen

colour (brightmagenta)
locate (5, 1)
case bodyCount of
label 0 :
PutCenter ("Good job, the police came before they could hurt her!")
label 1 :
PutCenter ("Hilary shakes her head and thanks you.")
label 2 :
PutCenter ("Hiliary looks a bit shaken but she'll be fine.")
label 3 :
PutCenter ("Hilary doesn't look too pleased but thanks you none the less...")
label 4 :
PutCenter ("Hilary doesn't even give you a oassing glance...")
label 5 :
PutCenter ("Hilary was rushed to the hospital but recovered.")
label 6 :
PutCenter ("The kidnappers laugh at what's left of Hilary.")
end case
colour (13)
locate (maxrow - 3, 1)
PutCenter ("Care to Play Again? (Y/N)")

getch (playAgain)
exit when (playAgain = "Y" or playAgain = "y") or (playAgain = "N" or
playAgain = "n")
BlinkMessage (maxrow - 2, 2, "Must be 'Y' or 'N'", 13)
end loop

exit when playAgain = "n" or playAgain = "N"
end loop

locate (4, 1)
PutCenter ("Thanks for playing! Please wait while we end the game...")
DrawHangman (335, 190, 15, 40, 50, 15, 10, -20, 6, red)

delay (1000)
Window.Close (winID)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:11 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

mind attaching the file? "datafile"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:17 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well..i made the datafile using notepad,because thats what my teacher has 8 phrases and i named it 'data1'. in the datafile...i only seperateted them with each column..for ex:
fhf dxhdxh fh
fhf fhfh fhfhgf gfh

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:07 am   Post subject: (No subject)

You see in the data file if you separate the words wih a space ->
asd dfg
It wil take one of the word in one element of the array

words(1) = asd
words(2) = dfg


if you want them taken as one word then

get : streamno, words(1):*

the ":*" function only works when you have both the words in one line in the text file

so words(1) = asd dfg

but if they are separated in by a line not by a space then

words(1) = asd
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