var gx, gy : int %ball
var bchangex, bchangey : int := 5 %ball change
var bspeed : int
var bcolor : int
var bsize : int
var x1, x2, y1, y2 : int %paddle
var boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2: int %bricks
var chars : array char of boolean
var speed: int
speed := 5
x1 := 100
x2 := 10
gx := 10
gy := 10
y1 := 10
y2 := 20
setscreen ("graphics:max;max,nobuttonbar,title:D:")
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
locate (23, 30)
put "Before starting the program, make sure your dimensions are at 1024x728."
delay (2000)
colorback (31)
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x1 := x1 + 10
x2 := x2 + 10
if x1 > 1000 then
x1 := 999
end if
if x2 > 900 then
x2 := 899
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
x1 := x1 - 10
x2 := x2 - 10
if x1 < 100 then
x1 := 90
end if
if x2 < 1 then
x2 := 1
end if
end if
drawfillbox (x1, y1, x2, y2, 78)
bcolor := red
bsize := 7
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ball and ball collision
Draw.Oval (gx, gy, bsize, bsize, bcolor)
if gx <= 0 then
bchangex := 1
elsif gy <= 1 then
bchangey := 1
end if
if gx >= maxx then
bchangex := -1
elsif gy >= maxy then
bchangey := -1
end if
gx += bchangex
gy += bchangey
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%paddle collision
if gx + bsize > x1 - x2 and gx - bsize < x1 + x2 and gy + bsize > y1 - y2 and gy - bsize < y1 +
y2 then
bchangex := bchangex * +1
bchangey := bchangey * -1
end if
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%bricks and brick collision
boxx := 100
boxy := 150
boxx2 := 300
boxy2 := 200
Draw.Box (boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2, black)
if bchangex > 0 then
if whatdotcolor (gx + bchangex + bsize, gy) = black then
Draw.Box (boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2, white)
bchangex := -bchangex
end if
if whatdotcolor (gx + bchangex - bsize, gy) = black then
Draw.Box (boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2, white)
bchangex := +bchangex
end if
end if
if bchangey > 0 then
if whatdotcolor (gx, gy + bchangey + bsize) = black then
Draw.Box (boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2, white)
bchangey := -bchangey
end if
if whatdotcolor (gx, gy + bchangey - bsize) = black then
Draw.Box (boxx, boxy, boxx2, boxy2, white)
bchangey := +bchangey
end if
end if |