setscreen ("offscreenonly,graphics:700;500")
var keyboard : array char of boolean
var playerx, playery : int := 200
var player2x, player2y : int := 222
var player3x, player3y : int := 375
var player4x, player4y : int := 400
var ballx, bally : int := 288
var x : int := 100
var mousex, mousey, mb : int
Input.KeyDown (keyboard)
setscreen ("offscreenonly,nobuttonbar,position:truemiddle,centre,graphics:700;500")
colorback (black)
var song : int
var N, y, b : int := 10
var keyb : array char of boolean
var clr : int := 218 % The color to assign to
var text1 : int := Font.New ("Times New Roman:38:Bold") % First Font
for i : 0 .. 39
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) - 5, (maxy div 2) - 13, ((maxx div 2) + Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) + 5), (maxy div 2) + 13, 7)
delay (50)
end for
delay (1000)
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) - 5, (maxy div 2) - 13, ((maxx div 2) + Font.Width ("THUNDER PUCK 2K5", text1) + 5), (maxy div 2) + 13, 7)
delay (50)
end for
colourback (brightred)
Input.KeyDown (keyboard)
%===================1st player=============
if keyboard (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
playery += 2
if sqrt ((playerx - player3x) ** 2 + (playery - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((playerx - player4x) ** 2 + (playery - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
playery -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
playery -= 2
if sqrt ((playerx - player3x) ** 2 + (playery - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((playerx - player4x) ** 2 + (playery - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
playery += 2
end if
end if
if keyboard (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
playerx += 2
if sqrt ((playerx - player3x) ** 2 + (playery - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((playerx - player4x) ** 2 + (playery - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
playerx -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
playerx -= 2
if sqrt ((playerx - player3x) ** 2 + (playery - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((playerx - player4x) ** 2 + (playery - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
playerx += 2
end if
end if
%===================player 2=============
if keyboard ('5') then
player2y += 2
if sqrt ((player2x - player3x) ** 2 + (player2y - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player2x - player4x) ** 2 + (player2y - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
player2y -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('2') then
player2y -= 2
if sqrt ((player2x - player3x) ** 2 + (player2y - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player2x - player4x) ** 2 + (player2y - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
player2y += 2
end if
end if
if keyboard ('3') then
player2x += 2
if sqrt ((player2x - player3x) ** 2 + (player2y - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player2x - player4x) ** 2 + (player2y - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
player2x -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('1') then
player2x -= 2
if sqrt ((player2x - player3x) ** 2 + (player2y - player3y) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player2x - player4x) ** 2 + (player2y - player4y) ** 2) < 29 then
player2x += 2
end if
end if
%===================player 3=============
if keyboard ('i') then
player3y += 2
if sqrt ((player3x - playerx) ** 2 + (player3y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player3x - player2x) ** 2 + (player3y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player3y -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('k') then
player3y -= 2
if sqrt ((player3x - playerx) ** 2 + (player3y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player3x - player2x) ** 2 + (player3y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player3y += 2
end if
end if
if keyboard ('l') then
player3x += 2
if sqrt ((player3x - playerx) ** 2 + (player3y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player3x - player2x) ** 2 + (player3y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player3x -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('j') then
player3x -= 2
if sqrt ((player3x - playerx) ** 2 + (player3y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player3x - player2x) ** 2 + (player3y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player3x += 2
end if
end if
%===================player 4 =============
if keyboard ('w') then
player4y += 2
if sqrt ((player4x - playerx) ** 2 + (player4y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player4x - player2x) ** 2 + (player4y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player4y -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('s') then
player4y -= 2
if sqrt ((player4x - playerx) ** 2 + (player4y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player4x - player2x) ** 2 + (player4y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player4y += 2
end if
end if
if keyboard ('d') then
player4x += 2
if sqrt ((player4x - playerx) ** 2 + (player4y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player4x - player2x) ** 2 + (player4y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player4x -= 2
end if
elsif keyboard ('a') then
player4x -= 2
if sqrt ((player4x - playerx) ** 2 + (player4y - playery) ** 2) < 29 or sqrt ((player4x - player2x) ** 2 + (player4y - player2y) ** 2) < 29 then
player4x += 2
end if
end if
drawfillbox (0, 0, 700, 485, black)
%===================player 1=============
drawoval (playerx, playery, 15, 15, gray)
drawfilloval (playerx, playery, 10, 10, brightblue)
%===================player 2=============
drawoval (player2x, player2y, 15, 15, gray)
drawfilloval (player2x, player2y, 10, 10, brightblue)
%===================player 3=============
drawoval (player3x, player3y, 15, 15, gray)
drawfilloval (player3x, player3y, 10, 10, brightred)
%===================player 4=============
drawoval (player4x, player4y, 15, 15, gray)
drawfilloval (player4x, player4y, 10, 10, brightred)
drawfilloval (ballx, bally, 7, 7, gray)
drawfilloval (353, 257, 50, 50, gray)
drawfilloval (353, 257, 40, 40, brightred)
%Goal Line Left
drawfillbox (39, 230, 37, 286, 0)
%Goal Line Right
drawfillbox (661, 230, 659, 287, 0)
drawfillbox (29, 344, 39, 298, gray)
drawfillbox (1, 287, 39, 298, gray)
drawfillbox (1, 286, 10, 231, gray)
drawfillbox (1, 230, 39, 220, gray)
drawfillbox (30, 219, 39, 171, gray)
drawfillbox (29, 344, 237, 355, gray)
drawfillbox (248, 344, 238, 483, gray)
drawfillbox (249, 475, 461, 483, gray)
drawfillbox (451, 475, 461, 344, gray)
drawfillbox (462, 344, 669, 354, gray)
drawfillbox (30, 162, 250, 171, gray)
drawfillbox (250, 162, 241, 14, gray)
drawfillbox (241, 6, 452, 14, gray)
drawfillbox (461, 6, 452, 172, gray)
drawfillbox (461, 163, 660, 172, gray)
drawfillbox (659, 343, 669, 297, gray)
drawfillbox (659, 288, 699, 298, gray)
drawfillbox (690, 288, 699, 221, gray)
drawfillbox (659, 221, 689, 231, gray)
drawfillbox (659, 220, 669, 163, gray)
put " BlueScore: Red Score: "
locate (1, 1)
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, mb)
colour (0)
%put mousex, ", ", mousey
if playerx > 39 and playerx < 251 and (playery > 17 and playery < 175 or playery > 344 and playery < 473) then
put "here"
end if
end loop