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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:14 am   Post subject: Hangman

Im trying to make a game of hangman to pass some of my boring time away. I know that i have to draw the hangman seperatly and import the lines when he guesses a character wrong, but im trying to set up the basic for structures. For example, i am going to ask the user to enter a word, then ask him to enter a clue that will be shown to the next person to guide him towards the right answer. I need to turn the actual answer into lines..


put "Please enter a word belonging to a specific category"
get answer :*
(example will use as circus)
put "Now enter a clue to help the user figure out your word"
get clue :*
(Clue will be an entertaining show)

(Circus turned into the appropriate # of _'s)

_ _ _ _ _ _

Clue: An Entertaining Show

Then off to the left/right i will have the man being drawn each time the user guesses a wrong letter, and have the letters he guessed wrong/right stored in a varible set up with an error trap incase the user enters the same letter twice. Just looking for some help on how i would go about those first few steps. thanks Very Happy

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:44 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'd help you but like everyone else, I've done hangman last year for when I first started programming, and found it the most annoying games in the world. Use the search tool, I'm sure you'll find plenty.
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