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 Transparent Images
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:52 pm   Post subject: Transparent Images

Hey guys,

I'm trying to make a chess board (as you can probably tell from my previous thread), unfortunately, it seems that I can't import pictures with transparent backgrounds into Turing. This causes a problem, since I need the pieces to have transparent backgrounds... Is there any way that I may be missing to do this?

I know that using PicXor I can set the image to be transparent, but I don't want the whole image to be transparetn, just the background...


PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well if the background of the picture is transparent, then picCopy should work, otherwise picMerge will omit anything thats the colour of the turing background

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:49 am   Post subject: (No subject)

There are a couple commands that are used to play with a pictures transparancy. Just type tansparent in the F10 help file, and I'm sure you'll find something to your likings.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:25 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Ya, you can set a certain colour to be the transparent part of a picture. That way, you can colour in the part you dont want showing that colour and you have it. Look up the command for this in turing help /\.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

The Set.TransparencyColor doens't seem to be working for me, as I'm still getting the same issues as before... Here is my code, and the zip file with pictures:


setscreen ("graphics:400, 400")
var fontNumbers := Font.New ("Courier New:10")

procedure DrawTheCell (x, y, w, h : int)

    var clr : int := 255

    if (x + y) mod 2 = 0 then
        clr := 0
    end if

    drawfillbox (x * w, (y + 1) * h, (x + 1) * w, (y) * h, clr)

end DrawTheCell

var w : int := 40
var h : int := 40

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 50)

var letters : array 1 .. 8 of string
letters (1) := "a"
letters (2) := "b"
letters (3) := "c"
letters (4) := "d"
letters (5) := "e"
letters (6) := "f"
letters (7) := "g"
letters (8) := "h"

for i : 1 .. 8
    locatexy (i * w + w div 2, h div 2)
    colorback (50)
    put letters (i)
end for

for j : 1 .. 8
    colorback (50)
    Font.Draw (intstr (j), w div 2, j * h + h div 2, fontNumbers, 255)
end for

for i : 1 .. 8
    for decreasing j : 8 .. 1
        DrawTheCell (i, j, w, h)
    end for
end for

var xaxis := w + w div 6
var yaxis := h + (h div 6)
var piece : int := Pic.FileNew ("images/Rw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Nw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Bw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Qw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Kw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Bw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Nw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Rw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)

xaxis := w + w div 6
yaxis := h * 8 + (h div 6)
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Rw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Nw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Bw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Qw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Kw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Bw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Nw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
xaxis := xaxis + w
piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Rw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)

piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Pw.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
for i : 1 .. 8
    xaxis := i * w + w div 6
    yaxis := h + h + (h div 6)
    Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
end for

piece := Pic.FileNew ("images/Pb.JPG")
Pic.SetTransparentColor(piece, white)
for i : 1 .. 8
    xaxis := i * w + w div 6
    yaxis := h * 7 + (h div 6)
    Pic.Draw (piece, xaxis, yaxis, picMerge)
end for

var x, y, button : int
    mousewhere (x, y, button)
    locate (1, 1)
    if x > 40 and y > 40 and x < 9 * h and y < 9 * w then
        put "The mouse is in cell ", y div w, " , ", letters (x div w )
        put "mouse is out of screen"
    end if
end loop

 Filesize:  12.66 KB
 Downloaded:  103 Time(s)


PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:36 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I didn't even look at your code. The problem is with your images. JPEGs are great for websites and things where a relatively minor drop in image quality is acceptable for the savings in file size. However, the compression produces artifacts in the image. That is, what you see as "white" is often just many variations of colours that are extremely close to white.

Your best bet would be to keep the images as bitmaps (if you plan to convert from JPEG to bitmap, you'll need to go over it in an image editor and fix up the areas that need to be transparent. So, go into mspaint, and erase the background so that it's all pure white and then save it as a bitmap.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:08 am   Post subject: (No subject)

i had problems with BMP's a while part was cut off

what i did was make the transparent part the colour of the background, cheated a little

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:23 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Also, if you're going to make a zip file, you may as well include the turing file, rather than posting it as code.
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