Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:33 pm Post subject: Reseting A Variable
I have gone through many possible combinations but i dont know why the timeBonus ISNT reseting??
put "Your score is: ", score %score with out additional time bonus
var bonus:int:=60000 div 1000 %1 min to get bonus (bonus = 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds =1 min)
var timeBonus:int :=bonus-Time.Elapsed div 1000 %1 min timer (Time.Elapsed = 1000 milliseconds = 1 min)
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus %time bonus
score:=score+timeBonus %updated score = score as of to that point + time bonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score %score as of to that point + time bonus
put "[press enter to continue to next round]" %gives the user time to read the score
Input.Pause %waits for a button to be pressed before entering the next level
any suggestions of what i shuold put in my reset variable section?
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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
all that commenting makes it very hard to read
otherwise, it looks like bonus is always 60, which would reset timeBonus everytime you used it
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:44 pm Post subject: (No subject)
thats exactly what isnt happening... cuz for some reason timeBonus just seems to continue from where it left off at the end of each level im confused
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ummm. you need to reset manually which you aren't doing.
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
so what exactly should i put into my reset variable section then??? i tried a few combinations, and none worked.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:09 am Post subject: (No subject)
what do you mean reseting? what value do you want it to be?
Mr. T
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:11 am Post subject: (No subject)
i want the same scoring system to apply to each level
1. var bonus:int:=60000 div 1000
2. var timeBonus:int :=bonus-Time.Elapsed div 1000
3. score:=score+timeBonus
.... maybe if i post my whole code, it will be easier to see what i mean.
%variable declaration
View.Set ("graphics:500;400,title:Uncle Worm Score: 0,nocursor")
colourback (black)
colour (brightgreen)
var food2 : int
var foodSize : int
var makeFood:boolean:=true
var box1 : int := 0
var box4 : int := 0
var col : int := 7
var countdown : int := 5
var ballx1 : int := 200
var bally1 : int := 150
var ballsize : int := 5
var move, move2, move3, move4 := false
var key : array char of boolean
var ring : int := 0
var answer : string
move3 := true %starting direction of snake
var newMaxX : int := 500 %innitial screen dimensions (x co-ords)
var newMaxY : int := 400 %innitial screen dimensions (y co-ords)
var levelUpX : int := 50 %decrease in screen dimensions (x co-ords) upon completion of level
var levelUpY :int :=40 %decrease in screen dimensions (y co-ords) upon completion of level
var scoreLevel : int := 50
var foodBoolean :boolean
var score : int :=0 %score
%variable declaration for title page
var ch : string (1)
var num : int := 1
var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
var col1, col2, col3 : int := brightred
font1 := Font.New ("serif:24")
font2 := Font.New ("arial:14")
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, brightgreen)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
var food1 : int
%title page
getch (ch)
if ch = (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
num -= 1
end if
if ch = (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
num += 1
end if
if num = 0 then
num := 3
elsif num = 4 then
num := 1
end if
if num = 1 then
col1 := brightgreen
col1 := brightred
end if
if num = 2 then
col2 := brightgreen
col2 := brightred
end if
if num = 3 then
col3 := brightgreen
col3 := brightred
end if
if ch = (KEY_ENTER) then
case num of
label 1 :exit %Proc for Start
label 2 : %Proc for Save
label 3 : %Proc for Load
end case
end if
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, col1)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
end loop
%gives time for user to get ready
locate (12, 25) %locates the count down test
put "Starting in...", countdown %starts the countdown
delay (300) %delay between each consecutive decreasing number
countdown := countdown - 1 %decreasing increments
cls %erases the countdown text when countdown reaches 0
exit when countdown = 0 %game begins when countdown hits 0
end loop
%creates food in random locations
procedure food
if makeFood then %makeFood:=true
randint (food1, 1, newMaxX-10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (food2, 1, newMaxY-10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (foodSize, 2, 10) %random food size
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 2) %draws the food
end if
end food
%point of contact upon death
procedure ringEnd
drawoval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize + ring, ballsize + ring, ring) %ring expands around the ball at the point of collision
ring += 2 %increments of the rings
delay (10) %delay between each ring increment
exit when ring = 100 %game ends when ring incremeent hits 100
end loop
end ringEnd
%draws food
%snake movement
drawbox (box1, newMaxY-1, newMaxX-1, box4, 14)
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, col)
if move then
bally1 += 1
elsif move2 then
bally1 -= 1
elsif move3 then
ballx1 += 1
elsif move4 then
ballx1 -= 1
end if
Input.KeyDown (key)
if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and move2 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. up arrow is pressed 2. move2 = false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move := true
elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and move = false then %Two Conditions: 1. down arrow is pressed 2. move = false
move := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move2 := true
elsif key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and move4 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. right arrow is pressed 2. move4 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move4 := false
move3 := true
elsif key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and move3 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. left arrow is pressed 2. move3 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := true
end if
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, 12) %deletes the tail
delay (10)
%wall collision detection
if ballx1 = 4 or ballx1 = maxx - 4 or bally1 = 4 or bally1 = maxy - 4 then %collision detection to detect whether the ball has hit the walls
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score) + " You Lose!") %if balls hits the wall, you lose!
ringEnd %fancy death
exit %game ends
end if
%food collision detection
if score < scoreLevel then %additional check to make sure the level isnt completed
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %if food eaten, score added to total at the top of the screen
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score < scoreLevel then %if level isnt completed
food %continue to make food if its still the same level
end if
end if
end if
if score >= scoreLevel %ready to enter next level
/*then drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, maxy, (maxx div 2) + 10, maxy - 5, 0)*/
then Font.Draw("EXIT", (maxx div 2)-25,maxy-20, font2, 0) %level's exit point
makeFood:=false %once exit appears, no more food is drawn
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx1+ballsize,bally1+ballsize)=0 %if the snake reaches the exit (detects the WHITE(whatdotcolour) exit point)
then cls %clears the screen for the scoring updates
%scoring system (after each completed level)
put "Your score is: ", score %score with out additional time bonus
var bonus:int:=60000 div 1000 %1 min to get bonus (bonus = 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds =1 min)
var timeBonus:int :=bonus-Time.Elapsed div 1000 %1 min timer (Time.Elapsed = 1000 milliseconds = 1 min)
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus %time bonus
score:=score+timeBonus %updated score = score as of to that point + time bonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score %score as of to that point + time bonus
put "[press enter to continue to next round]" %gives the user time to read the score
Input.Pause %waits for a button to be pressed before entering the next level
/*getch (ch)
if ch =(KEY_ENTER)
%variable reset
newMaxX:=newMaxX-levelUpX %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 50
newMaxY:=newMaxY-levelUpY %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 40
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %displaying new screen dimensions and score
ballx1:=newMaxX div 2 %new x co-ords for the start of a new level
bally1:=newMaxY div 2 %new y co-ords for the start of a new level
colour(0) %reset the colour of any writing
colourback (7) %reset the colour of the background
cls %paints the background specified colour
makeFood:=true %makign it possible to draw food
food %start redrawing food
scoreLevel:=score+50 %next level will be completed after an additional 50 points
end if
end loop
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:14 am Post subject: (No subject)
the reason youre time bonus stays at 60 is because youre program runs too fast. you need some body code before you give timeBonus a value because such little time goes by that there really isnt a change in time (a few milliseconds)
var score : int := 0
put "Your score is: ", score
delay (2000)
var bonus : int := 60000 div 1000
var timeBonus : int := bonus - Time.Elapsed div 1000
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus
score := score + timeBonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score
put "[press enter to continue to next round]"
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Mr. T
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:18 am Post subject: (No subject)
the problem seems to lie in the timeBonus
notice how each level it progressively decreases
i dont want that
it should only fluctuate based on the amount of time spent in a level
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:28 am Post subject: (No subject)
forget my post above. i didnt understand the problem until you posted the code. what you have to do is keep track of the time just before the level starts. then for the total time spent in that level, you just subtract the current time by the time at the beginning of the level... look how i used the STARTTIME variable in your code:
%variable declaration
View.Set ("graphics:500;400,title:Uncle Worm Score: 0,nocursor")
colourback (black)
colour (brightgreen)
var food2 : int
var foodSize : int
var makeFood : boolean := true
var box1 : int := 0
var box4 : int := 0
var col : int := 7
var countdown : int := 5
var ballx1 : int := 200
var bally1 : int := 150
var ballsize : int := 5
var move, move2, move3, move4 := false
var key : array char of boolean
var ring : int := 0
var answer : string
move3 := true %starting direction of snake
var newMaxX : int := 500 %innitial screen dimensions (x co-ords)
var newMaxY : int := 400 %innitial screen dimensions (y co-ords)
var levelUpX : int := 50 %decrease in screen dimensions (x co-ords) upon completion of level
var levelUpY : int := 40 %decrease in screen dimensions (y co-ords) upon completion of level
var scoreLevel : int := 50
var foodBoolean : boolean
var score : int := 0 %score
%variable declaration for title page
var ch : string (1)
var num : int := 1
var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
var col1, col2, col3 : int := brightred
font1 := Font.New ("serif:24")
font2 := Font.New ("arial:14")
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, brightgreen)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
var food1 : int
var STARTTIME : int := Time.Elapsed
%title page
getch (ch)
if ch = (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
num -= 1
end if
if ch = (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
num += 1
end if
if num = 0 then
num := 3
elsif num = 4 then
num := 1
end if
if num = 1 then
col1 := brightgreen
col1 := brightred
end if
if num = 2 then
col2 := brightgreen
col2 := brightred
end if
if num = 3 then
col3 := brightgreen
col3 := brightred
end if
if ch = (KEY_ENTER) then
case num of
label 1 :
exit %Proc for Start
label 2 : %Proc for Save
label 3 : %Proc for Load
end case
end if
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, col1)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
end loop
%gives time for user to get ready
locate (12, 25) %locates the count down test
put "Starting in...", countdown %starts the countdown
delay (300) %delay between each consecutive decreasing number
countdown := countdown - 1 %decreasing increments
cls %erases the countdown text when countdown reaches 0
exit when countdown = 0 %game begins when countdown hits 0
end loop
%creates food in random locations
procedure food
if makeFood then %makeFood:=true
randint (food1, 1, newMaxX - 10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (food2, 1, newMaxY - 10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (foodSize, 2, 10) %random food size
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 2) %draws the food
end if
end food
%point of contact upon death
procedure ringEnd
drawoval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize + ring, ballsize + ring, ring) %ring expands around the ball at the point of collision
ring += 2 %increments of the rings
delay (10) %delay between each ring increment
exit when ring = 100 %game ends when ring incremeent hits 100
end loop
end ringEnd
%draws food
%snake movement
STARTTIME := Time.Elapsed
drawbox (box1, newMaxY - 1, newMaxX - 1, box4, 14)
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, col)
if move then
bally1 += 1
elsif move2 then
bally1 -= 1
elsif move3 then
ballx1 += 1
elsif move4 then
ballx1 -= 1
end if
Input.KeyDown (key)
if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and move2 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. up arrow is pressed 2. move2 = false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move := true
elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and move = false then %Two Conditions: 1. down arrow is pressed 2. move = false
move := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move2 := true
elsif key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and move4 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. right arrow is pressed 2. move4 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move4 := false
move3 := true
elsif key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and move3 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. left arrow is pressed 2. move3 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := true
end if
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, 12) %deletes the tail
delay (10)
%wall collision detection
if ballx1 = 4 or ballx1 = maxx - 4 or bally1 = 4 or bally1 = maxy - 4 then %collision detection to detect whether the ball has hit the walls
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score) + " You Lose!") %if balls hits the wall, you lose!
ringEnd %fancy death
exit %game ends
end if
%food collision detection
if score < scoreLevel then %additional check to make sure the level isnt completed
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %if food eaten, score added to total at the top of the screen
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score < scoreLevel then %if level isnt completed
food %continue to make food if its still the same level
end if
end if
end if
if score >= scoreLevel %ready to enter next level
/*then drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, maxy, (maxx div 2) + 10, maxy - 5, 0)*/
Font.Draw ("EXIT", (maxx div 2) - 25, maxy - 20, font2, 0) %level's exit point
makeFood := false %once exit appears, no more food is drawn
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx1 + ballsize, bally1 + ballsize) = 0 %if the snake reaches the exit (detects the WHITE(whatdotcolour) exit point)
cls %clears the screen for the scoring updates
%scoring system (after each completed level)
put "Your score is: ", score %score with out additional time bonus
var bonus : int := 60000 div 1000 %1 min to get bonus (bonus = 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds =1 min)
var timeBonus : int := bonus - (Time.Elapsed-STARTTIME) div 1000 %1 min timer (Time.Elapsed = 1000 milliseconds = 1 min)
STARTTIME := Time.Elapsed
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus %time bonus
score := score + timeBonus %updated score = score as of to that point + time bonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score %score as of to that point + time bonus
put "[press enter to continue to next round]" %gives the user time to read the score
Input.Pause %waits for a button to be pressed before entering the next level
/*getch (ch)
if ch =(KEY_ENTER)
%variable reset
newMaxX := newMaxX - levelUpX %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 50
newMaxY := newMaxY - levelUpY %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 40
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %displaying new screen dimensions and score
ballx1 := newMaxX div 2 %new x co-ords for the start of a new level
bally1 := newMaxY div 2 %new y co-ords for the start of a new level
colour (0) %reset the colour of any writing
colourback (7) %reset the colour of the background
cls %paints the background specified colour
makeFood := true %makign it possible to draw food
food %start redrawing food
scoreLevel := score + 50 %next level will be completed after an additional 50 points
end if
end loop
Mr. T
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:37 am Post subject: (No subject)
thx it works great...but just for my own knowledge can u explain this line to me
var timeBonus : int := bonus - (Time.Elapsed-STARTTIME) div 1000
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:49 am Post subject: (No subject)
i thought i did explaing it... STARTTIME is the time when the level starts. to find the total time spent in that one level, you subtract the start time from the current time (Time.Elapsed - STARTTIME). After giving time bonus a new value, you set the value of STARTTIME to the current time because you are starting a new level... oh wait thats a mistake, it should be reset after you press the enter key to start the new level, otherwise time is being wasted while waiting for keyboard input...
you should have this:
var timeBonus : int := bonus - (Time.Elapsed-STARTTIME) div 1000 %1 min timer (Time.Elapsed = 1000 milliseconds = 1 min)
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus %time bonus
score := score + timeBonus %updated score = score as of to that point + time bonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score %score as of to that point + time bonus
put "[press enter to continue to next round]" %gives the user time to read the score
Input.Pause %waits for a button to be pressed before entering the next level
/*getch (ch)
if ch =(KEY_ENTER)
STARTTIME := Time.Elapsed
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:23 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I guess I don't need to respond except to say that zylum has it right on.
You had all the variable reseting and never chnaged the level time back so it just kept starting were it left off.
Mr. T
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
kk thanks
Mr. T
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
with the way i set up my code... is it possible to effectively use a flexible array to make the snake grow? or would i have to change stuff?