Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: urgent! trying to get a drectory listing to traverse subdirs
hi, i am trying to traverse subdirectories in my final project and it wont get the second, or for that matter, the third subdir's listing, please help, here's my listing code
( by the way, its been 2 days since my first post on this, its kind of urgent )
import GUI
var driveChooseWin : int := Window.Open ("graphics:850;300,nobuttonbar,position:center;truemiddle,title:Choose the Drive")
var stream : int
var files:array 1..5000 of string
var continue : int := 0
Window.SetActive (driveChooseWin)
GUI.SetBackgroundColour (black)
locate (1, 1)
Text.Colour (white)
Text.ColourBack (black)
put "Choose the drive and Folders. Select one only"
put "(one chance to select), "
put "or else an unresolved error will"
put "occur."
Text.Colour (black)
Text.ColourBack (white)
proc setContinue
continue := 1
end setContinue
var fileToOpen : string
var drive : string
var listing : int
var dirToOpen : string := ""
proc driveChooser (x : int)
if x = 1 then
if stream not= 0 then
Dir.Close (stream)
drive := "A:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
put stream
drive := "A:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
put stream
end if
elsif x = 2 then
if stream not= 0 then
Dir.Close (stream)
drive := "C:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
drive := "C:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
end if
elsif x = 3 then
if stream not= 0 then
Dir.Close (stream)
drive := "E:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
drive := "E:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
end if
elsif x = 4 then
if stream not= 0 then
Dir.Close (stream)
drive := "H:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
drive := "H:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
end if
elsif x = 5 then
if stream not= 0 then
Dir.Close (stream)
drive := "F:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
drive := "F:/"
stream := Dir.Open (drive)
end if
end if
continue := 0
end driveChooser
var dirs : array 1 .. 5000 of string
var fileToSaveTo : string
proc dummy (x : int)
fileToOpen := files (x)
fileToSaveTo := dirToOpen + "/" + files (x)
end dummy
var boxChoice : int := 1
proc dummyDir (x : int)
if dirs (x) = "" then
dirs (x) := "."
dirToOpen := drive + dirs (x)
end if
end dummyDir
proc dummyDir2
continue := 1
Window.Hide (driveChooseWin)
end dummyDir2
var size, attribute, fileTime : int
var fileName : string
var offsetx : int := 0
var Continue : int
proc Continues
var i : int := 1
for t : 1 .. 5000
dirs (t) := intstr (t)
end for
i := 1
var Continue3 := GUI.CreateButton (180, 10, 0, "Choose Directory", Continues)
var Continue4 := GUI.CreateButton (350, 10, 0, "Choose Directory", Continues)
var Continue5 := GUI.CreateButton (520, 10, 0, "Choose Directory", Continues)
GUI.Hide (Continue3)
GUI.Hide (Continue4)
GUI.Hide (Continue5)
listing := GUI.CreateTextBoxChoice (maxx div 2 div 2 + offsetx, maxy div 2 div 2, maxx div 2 div 2, maxy - 150, 0, 0, dummyDir)
if boxChoice = 1 then
GUI.Hide (Continue)
GUI.Show (Continue3)
elsif boxChoice = 2 then
GUI.Hide (Continue3)
GUI.Show (Continue4)
elsif boxChoice = 3 then
GUI.Hide (Continue4)
GUI.Show (Continue5)
elsif boxChoice = 4 then
GUI.Hide (Continue5)
end if
Dir.GetLong (stream, fileName, size, attribute, fileTime)
if (attribute and ootAttrDir) not= 0 then
GUI.AddLine (listing, fileName)
dirs (i) := fileName
i += 1
end if
exit when fileName = ""
end loop
offsetx += 212
boxChoice += 1
end Continues
var driveListing := GUI.CreateTextBoxChoice (50 - 25, maxy div 2 div 2, maxx div 2 div 2 - 25, maxy - 200, 0, 0, driveChooser)
GUI.AddLine (driveListing, "A:\\")
GUI.AddLine (driveListing, "C:\\")
GUI.AddLine (driveListing, "E:\\")
GUI.AddLine (driveListing, "H:\\")
GUI.AddLine (driveListing, "F:\\")
Continue := GUI.CreateButton (10, 10, 0, "Choose Directory", Continues)
var Continue2 := GUI.CreateButton (maxx - 80, 10, 0, "Proceed", dummyDir2)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
exit when continue = 1
end loop
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Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
proc listdir (dir : string, level : int)
if Dir.Exists (dir) then
var startdir := Dir.Current
Dir.Change (dir)
var str := Dir.Open (Dir.Current)
var fname : string
fname := Dir.Get (str)
exit when fname = ""
if fname not="." and fname not=".." then
put repeat (" ", level) ..
put fname
listdir (fname, level + 1)
end if
end loop
Dir.Change (startdir)
end if
end listdir
put Dir.Current
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:37 am Post subject: (No subject)
i dont think u got the code, what im trying to do is to produce a GUI box that u can choose a directory in and then the next box will show up, and then u choose the next subdir in that and so on , up to three subdirs from the root
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:46 am Post subject: (No subject)
I've got the code for exactly that at home. It is a function that returns the selected file's name. I'll post tonight.
What's the rush anyway?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:48 am Post subject: (No subject)
its due for friday, thanku thanku, i cant say thank u enuf
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
It uses an extended GUI written by Sean Hayward, another compsci member, which I further extended for my own uses. I have included this in the zip. Run example.t to see how to work it. Enjoy!
Oops, forgot to say: If you want to start at the listing of all drives available(it recognizes which letter names are valid), use "" as your starting directory.
Produces a GUI window with customizable title, default file, and start directory and returns file name and path.
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Wow, beard0, that's an excellent idea! I don't have Turing so I can't really test if it works, but if it does, it's a great tool, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
+20 bits!
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:54 am Post subject: (No subject)
thanx again, u just saved m project
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Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:41 am Post subject: (No subject)
slight problem though Win.SaveOpen errors at Str.Upper and Dir.Exists
this is how i installed this:
extract to %oot\S_Engine
might it be written improperly (or have i installed it wrong?)?
i kept the original lib folder intact it has not been modified, should i instead put S_Engine into another area (not %oot but C:\S_Engine)?
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:54 am Post subject: (No subject)
You don't have version 4.0.5 do you?
Replace Str.Upper with StrUpper, and place this function at the top of the module.
Try replacing "Dir.Exists" with "not File.Exists".
I can't guarantee this working, but it's worth a try.
function StrUpper (txt:string):string
var txt2:=""
for i:1..length(txt)
if txt(i)>="a" and txt(i)<="z" then
end if
end for
end StrUpper
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:37 am Post subject: (No subject)
i have 4.0.4c, can ne 1 post the updated GUI module and the updated str module or is that against copyrights?
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:42 am Post subject: (No subject)
the str module is built in, but i gave you the fucntion that does the same thing. As for the GUI module, I gave you my custom one, which you need to run the prgram I gave you. My program simply doesn't work with holt's GUI because I added new commands. Did you try the not File.Exists method?
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:48 pm Post subject: (No subject)
evrything works unmodified at home w/4.0.5, but one thing, in line 134 of WidgetModule.tu, it errs w/keyboard input from invisible input not allowed, ne suggestions?, also, who made the graphics, they did a nice job, now if there was only a way to get rid of the titlebar and frame
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 10:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Can you tell me what to do to create the error message? And by getting rid of title bar and "frames" do you mean make it full screen? Otherwise, what frames are you talking about?
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:10 am Post subject: (No subject)
first, the title bar was just a though, not a question, second the way to recreate the error message is to create a program that utilizes the Win.SaveOpen fcn
var fileToSaveOpen : string := Win.SaveOpen ("OPEN", ".t", "c:\\")