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 need help for no values
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:09 pm   Post subject: need help for no values

When i run this code, there is obviously going to be 2 variables that dont have a value. How do i tell the computer that to make the variables with no values have a value equal to 40. Here's my code.

var as : int := Rand.Int (1, 100)
var s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 : int
if as >= 1 and as <= 50 then
s1 := 10
elsif as >= 51 and as <= 75 then
s2 := 10
elsif as >= 76 and as <= 89 then
s3 := 10
elsif as >= 90 and as <= 96 then
s4 := 10
s5 := 10
end if
if (as >= 51 and as <= 63) or (as >= 76 and as <= 82) or (as = 90 or as = 91) or as = 97 then
s1 := 20
elsif (as >= 1 and as <= 25) or (as >= 83 and as <= 86) or (as = 92 or as = 93) or as = 98 then
s2 := 20
elsif (as >= 26 and as <= 39) or (as >= 64 and as <= 70) or (as = 94 or as = 95) or as = 99 then
s3 := 20
elsif (as >= 40 and as <= 47) or (as = 87 or as = 88) or (as >= 71 and as <= 73) or as = 100 then
s4 := 20
s5 := 20
end if
if (as >= 51 and as <= 57) or (as >= 76 and as <= 79) or as = 90 then
s1 := 30
elsif (as >= 1 and as <= 13) or (as >= 83 and as <= 85) or as = 92 then
s2 := 30
elsif (as >= 26 and as <= 33) or (as >= 64 and as <= 67) or as = 93 then
s3 := 30
elsif (as >= 40 and as <= 43) or as = 87 or as >= 71 then
s4 := 30
s5 := 30
end if

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:39 pm   Post subject: Re: need help for no values

person wrote:
When i run this code, there is obviously going to be 2 variables that dont have a value. How do i tell the computer that to make the variables with no values have a value equal to 40. Here's my code.

Whuh? Confused
You want a variable to have a value of 40?

var variable_name:=40
Rolling Eyes
Use code takes to avoid having bits of ur code turn into emoticons.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:48 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

are you asking for a suspension ?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:05 pm   Post subject: Re: need help for no values

Neo wrote:
person wrote:
When i run this code, there is obviously going to be 2 variables that dont have a value. How do i tell the computer that to make the variables with no values have a value equal to 40. Here's my code.

Whuh? Confused
You want a variable to have a value of 40?

var variable_name:=40
Rolling Eyes
Use code takes to avoid having bits of ur code turn into emoticons.

He's asking how to check if a variable has no value. Look at his program, everything is based on the value of 'as'.
In this case, person, what you could do is, when you declare those five variables, give them all a value of 40. When your program runs, some of them will be changed. The ones that aren't changed would be the ones that would have had no value if you don't assign them a value when you declare them.
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