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 trouble with smooth animation
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:39 pm   Post subject: trouble with smooth animation

I just can't get something to animate smoothly across a background. I tried that tutorial with jupiter but all the stuff with the background moving (which I don't need) confused me. I just need a program to move something nicely across a screen without erasing the background. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
cool dude

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:53 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

it looks like your new to compsci because this is posted in the wrong section. also post the code u have and we will take a look at why u can't animate it smoothly across the screen. my guess is u don't have offscreenonly in your setscreen or a View.Update

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:08 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Well, for a program to create animations I suggest you look into Macromedia Flash MX, alot of people uese it for animations... But if you want to animate images (for ads and etc) try useing Image Ready (i got it with my Photoshop) or Fireworks.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:33 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

bah, I meant to put this in the other forum. should I repost it there?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Nah. What forum? I'll move it for you.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

turing help. thanks a lot. Such friendly mods.

edit: can anyone move this?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:12 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Here ya go.

Of course the mods are friendly. We are the hosts, you are our guests. It would make for a pretty boring website without visitors, no?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 7:25 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

alright now, I've tried lost of things but everytime I animate either the background gets deleted or the animation is choppy as hell. If anyone has some simple code that can just basically move something across a background that'd be nice. Otherwise I'll post my actual problematic code in about an hour or two.

edit: alright, seems I deleted any code I've made where I animate, but I still have an old program in which I used animation and it's the same way I animate today. it has a few other errors. For one you have to push an arrow key before anything will happen, and from there you just control using the arrow keys.

% Car animation
% file: ICE2
% Jesse Forcht
% October 1 2004

var row, col : int
row := 10
col := 3

colorback (1)

var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars)
locate (1, 1)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
exit when row < 8 and col > 43
if row < 2 then
row := row - 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
exit when row < 9 and col > 43
if col > 59 then
locate (1, 1)
color (10)
put "The light is red! I'm not breaking the law!"
delay (3000)
col := col + 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
exit when row < 9 and col > 43

if col < 2 then
col := col - 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put " xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put " x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "xxxxxx x" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
exit when row < 9 and col > 43
if row > 9 then
row := row + 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
end loop
colorback (22)
color (3)
Input.KeyDown (chars)
locate (1, 1)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
exit when row < 1 and col > 1
if row < 2 then
row := row - 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
exit when row < 1 and col > 1
if col > 59 then
locate (1, 1)
color (10)
put "The light is red! I'm not breaking the law!"
delay (3000)
col := col + 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
exit when row < 1 and col > 1

if col < 2 then
col := col - 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put " xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put " x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "xxxxxx x" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
exit when row < 1 and col > 1
if row > 9 then
row := row + 1
colorback (1)
color (3)
drawfillbox (0, 110, 640, 60, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 60, 640, 0, 2)
drawfilloval (501, 336, 40, 40, 23)
drawfillbox (600, 110, 620, 220, 26)
drawfillbox (590, 220, 630, 330, 14)
drawfilloval (610, 240, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 275, 13, 13, 7)
drawfilloval (610, 310, 13, 13, 12)
locate (row, col)
put "xxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 1, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 2, col)
put "x xxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 3, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 4, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 5, col)
put "x x" ..
locate (row + 6, col)
put "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ..
locate (row + 7, col)
put " x x x x " ..
locate (row + 8, col)
put " xxx xxx " ..
delay (100)
end if
end if
end loop
end loop
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