% PROGRAM NAME : Sample Sorter
% AUTHOR : Johnny F
% STARTED ON : 20 Nov 04
% DESCRIPTION : Sorts wav files. Delete or keep
%%( FUNCTIONS )%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Returns the number of wavs in a dir
fcn NoOfWavs : int
var streamNo : int
var wavCounter : int := 0
var filesChecked : int
var fileName : string
streamNo := Dir.Open (".")
fileName := Dir.Get (streamNo)
if length (fileName) >= 4 and fileName (length (fileName) - 3 .. *) = ".wav" then
wavCounter := wavCounter + 1
end if
exit when fileName = ""
end loop
result wavCounter
end NoOfWavs
% Returns a percent of one as per RGB value entered
fcn TrueRGB (rgb : int) : real
result rgb * (1 / 256)
end TrueRGB
%%( PROCEDURES )%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Centers a line of text
proc CenterText (text : string, row : int)
Text.Locate (row, (Text.maxcol div 2) - (length (text) div 2))
put text
end CenterText
% Waits for a key to be pressed
proc PressAKey
var anyKey : string (1)
getch (anyKey)
end PressAKey
%%( GLOBAL VARIABLES )%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
var fileOnStage : string % Stores path name of file being dealt with
var streamNo : int
var option : string (1)
var originalCount, filesDeleted : int := 0
%%( CODE )%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Set up environment constants
View.Set ("nobuttonbar") % Remove tacky buttons
View.Set ("graphics:640;480") % Set Res
View.Set ("title:HF's Sample Sorter") % Set title bar
View.Set ("position:center;truemiddle")
% Initiate Program Colors
RGB.SetColor (200, TrueRGB (5), TrueRGB (5), TrueRGB (20))
RGB.SetColor (201, TrueRGB (163), TrueRGB (163), TrueRGB (170))
colorback (200)
color (201)
% Intro
CenterText ("HF's Sample Sorter", 2)
put ""
if NoOfWavs = 0 then
put "There are no '.wav' files in the current directory. Make sure the EXE"
put "is in the folder that contains all of your samples."
put ""
put "Press any key to exit."
put "There are ", NoOfWavs, " samples in the current DIR. Press any key to continue."
end if
% Mark original # of wavs
originalCount := NoOfWavs
% Open Director
streamNo := Dir.Open (".")
View.Set ("nocursor,noecho")
for i : 1 .. NoOfWavs
CenterText ("HF's Sample Sorter", 2)
% Get next file
fileOnStage := Dir.Get (streamNo)
if length (fileOnStage) >= 4 and fileOnStage (length (fileOnStage) - 3 .. *) = ".wav" then
CenterText ("Current Sample : " + fileOnStage, 5)
CenterText (intstr (i) + " out of " + intstr (originalCount), 6)
CenterText ("Do not press a key until sample is done playing", 16)
% Play File
Music.PlayFile (fileOnStage)
% Show Options
Text.Locate (Text.maxrow - 1, 1)
put "What would you like to do?"
put "1 - Delete File | 2 - Keep File | 3 - Play Again" ..
getch (option)
case option of
label "1" :
File.Delete (fileOnStage)
filesDeleted += 1
label "2" :
label "3" :
Music.PlayFile (fileOnStage)
label :
CenterText ("INVALID INPUT!", Text.maxrow - 5)
delay (150)
CenterText (" ", Text.maxrow - 5)
end case
end loop
exit when fileOnStage (length (fileOnStage) - 3 .. *) = ".wav"
fileOnStage := Dir.Get (streamNo)
end if
end loop
end for
CenterText ("REPORT", 2)
CenterText ("Original # of samples : " + intstr (originalCount), 5)
CenterText ("# of samples deleted : " + intstr (filesDeleted), 7)
CenterText ("% of samples remaining : " + realstr ((originalCount - filesDeleted) / (originalCount) * 100, 4) + "%", 9)