Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:30 pm Post subject: Internet
Would it be possible to have Turing read a webpage and store certain things into an array... (read from a list)
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Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:03 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yes, using Net. module... but it will crash when you try to read a string exceeding 255 characters in size (and those appear more often then you think... especially on large sites)
i'm not sure if you can read per character... somebody would have to look into that
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:46 am Post subject: (No subject)
var netStream : int
var line : string
netStream := Net.OpenURLConnection ("")
% change the addy all u want... but make SHURE it ends in .html or .php or w/e cuz turing will crash..
% just get the full addy..
get : netStream, line
put line
exit when eof (netStream)
end loop
Net.CloseConnection (netStream)
try that out!
just make shure u use a full addy... if u dont include the extension turing with CRASH!
... and u can go ....
if line = "<body>" then
... to search for lines...
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:14 pm Post subject: (No subject)
o.. let me guess.... instead of having to include the data file with the program.. include it on the net... that way it cant be modified... (lets say a highscore list) and it would be updated all the time.... OMG... i think i just got a REALLY good IDEA!!!!
for games with highscores... list the highscores as a webpage (not working webpage... just a .txt file renamed to .html... . so u can add highscores in whenever and it would update on the spot.. wihtout having to recompile ur program!.... also that way u cant cheat .. (by modifying the highscore file...)
ok... heres ur array deal... i made a webpage with just words...
var netStream, linecount : int
linecount := 0
var line : string
var list : array 1 .. 2000 of string
netStream := Net.OpenURLConnection ("")
get : netStream, line
put line
if line not= "<br>" and line not= "<html>" then % to seperate lines u need <br> tags
linecount += 1
list (linecount) := line
end if
exit when eof (netStream)
end loop
Net.CloseConnection (netStream)
put "This Is All The Info From That Webpage!"
for a : 1 .. linecount
put list (a)
end for
but it seems not to work properly for my list.html page... but is fine for other pages... dunno... maybe u need to acually have it proper html and just exclude and tags form it... i dont know..