Pic.ScreenLoad ("calc.jpg", 0, 0, picCopy) %loads calulator image
var a, d : string := ""
var b, c, total : real
var switch : boolean := false
var operator : int
var x, y, button : int
var font1 : int := Font.New ("serif:12")
Mouse.ButtonChoose ("multibutton")
var button2, left, middle, right : int
var output : string
Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
left := button mod 10 % left = 0 or 1
middle := (button - left) mod 100 % middle = 0 or 10
right := button - middle - left % right = 0 or 100h
Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
Text.Locate (1, 1)
if button = 0 then
put x : 4, " ", y : 4, " button up"
put x : 4, " ", y : 4, " button down"
end if
%Button choose%
locatexy (27, 190)
%button x squared
if x >= 11 and x <= 43 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
a := a + "**2"
switch := true
operator := 4
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "0"
elsif x >= 51 and x <= 82 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
a := a + "0"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "0"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "1"
elsif x >= 89 and x <= 122 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1
a := a + "1"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "1"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "2"
elsif x >= 127 and x <= 160 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1
a := a + "2"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "2"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "3"
elsif x >= 165 and x <= 198 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
a := a + "3"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "3"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "4"
elsif x >= 204 and x <= 236 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
a := a + "4"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "4"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button +
elsif x >= 241 and x <= 273 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
a := a + "+"
switch := true
operator := 1
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button -
elsif x >= 279 and x <= 313 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1
a := a + "-"
switch := true
operator := 2
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button backspace
elsif x >= 316 and x <= 364 and y >= 83 and y <= 113 and button = 1 then
c:= 0
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button square root
elsif x >= 8 and x <= 42 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "sqrt"
switch := true
operator := 5
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "5"
elsif x >= 50 and x <= 84 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "5"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "5"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "6"
elsif x >= 91 and x <= 121 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "6"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "6"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "7"
elsif x >= 128 and x <= 161 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "7"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "7"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "8"
elsif x >= 164 and x <= 191 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "8"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "8"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "9"
elsif x >= 202 and x <= 236 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "9"
if switch = false then
b := strint (a)
d := d + "9"
c := strint (d)
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "x-multiply"
elsif x >= 241 and x <= 273 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "x"
switch := true
operator := 3
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "/"
elsif x >= 279 and x <= 312 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := a + "/"
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button Delete
elsif x >= 316 and x <= 363 and y >= 47 and y <= 75 and button = 1 then
a := ""
Pic.ScreenLoad ("calc.jpg", 0, 0, picCopy)
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button Tan
elsif x >= 65 and x <= 111 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + "Tan"
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button COS
elsif x >= 115 and x <= 162 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + "Cos"
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
elsif x >= 162 and x <= 200 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + "."
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "pie"
elsif x >= 205 and x <= 237 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + "pie"
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button "("
elsif x >= 242 and x <= 275 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + "("
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button ")"
elsif x >= 280 and x <= 313 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
a := a + ")"
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
%Button Enter
elsif x >= 317 and x <= 364 and y >= 9 and y <= 41 and button = 1 then
locatexy (24, 140)
if operator = 1 then
total := b + c
put total..
elsif operator = 2 then
total := b - c
put total..
elsif operator = 3 then
total := b * c
put total..
%X Squared
elsif operator = 4 then
total := b**2
put total..
%Square root
elsif operator = 5 then
total := sqrt (b)
put total..
elsif operator=6 then
total:=b div c
put total
elsif operator=7 then
put total
elsif operator=8 then %NOT DONE TAN
put total..
elsif operator =9 then
total:=cos (b)
put total
locatexy (27, 190)
put " "
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
exit when button not= 1
end loop
end if
%Output Value
locatexy (27, 190)
put a..
end loop