% Howard Tse
% Last modified Apr.26, 2004
% Programming assignement for WOOF-WOOF-ORAMA
%procedures credited to Clement
%setscreen ("nooffscreenonly") credited to Paul Bian at compsci.ca
%explaination of mouse.where command credited to GreenTiger at compsci.ca
setscreen ("graphics:700;300")
var purchase : string
var choice : int
var back : string (1)
var mp, fp, bmp, bfp, mc, fc, sc : int
mp := 3 %male poodle
fp := 2 %female poodle
bmp := 4 %black male poodle
bfp := 5 %black female poodle
mc := 6 %male chihuahua
fc := 3 %female chihuahua
sc := 1 %sparky the talking chihuahua
var mpcounter, fpcounter, bmpcounter, bfpcounter, mccounter, fccounter, sccounter : int := 0
var cash : string
var total : real
var coupon : string
var amount : int := 0
var sum : int
function distance (x1, y1 : int) : int
result abs (x1 - y1)
end distance
%----------------------background including buidling------------------------
var font : int
font := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:19")
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 400, 300, 43) %Orange back
Draw.FillBox (400, 0, 700, 300, grey) %Building box
Draw.Box (409, 228, 687, 252, red) %box around sign
Font.Draw ("WOOF-WOOF-ORAMA", 411, 230, font, red) %store logo
font := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:12")
Font.Draw ("By:Howard Tse", 0, 206, font, red)
Font.Draw ("Date Last modified: May 2nd, 2004", 0, 220, font, red)
Font.Draw ("Purchase a puppy from WOOF-WOOF-ORAMA", 0, 237, font, red)
Draw.Line (420, 300, 400, 285, red) %roof
Draw.Line (450, 300, 400, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (480, 300, 430, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (510, 300, 460, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (540, 300, 490, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (570, 300, 520, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (600, 300, 550, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (630, 300, 580, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (660, 300, 610, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (690, 300, 640, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Line (720, 300, 670, 260, red) %roof
Draw.Box (435, 130, 505, 200, red) %left window
Draw.Line (470, 130, 470, 200, red) %vertical line
Draw.Line (435, 165, 505, 165, red) %horizontal line
Draw.Box (595, 130, 665, 200, red) %right window
Draw.Line (630, 130, 630, 200, red) %vertical line
Draw.Line (595, 165, 665, 165, red) %horizontal line
Draw.Box (520, 0, 580, 100, red) %Door
Draw.Oval (530, 50, 5, 5, red) %door knob
var pic := Pic.New (0, 0, maxx, maxy)
Draw.FillBox (70, 100, 170, 150, brown) %car top
Draw.FillBox (170, 100, 220, 150, white) %window
Draw.Box (170, 100, 220, 150, black) %window outline
Draw.FillBox (0, 50, 290, 100, brown) %car body
Draw.FillOval (65, 30, 30, 30, red) %left wheel
Draw.FillOval (225, 30, 30, 30, red) %left wheel
var pic2 := Pic.New (0, 0, 290, 150)
Draw.Oval (168, 158, 10, 20, black) %leg 1
Draw.Oval (190, 158, 10, 20, black) %leg 2
Draw.Oval (230, 158, 10, 20, black) %leg 3
Draw.Oval (253, 158, 10, 20, black) %leg 4
Draw.Line (268, 211, 295, 240, black) %tail
Draw.FillOval (295, 243, 10, 10, white) %tail ball
Draw.Oval (295, 243, 10, 10, black) %tail outline
Draw.FillOval (165, 143, 9, 5, black) %paw 1
Draw.FillOval (187, 143, 9, 5, black) %paw 2
Draw.FillOval (227, 143, 9, 5, black) %paw 3
Draw.FillOval (250, 143, 9, 5, black) %paw 4
Draw.FillOval (200, 200, 70, 30, white) %body
Draw.Oval (200, 200, 70, 30, black) %body outline
Draw.FillOval (142, 220, 40, 40, white) %head
Draw.Oval (142, 220, 40, 40, black) %outline of head
Draw.Line (152, 232, 159, 238, black) %right eye part 1
Draw.Line (159, 238, 165, 232, black) %right eye part 2
Draw.Line (128, 238, 135, 232, black) %left eye part 1
Draw.Line (128, 238, 122, 232, black) %left eye part 2
Draw.FillOval (100, 200, 10, 40, black) %left ear
Draw.FillOval (182, 200, 10, 40, black) %right ear
Draw.Line (130, 200, 162, 200, black) %mouth
Draw.FillArc (152, 199, 5, 10, 180, 0, black) %tongue
Draw.Oval (143, 215, 7, 7, black) %nose
var pic3 := Pic.New (89, 137, 306, 261)
font := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:19")
%-------------------Procedure code for the menu----------------------
procedure menu
put "Please choose an option"
put "1. Brief Description of the program"
put "2. List of Dogs for sale"
put "3. Purchase a dog"
put "4. Checkout"
put "5. Total number sold"
put "6. View our virtual puppy"
get choice
end menu
%-------------------Procedure code for choice 1----------------------
procedure choice1
locate (1, 1)
put "This program allows the user to purchase puppies from our store, "
locate (2, 1)
put "WOOF-WOOF-ORAMA. Once the user has chosen puppies to purchase he/she "
locate (3, 1)
put "will be able to see the average price, number of puppies and total "
locate (4, 1)
put "price with any discounts."
locate (6, 1)
put "Press any key to go back to the main menu"
getch (back)
end choice1
%-------------------Procedure code for choice 2----------------------
procedure choice2
put " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
put " ---- PUPPY TYPE ---------------- SEX ----------- PRICE ---------- NUMBER ------"
put " -- 1.White Poodles M $199.00 ", mp, " -------"
put " ---2.White Poodles F $199.00 ", fp, " -------"
put " ---3.Black Poodles M $199.00 ", bmp, " -------"
put " ---4.Black Poodles F $199.00 ", bfp, " -------"
put " ---5.Yellow Chihuahuas M $29.99 ", mc, " -------"
put " ---6.Yellow Chihuahuas F $29.99 ", fc, " -------"
put " ---7.Sparky, Talking Chihuahua M $4.00 ", sc, " -------"
put " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
put " Press any key to return to main menu"
getch (back)
end choice2
%-------------------Procedure code for choice 3----------------------
procedure choice3
put " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
put " ---- PUPPY TYPE ---------------- SEX ----------- PRICE ---------- NUMBER ------"
put " -- 1.White Poodles M $199.00 ", mp, " -------"
put " ---2.White Poodles F $199.00 ", fp, " -------"
put " ---3.Black Poodles M $199.00 ", bmp, " -------"
put " ---4.Black Poodles F $199.00 ", bfp, " -------"
put " ---5.Yellow Chihuahuas M $29.99 ", mc, " -------"
put " ---6.Yellow Chihuahuas F $29.99 ", fc, " -------"
put " ---7.Sparky, Talking Chihuahua M $4.00 ", sc, " -------"
put " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
put " To purchase a puppy type in the number corresponding with the type of puppy."
put " Type reset to choose again"
put " Type exit to return to main menu"
get purchase
if purchase = "1" then
if mp > 0 then
mp := mp - 1
put "White male poodle purchased"
delay (1000)
mpcounter := mpcounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "2" then
if fp > 0 then
fp := fp - 1
put "White female poodle purchased"
delay (1000)
fpcounter := fpcounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "3" then
if bmp > 0 then
bmp := bmp - 1
put "Black male poodle purchased"
delay (1000)
bmpcounter := bmpcounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "4" then
if bfp > 0 then
bfp := bfp - 1
put "Black female poodle purchased"
delay (1000)
bfpcounter := bfpcounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "5" then
if mc > 0 then
mc := mc - 1
put "Yellow male chihuahua purchased"
delay (1000)
mccounter := mccounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "6" then
if fc > 0 then
fc := fc - 1
put "Yellow female chihuahua purchased"
delay (1000)
fccounter := fccounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "7" then
if sc > 0 then
sc := sc - 1
put "Sparky the talking chihuahua purchased"
delay (1000)
sccounter := sccounter + 1
put "Already sold out"
delay (1000)
end if
elsif purchase = "reset" then
mp := 3 %male poodle
fp := 2 %female poodle
bmp := 4 %black male poodle
bfp := 5 %black female poodle
mc := 6 %male chihuahua
fc := 3 %female chihuahua
sc := 1 %sparky
mpcounter := 0
fpcounter := 0
bmpcounter := 0
bfpcounter := 0
mccounter := 0
fccounter := 0
sccounter := 0
put "Either you have entered an invalid option or the number of dogs bought is below 0"
end if
exit when purchase = "exit"
end loop
end choice3
procedure choice4
total := (mpcounter * 199) + (fpcounter * 199) + (bmpcounter * 199) + (bfpcounter * 199) + (mccounter * 29.99) + (fccounter * 29.99) + (sccounter * 4)
put "Will you be purchasing in cash?"
get cash
if cash = "yes" or cash = "Yes" then
total := total * 0.9
put "You will be recieving a 10% discount"
elsif cash = "no" or cash = "No" then
put "You will not be recieving a 10% discount"
put "Invalid input"
end if
put "Do you have a $5.00 coupon?"
get coupon
if coupon = "yes" or coupon = "Yes" then
amount := amount + 1
elsif coupon = "no" or coupon = "No" then
put "Invalid input"
end if
put "These are the dogs you have purchased Cost:"
put "White male poodle: ", mpcounter, " $", mpcounter * 199
put "White female poodle: ", fpcounter, " $", fpcounter * 199
put "Black male poodle: ", bmpcounter, " $", bmpcounter * 199
put "Black female poodle: ", bfpcounter, " $", bfpcounter * 199
put "Yellow male chihuahua: ", mccounter, " $", mccounter * 29.99
put "Yellow female chihuahua: ", fccounter, " $", fccounter * 29.99
put "Sparky, the talking chihuahua: ", sccounter, " $", sccounter * 4
put ""
put "Total amount of puppies ", mpcounter + fpcounter + bmpcounter + bfpcounter + mccounter + fccounter + sccounter
var final : real := (total * 1.15) - (amount * 5)
if final <= 0 then
final := 0
end if
put "Total price including discounts and tax: $", final
put "Push any key to return to the main menu"
getch (back)
end choice4
procedure choice5
put "Total number of dogs sold:", mpcounter + fpcounter + bmpcounter + bfpcounter + mccounter + fccounter + sccounter
if mpcounter, fpcounter, bmpcounter, bfpcounter, mccounter, fccounter, sccounter > 0 then
sum := ((total * 1.15) - (amount * 5)) / (mpcounter + fpcounter + bmpcounter + bfpcounter + mccounter + fccounter + sccounter)
elsif mpcounter, fpcounter, bmpcounter, bfpcounter, mccounter, fccounter, sccounter > 0 then
sum := 0
end if
put "Average price of each dog sold $", sum
put "Press any key to return to main menu"
getch (back)
end choice5
procedure choice6
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var x1, y1, x2, y2, mb : int := 320
y1 := 200
mousewhere (x2, y2, mb)
if x2 > x1 then
x1 += distance (x1, x2) div 10
x1 -= distance (x1, x2) div 10
end if
if y2 > y1 then
y1 += distance (y1, y2) div 10
y1 -= distance (y1, y2) div 10
end if
Pic.Draw (pic3, x1, y1, picMerge)
delay (10)
exit when mb = 1
Font.Draw ("Click to return to main menu ", 150, 50, font, red)
end loop
end choice6
%--------------------------Openning Screen-----------------------
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
for x : 1 .. 110 by 5
Pic.Draw (pic, 0, 0, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (pic2, x, 0, picMerge)
end for
put "Press any key to continue"
setscreen ("graphics:700;300")
getch (back)
%--------------------------Main Screen----------------------------
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
setscreen ("graphics:700;300")
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
if choice = 1 then
elsif choice = 2 then
elsif choice = 3 then
elsif choice = 4 then
elsif choice = 5 then
elsif choice = 6 then
put "Invalid input, please choose again"
delay (1000)
end if
end loop