%Final Fantasy. The Final Battle. %
%By: Nathan Boucher. %
%copy writed by. Nathan boucher. c) %
%Starting Date- April 13, 2004 %
%Final Date %
var rank : string
var abilities : string
var name : string
var strength : int := 1
var health : int := 100
var Def : int := 1
var agility : int := 1
var coins : int := 10
var direction : string
var answer : string
var password : string
%delay (2500)
put "What's your name?"
get name
put "What rank do you want?"
put "soldier"
put "wizard"
put "thief"
get rank
%The Soldiers Abilities.
if rank = "soldier" then
put "Your abilities are:"
put ""
put "Rage."
put "Super Attack."
put "Heal."
put ""
put "Your strength is: ", strength + 3
put "Your defence is: ", Def + 2
put "Your agility is: ", agility + 1
put "Your Health is: ", health
%The Wizards Abilities.
rank = "wizard" then
put "Your abilities are:"
put ""
put "Fire."
put "Lighting."
put "Ice."
put "Heal."
put ""
put "Your strength is: ", strength + 1
put "Your defence is: ", Def + 1
put "Your agility is: ", agility + 2
put "Your Health is: ", health
%The Thief's Abilities.
rank = "thief" then
put "Your abilities are:"
put ""
put "Steal Wepon."
put "Assassination."
put ""
put "Your strength is: ", strength
put "Your defence is: ", Def
put "Your agility is: ", agility + 4
put "Your Health is: ", health
end if
put "Hit any key to start the game..."
var ch : string (1)
getch (ch)
put "You are now entering the final battle. Have fun!"
%delay (4000)
put skip
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put skip
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put skip
put "Wake up stranger."
put "Hey, what's your name??"
put "My name is ", name, "."
put skip
%delay (1000)
put "Well lets get started with your journey."
put "Do you want to go North, East, South or West??"
get direction
if direction = "north" then
put "You see a bar in the distance. Do you want to go there??"
get answer
end if
if answer = "yes" then
put "You go into the bar and you see an elf. He asks you, ''Do you want a drink? It cost 5 coins.''"
get answer
end if
if answer = "yes" then
put "That will be 5 coins, thank you. You now have,", coins - 5, " coins left."
end if
if answer = "no" then
put "Do you want to go East, South or West??"
get direction
end if
if direction = "east" then
put "There is a cave in the distance. Do you want to go there?"
get answer
end if
if answer = "yes" then
put "A man comes out of the darkness and says,'What's the password??'"
get password
end if
if password = "time" then
put "You may enter."
end if
if direction = "south" then
put "There is a man in the shadow of the alley. Do you go up to him??"
get answer
end if
if answer = "yes" then
put "I have three riddles for you. Here they are."
%delay (1000)
put "Propane is either:"
put "A)Flamable"
put "B)Non-Flamable"
put "C)All of the above"
get answer
end if
if answer = "a" then
put "You are correct."
end if
if answer = "b" then
put "How dumb can you really be?"
end if
if answer = "c" then
put "You are an insolate fool."
end if
%delay (1000)
put "The second riddle is:"
put "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody's around, does it make a sound??"
get answer
if answer = "yes" then
put "You are correct."
end if
if answer = "no" then
put "You are dumb as a door nob!!!"
end if
%delay (1000)
put "The last one is:"
put "If you clap with one hand, does it make a sound??"
get answer
if answer = "yes" then
put "You are correct. The password to the cave is time."
end if
if answer = "no" then
put "You are so dumb you loose the game!!!!!"
end if
if direction = "west" then
put "You see a treasure chest. Do you want to oppen it????"
get answer
end if
if answer = "yes" then
put "You got 100 coins. You now have, ", coins + 100, "coins"
end if