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 Dictionary Program
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:49 pm   Post subject: Dictionary Program

I am trying to make this program that is a dictionary for scietific terms but for some reason i can't get the begining to work


%Dictionary of Scientific Terms
%Version: 1.0
%Author: rhysticlight
%Date Started: April.11/04
%Date Completed:
%Copyright 2004 Terabyte Technologies Inc.


%variable for searching
var search :string


put "Welcome to rhysticlights dictionary of scientific terms."
put "Please enter the item that you would like to look up."

%getting the word
get search

put "searching..."

delay (1000)


%Absolute Time

if search = "absolute time" then
    put "The idea that there can be a universal clock. Einstein's theory of relativiy"
    put "showed that there could be no such concept."
end if

When i type in "absolute time" it jsut says searching, then clears the screan and does not display the definition. can any one tell me what I am doing wrong???

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:02 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

get search
gets only absolute
get search:*
gets ablsolute time lol
surprised you haven't learned that
get only takes the first word
get search:*
gets everything you type
P.S sorry didn't mean to laugh Embarassed
P.P.S get rid of the delay, some ppl *cough* shorthair *cough* don't like it.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:10 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

thanx for the help. I am not in a compsci course so that is why I haven;t learned it.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:18 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

heh that's pretty funny rosen , haha i can't believe you didn't know about the :* sign at the end of a get to get more than one string "meaning more words" but still i hope 2 c u next year in compsci grade 10 BTW i beat you on the freamt math test HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

PCE Rolling Eyes

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:54 am   Post subject: (No subject)

hey lenard, I already admitted that you are better at programing than me, so whats with the flaming??? And I really do not give a **** about u beating me on the math test I new you would. See ya in Compsci next year.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:30 am   Post subject: (No subject)

No bragging, unless you can back up your statements, then you earn bragging rights. I'm sure there are others who beat you on Fermat. What did you get btw?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:09 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

first of all let me state that i am in grade 9. second i got highest in grade 9, third in grade ten and 5 in grade 11 for ranking. however i got a 78 percent oh and did i mension its a grade 11 math test. and if you are going to nitpick *WITH EXTREME AMOUNT OF SARCASM* i'm sowwy

ARE YOU BLODDY HAPPY NOW I FEEL SO DIRTY Embarassed Shocked Hit Wall BooHoo Puppy Dog Eyes :bat2angel: Bat

please lord let me forget this HORRIBLE INCIDENT

Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying Praying
BTW did i mention Praying Praying Praying Praying

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:25 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

those emotions are quite cool, but u dont need ta make so many of them
i doubt the mod will like them this way

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:54 pm   Post subject: (No subject) got 5th in grade 11? on the Fermat? Is that in your school, or in Canada? So wait, what contest did you even write? Pascal? Cayley? Fermat? Cuz if you got 150 on the Pascal, it's a wholely different thing then getting 150 on the Fermat.

No one cares if you are in gr 9 and came first. Even if you did come first in Canada. I come from a school in which 1st and 2nd on national contests are quite common. Maybe you have heard of it? Vincent Massey Secondary School? Saying you got 1st in this contest means nothing, unless you got perfect. I personally know a couple of juniors who are writing USAMO and CMO. No real genius will brag about stuff like this, only the frog in the bottom of the well see the world as it is.

I personally came in 3rd in my school for Fermat. And the top 2 were both number 1 in Canada. Does that give me the right to look down on other people? No, it doesn't.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

and lenard big deal aman, I am pretty sure that u and me where the only grade nines writing the test!!!!

props 2 u Asian Sensation, nice job. Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:27 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Thats amazing AsianSensation!!. Way to go!! You seem to have a VeRy GoOd outlook on things; which I respect greatly. Keep up the excellent work!


PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:36 pm   Post subject: (No subject)


thank you guys for the compliments, but that's not what I was aiming for here........

I was just pissed off at people who think they are so much better then others and automatically assume they are the best because of the limited amount of contest/competition/geniuses that they have seen in their life time.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:09 am   Post subject: (No subject)

AsianSensation wrote:

thank you guys for the compliments, but that's not what I was aiming for here........

yea w.e azn_s

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

yea... GAMER... ur avatar is a little big... i had to scroll sideways to read the text and i didn't know who was posting that.... to bad u cant size down... dam gifs...** at least i dont think u can.... hmm.... try irfanview...

anyways... i did the pascal math contest for gr9 last year.... that was fun... i wont post my results... **for the sake of not making others feel bad....

this topic let me down....
wicked program... but i was hoping for a spell checker type of program...

.and i was hoping to score a dictionary file with all the words in the english language.... errr.......*** need a dictionary file with all the words **no definitions... that is in text file format so i can use with my text twist game.... ***stalled production because i dont got this file Sad....
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