Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:11 am Post subject: Taking Turns in A Dice Game Question
I'm doing my dice game right now but I don't know a good way to alternate between characters in the game. Since, the number of char changes every single time in the game, I'm really confused about what I can do so that the players would take turns rolling the die. I did think about using arrays but I'm still not sure what to do. Please help me. ^^ [/code]
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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:25 am Post subject: (No subject)
Use a counter, after someone goes, the counter goes up by one like
end loop
then, in the loop, have it mod the counter by the number of people.
eg. num ppl = 4
if c mod ppl =0 then
put "Player 1's turn."
elsif c mod ppl =1 then
put "player 2's turn"
elsisf c mod ppl = 2 then
put "Player 3's turn"
elsif c mod ppl = 3 then
put "player 4's turn."
end if
and so on, that should work.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:31 am Post subject: (No subject)
So, if the number of characters differ each time it's played, do I just make a counted loop?
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:39 am Post subject: (No subject)
I did that. But there's something wrong. Here's the code.
var roll, count, numplayers : int
count := 0
put "Number of players: " ..
get numplayers
delay (200)
count += 1
for i : 1 .. numplayers
if count mod numplayers = 0 then
put "Player 1's turn"
elsif count mod numplayers = 1 then
put "Player 2's turn"
elsif count mod numplayers = 2 then
put "Player 3's turn"
elsif count mod numplayers = 3 then
put "Player 4's turn"
end if
end for
end loop
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:50 am Post subject: (No subject)
The way you set up your code, each player goes 4 times? I dunno, if your doing this for your flight game, each player rolls once each turn right? There can only be 4 players, so you should limit it.
Heres a simple example showing however number of players within 4, taking turns rolling the die
var players, roll: int
put "Enter number of players 1-4"
get players
if players >0 and players <=4 then
end if
end loop
for a: 1..players
randint (roll, 1,6)
if a=1 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
elsif a=2 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ",roll
elsif a=3 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
elsif a=4 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
end if
delay (1000)
end for
end loop
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:09 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Hey it worked! Plus, it's what I want. Thanks Paul.You're such a big help. You too recneps.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 1:57 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah, well Paul's is simpler ;D oh well, thats how i did mine for tic tac toe, i had it mod 2, if its 0, then its player 1 turn, if its 1 then player 2 turn ;D
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 2:14 pm Post subject: (No subject)
for a: 1..players
randint (roll, 1,6)
if a=1 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
elsif a=2 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ",roll
elsif a=3 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
elsif a=4 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
end if
just nitpicking, but this if structure isnt required is it?
Couldnt this be replaced with
for a: 1..players
randint (roll, 1,6)
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
end if
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Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:34 pm Post subject: (No subject)
It could be but then there's a lot of other things I have to check for:
(1) If the player rolls a 6, then it can move either a pawn in the waitng area or move a pawn that's already out(since there's a limit. The maximum number of pawns you can have is 4.) Once you have all four out, you can choose which pawn you want to move. If the player doesn't get a six, then it can't move and it goes on to the next player <-- that means that I have to have a loop and then make a lot of if statements right?
(2) There are 4 different colours that can be chosen : red, blue, green, or yellow. When the game starts, each player chooses a colour. Then it goes into the actual game where you start rolling the die.
(3) There are different colours on the board. If the player lands on the colour that they chose, they can skip to the next colour square that they chose.
and some other things I have to check for.
So I think the if statement structure is perfect. But... I'm stuck on the first part where I have to check for stuff. I have part of it in code but there's some error in it, and I don't know how to fix it. ^^
put "Enter number of players 1-4"
get players
put "Enter number of pawns 1-4"
get numpawns
if players >= 2 and players <= 4 and numpawns > 0 and numpawns <= 4 then
end if
end loop
for a : 1 .. players
randint (roll, 1, 6)
if a = 1 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
if roll = 6 then
player1 := true
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
put "Pawn", pawn, "moved into 'Start Flying' mode"
end if
if roll <= 5 and player1 = true then
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
if pawn = 1 then
move1 := move1 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move1
elsif pawn = 2 then
move2 := move2 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move2
elsif pawn = 3 then
move3 := move3 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move3
elsif pawn = 4 then
move4 := move4 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move4
end if
end if
elsif a = 2 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
if roll = 6 then
player2 := true
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved into 'Start Flying' mode"
end if
if roll <= 5 and player2 = true then
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
if pawn = 1 then
move1 := move1 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move1
elsif pawn = 2 then
move2 := move2 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move2
elsif pawn = 3 then
move3 := move3 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move3
elsif pawn = 4 then
move4 := move4 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move4
end if
end if
elsif a = 3 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
if roll = 6 then
player3 := true
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved into 'Start Flying' mode"
end if
if roll <= 5 and player3 = true then
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
if pawn = 1 then
move1 := move1 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move1
elsif pawn = 2 then
move2 := move2 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move2
elsif pawn = 3 then
move3 := move3 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move3
elsif pawn = 4 then
move4 := move4 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move4
end if
end if
elsif a = 4 then
put "Player ", a, " Rolled a ", roll
if roll = 6 then
player4 := true
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved into 'Start Flying' mode"
end if
elsif roll <= 5 and player4 = true then
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
if pawn = 1 then
move1 := move1 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move1
elsif pawn = 2 then
move2 := move2 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move2
elsif pawn = 3 then
move3 := move3 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move3
elsif pawn = 4 then
move4 := move4 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move4
end if
delay (1000)
end if
end for
end loop
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well, your asking for 1-4 players correct?
but in your code, you only allow 2-4 players....i dont even understand wahts going on in the game
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
that would be simpler, but I was going for the one thats ez to understand yes?
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:43 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I forgot to mention that the game has to have at least 2 people playing. ^^ That's why I put 2-4 people in the code.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yea, I kinda figured that after, but hey, I use to play this by myself when I was sick back then
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:47 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I can't seem to figure out how I can fix the error though..... I mean, I changed the number of characters but then it keeps on repeating the same player over and over again. I don't know how I can fix it.
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:09 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I've improved on the form of this signifigantly I think, and as you can see the number on lines is a lot less this way. It's just more convenient.
By the way, You are trying to make the game Parchesi, are you not?
var players, roll, move1, move2, move3, move4, pawn, numpawns, playernum : int
var player : array 1 .. 4 of boolean
move1 := 0
move2 := 0
move3 := 0
move4 := 0
for a : 1 .. 4
player (a) := false
end for
proc movedecisions
put "Player ", playernum, " Rolled a ", roll
if roll = 6 then
player (playernum) := true
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
put "Pawn", pawn, "moved into 'Start Flying' mode"
end if
if roll <= 5 and player (playernum) = true then
put "Which Pawn do you want to move?"
get pawn
assert pawn > 0
if pawn = 1 then
move1 := move1 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move1
elsif pawn = 2 then
move2 := move2 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move2
elsif pawn = 3 then
move3 := move3 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move3
elsif pawn = 4 then
move4 := move4 + roll
put "Pawn ", pawn, " moved", move4
end if
end if
end movedecisions
put "Enter number of players 1-4"
get players
put "Enter number of pawns 1-4"
get numpawns
if players >= 2 and players <= 4 and numpawns > 0 and numpawns <= 4 then
end if
end loop
for a : 1 .. players
randint (roll, 1, 6)
playernum := a
delay (1000)
end for
end loop