Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:53 pm Post subject: Many Balls bouncing
Can anyone show me an easy way to have many balls bouncing around in a box, preferably without using alot of different variables and not alot of flashing?
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Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
check out my particle enegine with physics post...
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:52 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Well I think he wants something simpler than that
You need to learn to use arrays. If you can't understand them from this code and from the help file and any tutorials on here (You'll get it from all those I'm sude) PM me or ask in this thread.
var howmany : int
put "How many balls? : " ..
get howmany
var x, y, dx, dy : array 1 .. howmany of int
for i : 1 .. howmany
dx (i) := Rand.Int (-4, 4)
dy (i) := Rand.Int (-4, 4)
x (i) := maxx div 2
y (i) := maxy div 2
end for
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
for k : 1 .. howmany
x (k) += dx (k)
y (k) += dy (k)
Draw.FillOval (x (k), y (k), 5, 5, brightred)
end for
delay (5)
end loop
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:03 pm Post subject: (No subject)
you forgot to add the bit of code which checks whether the ball has reached the screen...
x (k) += dx (k)
y (k) += dy (k)
if x (k) < 0 or x (k) > maxx then
dx (k) *= -1
end if
if y (k) < 0 or y (k) > maxy then
dx (k) *= -1
end if
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Paul is a very compitent programmer who can do that himself...
All he needed to know was how to use an array.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I changed it based on Cervantes' code... Now it really bouncing around screen...
var howmany : int
put "How many balls? : " ..
get howmany
var x, y, dx, dy : array 1 .. howmany of int
for i : 1 .. howmany
dx (i) := Rand.Int (-4, 4)
dy (i) := Rand.Int (-4, 4)
x (i) := maxx div 2
y (i) := maxy div 2
end for
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
for k : 1 .. howmany
x (k) += dx (k)
y (k) += dy (k)
Draw.FillOval (x (k), y (k), 5, 5, brightred)
if x (k) >= maxx or x (k) <= 0 then
dx (k) := -dx (k)
elsif y (k) >= maxy or y (k) <= 0 then
dy (k) := -dy (k)
end if
end for
delay (5)
end loop
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:46 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Hehe, thanks, this kinda looks like the other guy's explosion don't you think? And if you use over 100 balls, it looks vaguely 3Dish.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:51 pm Post subject: (No subject)
we64's thing looks crazy. its like a kaliedoscope. +bits
jonos edit:
nm, bits thing isn't workin.
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Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:02 pm Post subject: (No subject)
jonos why are you trying to give we64 bits for merging code that I wrote with a snippet that zylum wrote?
anyways here is a game that I made using thoughtful's collision from his pool tutorial.
View.Set ("position:centre;centre,graphics:300;300,title:Bouncing Balls,nobuttonbar")
var totalballs : int := 15 %NOTE : to increase how many balls will spawn this number must be at least equal to the max number of balls
var x, y, dx, dy : array 1 .. totalballs of int
var dx_temp, dy_temp : array 1 .. totalballs of real
var movedist1, movedist2, collangle, mass, a1, a2, nX, nY, optimisedP : real
var px, py : int
px := maxx div 2
py := maxy div 2
var keys : array char of boolean
var hit : boolean := false
var respawn : boolean := true
var respawnx, respawny : int
var lives : int := 3
const ballradius := 8
const ballcollidedistance := ballradius * 2
var timer : int
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
mass := 1
for i : 1 .. totalballs
x (i) := Rand.Int (20 + ballradius, maxx - 20 - ballradius)
y (i) := Rand.Int (20 + ballradius, maxy - 20 - ballradius)
dx (i) := Rand.Int (-3, 3)
dy (i) := Rand.Int (-3, 3)
end for
proc drawscreen
for i : 1 .. maxx by 20
Draw.FillStar (i, 0, i + 20, 20, 2)
Draw.FillStar (i, maxy - 20, i + 20, maxy, 2)
end for
for k : 20 .. maxy - 20 by 20
Draw.FillStar (0, k, 20, k + 20, 2)
Draw.FillStar (maxx - 20, k, maxx, k + 20, 2)
end for
locate (3, 3)
end drawscreen
proc ball_movement
for i : 1 .. totalballs
%wall bouncing
if x (i) > maxx - 20 - ballradius then
dx (i) := -dx (i)
x (i) += dx (i)
end if
if x (i) < 20 + ballradius then
dx (i) := -dx (i)
x (i) += dx (i)
end if
if y (i) > maxy - 20 - ballradius then
dy (i) := -dy (i)
y (i) += dy (i)
end if
if y (i) < 20 + ballradius then
dy (i) := -dy (i)
y (i) += dy (i)
end if
x (i) += dx (i)
y (i) += dy (i)
drawfilloval (x (i), y (i), ballradius, ballradius, blue)
end for
end ball_movement
proc balls_collide
for i : 1 .. totalballs
for k : i .. totalballs
if k not= i then
if Math.Distance (x (i), y (i), x (k), y (k)) < ballcollidedistance then
if y (k) - y (i) not= 0 and x (k) - x (i) not= 0 then
collangle := arctand ((y (k) - y (i)) / ((x (k) - x (i))))
nX := cosd (collangle)
nY := sind (collangle)
a1 := x (i) * nX + y (i) * nY
a2 := x (k) * nX + y (k) * nY
optimisedP := (2.0 * (a1 - a2)) / (mass + mass)
x (i) := x (i) - (round (optimisedP) * round (mass) * round (nX))
y (i) := y (i) - (round (optimisedP) * round (mass) * round (nY))
x (k) := x (k) + (round (optimisedP) * round (mass) * round (nX))
y (k) := y (k) + (round (optimisedP) * round (mass) * round (nY))
% moves the balls forward a step so they dont get stuck with each other( but the balls will still stick)
x (i) += dx (i)
y (i) += dy (i)
x (k) += dx (k)
y (k) += dy (k)
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
end balls_collide
proc player_control
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
py += 2
end if
if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
py -= 2
end if
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
px += 2
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
px -= 2
end if
drawfilloval (px, py, ballradius, ballradius, brightred)
end player_control
proc player_boundaries
if px > maxx - 50 - ballradius then
px := maxx - 50 - ballradius
end if
if px < 50 + ballradius then
px := 50 + ballradius
end if
if py > maxy - 50 - ballradius then
py := maxy - 50 - ballradius
end if
if py < 50 + ballradius then
py := 50 + ballradius
end if
end player_boundaries
timer := Time.Elapsed
totalballs := round (timer / 5000)
exit when totalballs > 20 or hit = true
for k : 1 .. totalballs
if Math.Distance (px, py, x (k), y (k)) < ballcollidedistance then
hit := true
end if
end for
delay (10)
end loop
delay (500)
locate (7, 5)
put "Thanks for playing,\n -Cervantes"
its not nearly done but w/e just for fun
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Very nice, bahaha, you slow ninja's will never catch me. Grr... it took 10 of them. Have you realized that the player can't reach the corners?
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yes I have I did that to prevent those cheap players from hiding in the corner. Takes a long time for you to die when you hide in the corners
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:10 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i believe that i can give bits who anyone who i think deserves them, and my opinion on who deserves them does not have to be the same as your. i liked what he did with it, so i thought that i would give him bits.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:15 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Jonos you are totally entitled to you're opinion and your beliefs.
As for my beliefs oh who deserves bits, I think no one here. That's really and truly not a hard program to make
But while you're enjoying your freedom of opinion allow me to enjoy mine: le cut... le paste.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
the code was not difficult compared to your skill level, but to mine it was.
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:33 pm Post subject: (No subject)
No, I don't think the code is difficult, or complicated, it just takes experience plus intelligence to come up with it