need help with inputting a text field...
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Message |
Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:35 am Post subject: need help with inputting a text field... |
i get the error message "deferred subroutine has not been resolved"
also its the file called gave ver 3.1 its the newest version im working on.
this is the part with the text field.
proc textrun (text : string)
input := GUI.GetText (commandpromp)
cmdrun := true
end textrun
process button1
var draw : int := GUI.CreateButtonFull (558, 350, 50, "Inventory", Invwind, 50, "h", true)
commandpromp := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (3, 14, 465, "", textrun, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end button1
Description: |
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Filename: |
game - ver |
Filesize: |
239.77 KB |
Downloaded: |
583 Time(s) |
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Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 12:38 pm Post subject: RE:need help with inputting a text field... |
ok so i have been looking and it seems the problem revolves around the deferred subroutine has not being resolved. i really need help on this.
Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:15 pm Post subject: RE:need help with inputting a text field... |
I didn't download the file, but do you have any forward declared functions or procedures that you didn't write bodies for?
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:28 am Post subject: Re: RE:need help with inputting a text field... |
Insectoid @ Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:15 pm wrote: I didn't download the file, but do you have any forward declared functions or procedures that you didn't write bodies for?
i only have 2 forward procedures. and they both have body's. one of them is used as a procedure for a button tho.
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:39 am Post subject: Re: need help with inputting a text field... |
This is part of a widget module that opens when the error happens.
% Window must already be set up
procedure HandleKeystroke (window : int)
var ch := getchar
% Check if a menu shortcut
var menubar : ^MenuBarClass := GetMenuBarForWindow (window)
% Check menus
if menubar not= nil then
if menubar -> ConsiderKeystroke (ch) then
% Was a menu shortcut.
end if
end if
% Check widgets
var widget : ^GenericWidgetBodyClass := WidgetGlobals.firstWidget
exit when widget = nil
if widget -> GetWindow = window and
objectclass (widget) >= GenericActiveWidgetClass and
GenericActiveWidgetClass (widget).ConsiderKeystroke (ch) <-this is the part that has the error, the error is-> Process "button1" : Deferred subroutine has not been resolved.
% Was a widget shortcut.
end if
widget := widget -> GetNext
end loop
% Check user keystroke handler
if keyEventHandler not= DefaultKeyEventHandler then
keyEventHandler (ch)
end if
end HandleKeystroke
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:21 pm Post subject: RE:need help with inputting a text field... |
Can you move the body closer to the top of the code, or remove the forward declaration entirely? I suspect that Turing doesn't see your body declaration for whatever reason. Could be a typo, could be something else.
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 12:08 pm Post subject: Re: need help with inputting a text field... |
this is the entire program to make it easy for you guys.
Turing: |
import GUI
var bal : int := 0
var shopon : boolean := false
type Items :
Name : string
Desc : string
Healing : int
Damage : int
Has : boolean
Amount : int
Block : int
end record
const size : int := 25 % The buttons size.
const border : int := 3
const Buttonx : int := 20
const Buttony : int := 340
var button1y, button2y, button3y, button4y, button5y, button6y, button7y, button8y, button9y, button10y : int := 0
var button1x, button2x, button3x, button4x, button5x, button6x, button7x, button8x, button9x, button10x : int := 0
var winID1, winID2, starButton, mapleButton, starPic, mapleLeafPic, picID, picID1, picID2, picID3, picID4, picID5, picID6, picID7, picID8, picID9, space, wsb, ssb, isb, dsb : int
var shb, mhb, lhb, wshb, ishb, dshb, statfont, commandpromp : int
var winopen, combat, turn, cmdrun : boolean := false
var enemyhp, enemy : int
var count : int := 1
var damage : int := 5
var boxID : int := GUI.CreateTextBox (0, 40, 470, 360)
var equiped : string := "fists"
var shieldequiped, enemyname : string := ""
var start, name, nametest, stop, input, input2 : string
var health : int := 70
var item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, place, villagesub, cavesub, forestsub, defence : int := 0
var move, move2, move3 : int := 3
var commands : array 1 .. 5 of string
commands (1) := "buy"
commands (2) := "sell"
commands (3) := "attack"
commands (4) := "equip"
commands (5) := "use"
var woodsword : Items
woodsword.Name := "Wooden Sword"
woodsword.Desc := "Does 10 Damage"
woodsword.Damage := 10
woodsword.Has := false
woodsword.Amount := 0
var stonesword : Items
stonesword.Name := "Stone Sword"
stonesword.Desc := "Does 40 Damage"
stonesword.Damage := 40
stonesword.Has := false
stonesword.Amount := 0
var ironsword : Items
ironsword.Name := "Iron Sword"
ironsword.Desc := "Does 70 Damage"
ironsword.Damage := 70
ironsword.Has := false
ironsword.Amount := 0
var diamondsword : Items
diamondsword.Name := "Diamond Sword"
diamondsword.Desc := "Does 100 Damage"
diamondsword.Damage := 100
diamondsword.Has := false
diamondsword.Amount := 0
var smallheal : Items
smallheal.Name := "Small Health Potion"
smallheal.Desc := "Heals 10 Damage"
smallheal.Healing := 10
smallheal.Has := false
smallheal.Amount := 0
var medheal : Items
medheal.Name := "Medium Health Potion"
medheal.Desc := "Heals 40 Damage"
medheal.Healing := 40
medheal.Has := false
medheal.Amount := 0
var largeheal : Items
largeheal.Name := "Large Health Potion"
largeheal.Desc := "Heals 70 Damage"
largeheal.Healing := 70
largeheal.Has := false
largeheal.Amount := 0
var woodshield : Items
woodshield.Name := "Wooden Shield"
woodshield.Desc := "Gives 20 Defence"
woodshield.Block := 20
woodshield.Has := false
woodshield.Amount := 0
var ironshield : Items
ironshield.Name := "Iron Shield"
ironshield.Desc := "Gives 35 Defence"
ironshield.Block := 35
ironshield.Has := false
ironshield.Amount := 0
var diamondshield : Items
diamondshield.Name := "Diamond Shield"
diamondshield.Desc := "Gives 50 Defence"
diamondshield.Block := 50
diamondshield.Has := false
diamondshield.Amount := 0
forward proc Invwind ()
forward proc WindClose ()
statfont := Font.New ("sans serif:18:bold")
%//////////Create the button pictures////////%
% The star.
Draw.Star (border, border, border + size, border + size, black)
Draw.Star (border + 1, border + 1, border + size - 1, border + size - 1, black)
Draw.FillStar (border + 2, border + 2, border + size - 2, border + size - 2, brightred)
starPic := Pic.New (0, 0, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
% The mapleleaf.
Draw.FillBox (border, border, border + size, border + size, white)
Draw.MapleLeaf (border, border, border + size, border + size, black)
Draw.MapleLeaf (border + 1, border + 1, border + size - 1, border + size - 1, black)
Draw.FillMapleLeaf (border + 2, border + 2, border + size - 2, border + size - 2, brightred)
mapleLeafPic := Pic.New (0, 0, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
%////////Creat window//////%
picID := Pic.FileNew ("woodensword_icon32.jpg")
picID1 := Pic.FileNew ("stonesword_icon32.jpg")
picID2 := Pic.FileNew ("ironsword_icon32.jpg")
picID3 := Pic.FileNew ("diamondsword_icon32.jpg")
picID4 := Pic.FileNew ("potion_red.jpg")
picID5 := Pic.FileNew ("potion_yellow.jpg")
picID6 := Pic.FileNew ("potion_xp.jpg")
picID7 := Pic.FileNew ("woodshield.jpg")
picID8 := Pic.FileNew ("ironshield.jpg")
picID9 := Pic.FileNew ("diamondshield.jpg")
picID := Pic.Scale (picID, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID1 := Pic.Scale (picID1, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID2 := Pic.Scale (picID2, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID3 := Pic.Scale (picID3, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID4 := Pic.Scale (picID4, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID5 := Pic.Scale (picID5, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID6 := Pic.Scale (picID6, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID7 := Pic.Scale (picID7, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID8 := Pic.Scale (picID8, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
picID9 := Pic.Scale (picID9, 2 * border + size, 2 * border + size )
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID1, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID2, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID3, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID4, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID5, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID6, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID7, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID8, white)
Pic.SetTransparentColor (picID9, white)
procedure itemif (var Amount : int, var Has : boolean)
if Amount > 0 then
Has := true
elsif Amount = 0 then
Has := false
elsif Amount < 0 then
Amount := 0
end if
end itemif
proc inventory (itemhas : boolean, itemname : string, itemnum : int)
if count = 4 or count = 7 or count = 10 and itemhas = true then
if itemhas = true then
GUI.AddText (boxID, itemname )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " (")
GUI.AddText (boxID, intstr (itemnum ))
GUI.AddLine (boxID, ")")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, " ")
end if
if itemhas = true then
GUI.AddText (boxID, itemname )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " (")
GUI.AddText (boxID, intstr (itemnum ))
GUI.AddLine (boxID, ")")
end if
end if
count := count + 1
end inventory
proc invrun
inventory (woodsword.Has, woodsword.Name, woodsword.Amount )
inventory (stonesword.Has, stonesword.Name, stonesword.Amount )
inventory (ironsword.Has, ironsword.Name, ironsword.Amount )
inventory (diamondsword.Has, diamondsword.Name, diamondsword.Amount )
inventory (smallheal.Has, smallheal.Name, smallheal.Amount )
inventory (medheal.Has, medheal.Name, medheal.Amount )
inventory (largeheal.Has, largeheal.Name, largeheal.Amount )
inventory (woodshield.Has, woodshield.Name, woodshield.Amount )
inventory (ironshield.Has, ironshield.Name, ironshield.Amount )
inventory (diamondshield.Has, diamondshield.Name, diamondshield.Amount )
end invrun
proc fariy
enemyhp := 60
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "a fariy blocks your path")
combat := true
enemyname := "fariy"
turn := false
exit when turn = true
end loop
exit when enemyhp <= 0
if enemyhp < 20 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "the fairy uses a heal spell")
enemyhp := enemyhp + 20
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "the fairy attacks")
health := health - abs (30 - defence )
end if
end loop
end fariy
proc cow
enemyhp := 150
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "a cow blocks your path")
combat := true
enemyname := "cow"
turn := false
exit when turn = true
end loop
exit when enemyhp <= 0
end loop
end cow
proc goblin
enemyhp := 100
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "a goblin blocks your path")
combat := true
enemyname := "goblin"
turn := false
exit when turn = true
end loop
exit when enemyhp <= 0
end loop
end goblin
proc enemyrand
randint (enemy, 1, 3)
if enemy = 1 then
elsif enemy = 2 then
elsif enemy = 3 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "what?")
end if
end enemyrand
proc equiprun (var Amount : int, var Name : string, var Block : int)
Window.Select (- 1)
if Name = diamondsword.Name or Name = ironsword.Name or Name = stonesword.Name or Name = woodsword.Name and Amount >= 1 then
GUI.AddText (boxID, "You equiped ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, Name )
equiped := Name
damage := Block
elsif Amount >= 1 then
GUI.AddText (boxID, "You equiped ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, Name )
shieldequiped := Name
defence := Block
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "You dont have that item")
end if
end equiprun
proc equipdiamond
equiprun (diamondsword.Amount, diamondsword.Name, diamondsword.Damage )
end equipdiamond
proc equipiron
equiprun (ironsword.Amount, ironsword.Name, ironsword.Damage )
end equipiron
proc equipstone
equiprun (stonesword.Amount, stonesword.Name, stonesword.Damage )
end equipstone
proc equipwood
equiprun (woodsword.Amount, woodsword.Name, woodsword.Damage )
end equipwood
proc equipwoodsh
equiprun (woodshield.Amount, woodshield.Name, woodshield.Block )
end equipwoodsh
proc equipironsh
equiprun (ironshield.Amount, ironshield.Name, ironshield.Block )
end equipironsh
proc equipdiamondsh
equiprun (diamondshield.Amount, diamondshield.Name, diamondshield.Block )
end equipdiamondsh
proc healing (var Amount, Healing : int)
Window.Select (- 1)
if Amount >= 1 then
for hp : 1 .. Healing
exit when health = 100
health := health + 1
end for
Amount := Amount - 1
GUI.AddText (boxID, "you are now at ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, intstr (health ))
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "% health")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you dont have that item")
end if
end healing
proc largehealing
healing (largeheal.Amount, largeheal.Healing )
end largehealing
proc medhealing
healing (medheal.Amount, medheal.Healing )
end medhealing
proc smallhealing
healing (smallheal.Amount, smallheal.Healing )
end smallhealing
proc shop
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you enter the shop")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Shop Keep: welcome weary traveller to my shop")
randint (item1, 500, 1000)
randint (item2, 450, 750)
randint (item3, 100, 250)
randint (item4, 200, 250)
randint (item5, 250, 300)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "======== SHOP ========")
GUI.AddText (boxID, diamondsword.Name )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, intstr (item1 ))
GUI.AddText (boxID, diamondshield.Name )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, intstr (item2 ))
GUI.AddText (boxID, largeheal.Name )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, intstr (item3 ))
GUI.AddText (boxID, ironshield.Name )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, intstr (item4 ))
GUI.AddText (boxID, ironsword.Name )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " ")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, intstr (item5 ))
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "======================")
end shop
body proc WindClose
GUI.CloseWindow (winID1 )
winopen := false
end WindClose
body proc Invwind
winID1 := Window.Open ("nobuttonbar;position:top;right")
Window.Select (winID1 )
space := Buttonx
if woodsword.Has = true then
button1x := space
button1y := Buttony
if equiped = woodsword.Name then
drawfillbox (button1x - 4, Buttony - 4, button1x + 40, Buttony + 40, green)
end if
wsb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button1x, Buttony, picID, equipwood )
Draw.Text (intstr (woodsword.Amount ), button1x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if stonesword.Has = true then
button2x := space
button2y := Buttony
if equiped = stonesword.Name then
drawfillbox (button2x - 4, Buttony - 4, button2x + 40, Buttony + 40, green)
end if
ssb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button2x, Buttony, picID1, equipstone )
Draw.Text (intstr (stonesword.Amount ), button2x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if ironsword.Has = true then
button3x := space
button3y := Buttony
if equiped = ironsword.Name then
drawfillbox (button3x - 4, Buttony - 4, button3x + 40, Buttony + 40, green)
end if
isb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button3x, Buttony, picID2, equipiron )
Draw.Text (intstr (ironsword.Amount ), button3x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if diamondsword.Has = true then
button4x := space
button4y := Buttony
if equiped = diamondsword.Name then
drawfillbox (button4x - 4, Buttony - 4, button4x + 40, Buttony + 40, green)
end if
dsb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button4x, Buttony, picID3, equipdiamond )
Draw.Text (intstr (diamondsword.Amount ), button4x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if smallheal.Has = true then
button5x := space
button5y := Buttony
shb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button5x, Buttony, picID4, smallhealing )
Draw.Text (intstr (smallheal.Amount ), button5x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if medheal.Has = true then
button6x := space
button6y := Buttony
mhb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button6x, Buttony, picID5, medhealing )
Draw.Text (intstr (medheal.Amount ), button6x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if largeheal.Has = true then
button7x := space
button7y := Buttony
lhb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button7x, Buttony, picID6, largehealing )
Draw.Text (intstr (largeheal.Amount ), button7x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if woodshield.Has = true then
button8x := space
button8y := Buttony
if shieldequiped = woodshield.Name then
drawfillbox (button8x - 4, Buttony - 4, button8x + 40, Buttony + 40, blue)
end if
wshb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button8x, Buttony, picID7, equipwoodsh )
Draw.Text (intstr (woodshield.Amount ), button8x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if ironshield.Has = true then
button9x := space
button9y := Buttony
if shieldequiped = ironshield.Name then
drawfillbox (button9x - 4, Buttony - 4, button9x + 40, Buttony + 40, blue)
end if
ishb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button9x, Buttony, picID8, equipironsh )
Draw.Text (intstr (ironshield.Amount ), button9x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
if diamondshield.Has = true then
button10x := space
button10y := Buttony
if shieldequiped = diamondshield.Name then
drawfillbox (button10x - 4, Buttony - 4, button10x + 40, Buttony + 40, blue)
end if
dshb := GUI.CreatePictureButton (button10x, Buttony, picID9, equipdiamondsh )
Draw.Text (intstr (diamondshield.Amount ), button10x - 10, Buttony - 10, defFontID, black)
space := space + 50
end if
Font.Draw ("Player Damage:", 10, 15, statfont, brightred)
Font.Draw (intstr (damage ), 190, 15, statfont, black)
Font.Draw ("Player Defence:", 10, 38, statfont, brightblue)
Font.Draw (intstr (defence ), 190, 38, statfont, black)
if winopen = true then
GUI.CloseWindow (winID1 )
end if
var quitBtn : int := GUI.CreateButton (230, 10, 0, "Quit", WindClose )
winopen := true
end Invwind
process item
itemif (woodsword.Amount, woodsword.Has )
itemif (stonesword.Amount, stonesword.Has )
itemif (ironsword.Amount, ironsword.Has )
itemif (diamondsword.Amount, diamondsword.Has )
itemif (smallheal.Amount, smallheal.Has )
itemif (medheal.Amount, medheal.Has )
itemif (largeheal.Amount, largeheal.Has )
itemif (woodshield.Amount, woodshield.Has )
itemif (ironshield.Amount, ironshield.Has )
itemif (diamondshield.Amount, diamondshield.Has )
end loop
end item
process death
drawfillbox (480 + health * 2, 10, 680, 30, black)
drawfillbox (480, 10, 479 + health * 2, 30, brightred)
drawfillbox (480, 31, 680, 80, white)
if health <= 0 then
end if
end loop
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you died")
end death
proc textrun (text : string)
input := GUI.GetText (commandpromp )
cmdrun := true
end textrun
process button1
var draw : int := GUI.CreateButtonFull (558, 350, 50, "Inventory", Invwind, 50, "h", true)
commandpromp := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (3, 14, 465, "", textrun, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end button1
process commandspro
cmdrun := false
exit when cmdrun = true
end loop
cmdrun := false
if input = "help" then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "////Commands////")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "for items with a space in their name put _ instead")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "example med_heal")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "help - opens the help menu")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "equip show - shows what you have equiped")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "equip <item> equipes an item")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "use <item> use an item")
elsif input = "debug" then
fork button1
woodsword.Amount := 1
stonesword.Amount := 1
ironsword.Amount := 1
diamondsword.Amount := 1
smallheal.Amount := 1
medheal.Amount := 1
largeheal.Amount := 1
woodshield.Amount := 1
ironshield.Amount := 1
diamondshield.Amount := 1
elsif input = commands (3) and combat = true then
GUI.AddText (boxID, "you hit the ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, enemyname )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " with your ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, equiped )
GUI.AddText (boxID, " doing ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, intstr (damage ))
GUI.AddText (boxID, "damage")
enemyhp := enemyhp - damage
turn := true
elsif input = commands (3) and combat = false then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you are not in combat")
elsif input = commands (1) or input = commands (2) or input = commands (4) or input = commands (5) then
elsif move = 1 then
case input of
label "Yes", "yes", "y", "Y" :
move2 := 1
label "No", "no", "n", "N" :
move2 := 2
label :
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalid Command")
end case
elsif move = 2 then
case input of
label "Right", "right", "R", "r" :
move3 := 2
label "Left", "left", "l", "L" :
move3 := 1
label :
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalid Command")
end case
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalid Command")
end if
end loop
cmdrun := false
exit when cmdrun = true
end loop
cmdrun := false
if input = commands (7) and input2 = "wooden_sword" then
equiprun (woodsword.Amount, woodsword.Name, woodsword.Damage )
elsif input = commands (7) and input2 = "stone_sword" then
equiprun (stonesword.Amount, stonesword.Name, stonesword.Damage )
elsif input = commands (7) and input2 = "iron_sword" then
equiprun (ironsword.Amount, ironsword.Name, ironsword.Damage )
elsif input = commands (7) and input2 = "diamond_sword" then
equiprun (diamondsword.Amount, diamondsword.Name, diamondsword.Damage )
elsif input = commands (7) and input2 = "show" then
case equiped of
label "Wooden Sword", "Stone Sword", "Iron Sword", "Diamond Sword" :
GUI.AddLine (boxID, equiped )
label :
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "You do not have anything equiped")
end case
elsif input = commands (8) then
case input2 of
label "large_heal", "Large_Heal" :
healing (largeheal.Amount, largeheal.Healing )
label "med_heal", "Med_Heal" :
healing (medheal.Amount, medheal.Healing )
label "small_heal", "Small_Heal" :
healing (smallheal.Amount, smallheal.Healing )
end case
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalad Input")
end if
end loop
end commandspro
fork item
%//////Game start//////%
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Welcome to a game i made")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Would you like to play?")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "yes/no")
get start
exit when start = "yes"
if start = "no" then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Do you want to quit?")
locate (24, 1)
get stop
if stop = "yes" then
elsif stop = "no" then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Do you want to play")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Yes/No")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalid Input")
end if
end loop
elsif start = "debug" then
fork button1
woodsword.Amount := 1
stonesword.Amount := 1
ironsword.Amount := 1
diamondsword.Amount := 1
smallheal.Amount := 1
medheal.Amount := 1
largeheal.Amount := 1
woodshield.Amount := 1
ironshield.Amount := 1
diamondshield.Amount := 1
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Invalid Input")
end if
end loop
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "What is your name?")
locate (24, 1)
get name
GUI.AddText (boxID, "You picked ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, name )
GUI.AddLine (boxID, " is that correct? yes/no")
locate (24, 1)
get nametest
exit when nametest = "no" or nametest = "yes"
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Inalid Input")
end loop
exit when nametest = "yes"
end loop
GUI.AddText (boxID, "Liam: ok ")
GUI.AddText (boxID, name )
GUI.AddLine (boxID, " Time to learn to fight")
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Liam: This is your health")
fork death
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Liam: Dont let it get to low")
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Liam: I have given you some basic items to help you on your journey")
locate (24, 1)
woodsword.Amount := 1
smallheal.Amount := 4
woodshield.Amount := 5
medheal.Amount := 2
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Liam: The items are in your inventory")
fork button1
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Liam: For help type the command help")
%//Starting place//%
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "You appear in a grassy medow")
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Infront of you are two paths")
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "To your left is a village, to your right is a cave")
locate (24, 1)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "Wich path do you take? left or right?")
%move = 1 is yes or no, move = 2 is left or right, move = 3 nutral%
%move2 = 1 yes, move2 = 2 no, move2 = 3 netural%
%move3 = 1 left, move3 = 2 right, move3 = 3 neutral%
move := 2
fork commandspro
proc cave
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you found a cave")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "enter?")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "yes/no")
move := 1
move2 := 3
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 2 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you go past the cave and continue on your way")
move2 := 3
move := 3
elsif move2 = 1 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you enter the cave and look around")
exit when combat = false
end loop
randint (cavesub, 1, 3)
if cavesub = 1 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "entering the cave you find a diamond guarded by a bosscow")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "fight it? yes/no?")
move := 1
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 1 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "bosscow here")
elsif move2 = 2 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you value you life more than that diamond. you leave the cave and continue on your way")
end if
elsif cavesub = 2 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "gold")
elsif cavesub = 3 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "lava")
end if
end if
end cave
proc village
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you found a village")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "enter?")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "yes/no")
move := 1
move2 := 3
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 2 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you go past the village and continue on your way")
move2 := 3
move := 3
elsif move2 = 1 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you enter the village and look around")
randint (villagesub, 1, 3)
if villagesub = 1 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "entering the village you find a shop")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "go in? yes/no?")
move := 1
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 1 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
elsif move2 = 2 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you leave the village and continue on your way")
end if
elsif villagesub = 2 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "entering the village you find a bar")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "buy healing potions at the bar?")
move := 1
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 1 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "test bar yes")
elsif move2 = 2 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "test bar no")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you leave the village and continue on your way")
end if
elsif villagesub = 3 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "entering the village you find an inn")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "resotre your health at the inn?")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "costs 50 coins")
move := 1
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
if move2 = 1 and bal >= 50 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
bal := bal - 50
health := 100
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "your health has been restored")
elsif move2 = 2 then
move2 := 3
move := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you leave the village and continue on your way")
elsif move2 = 1 and bal < 50 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you do not have enough coins for that")
end if
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "whaaaa")
end if
end if
end village
proc woods
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "you found a forest")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "enter?")
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "yes/no")
move := 1
move2 := 3
exit when move2 = 1 or move2 = 2
end loop
end woods
%///Scripted places///%
exit when move3 = 1 or move3 = 2
end loop
move := 3
if move3 = 1 then
move := 3
move3 := 3
elsif move3 = 2 then
move := 3
move3 := 3
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "whoooot?")
end if
%//place randomizer//%
proc placerand
Window.Update (- 1)
randint (place, 1, 3)
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "")
if place = 1 then
elsif place = 2 then
elsif place = 3 then
GUI.AddLine (boxID, "what?")
end if
end loop
end placerand
Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 4:52 pm Post subject: RE:need help with inputting a text field... |
It's tough to say exactly what's going on. It's possible that Gui buttons do not support deferred action procedures. It could be a bug in Turing. Gui buttons don't follow the same rules as the rest of Turing (well they do, but they don't). They do weird black magic, and you're usually better off, in my opinion, creating your own buttons with draw commands and Mouse.Where().
It's also unusual to need to forward declared procedures. Usually, you can restructure the program to not require it, and you're better off that way.
Finally, your liberal application of processes is going to bite you in the ass. Processes do funny things, the most annoying being they tend to cause random crashes and bugs that can't be reproduced and can't be diagnosed or fixed. Trust me, processes are bad news 99% of the time.
I don't use any of these features in my own code, as a rule. They're too unpredictable, and unnecessary.
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