Emergency Help With School Summative
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Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:23 pm Post subject: Emergency Help With School Summative |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Successfully Re-Run my game
What is the problem you are having?
After the first successful run through, if chosen to play again the title page loads fine, however when it gets to moving actual players
the whole thing freezes, and it also doesn't display any players + incoming 'missiles' on the re-run
by freezes, I mean I must restart turing, becomes non-responsive
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Reset all players
Reset all variables
Removing title page
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
%defining variables
var player1x : int := 148 %player1's x position
var player2x : int := 502 %player2's x position
var player1y, player2y : int := 8 %players' y position
var crossthescreen : int := 8 %setting bullet positions across the screen
var bullets, bulletx, bullety, bulleta : array 1 .. 600 of int %bullet positions
var bulleto : array 1 .. 600 of boolean %if bullets are onscreen, then true
var move : array char of boolean %get keyboard input
var response : string
var active : int %num of bullets onscreen
var chars : array char of boolean
var window : int := Window.Open ("graphics:800;600")
var endGame : boolean := false
var name1, name2 : string
%===================bullet types and players' images=======================
var playerPic, player1s, player2s, player1w, player1h : int %players' hitbox images
playerPic := Pic.FileNew ("playerblack.bmp") %player 1 pic
player1w := Pic.Width (playerPic )
player1h := Pic.Height (playerPic )
procedure playersready
player1s := Sprite.New (playerPic ) %player 1 sprite
Sprite.SetHeight (player1s, 2)
Sprite.Show (player1s )
Sprite.SetPosition (player1s, player1x, player1y, true)
player2s := Sprite.New (playerPic ) %player 2 sprite
Sprite.SetHeight (player2s, 2)
Sprite.Show (player2s )
Sprite.SetPosition (player2s, player2x, player2y, true)
end playersready
var rringedp, rringedw, rringedh : int %ringed red circle
rringedp := Pic.FileNew ("rringed.bmp")
rringedw := Pic.Width (rringedp )
rringedh := Pic.Height (rringedp )
var vringedp, vringedw, vringedh : int %ringed violet circle
vringedp := Pic.FileNew ("vringed.bmp")
vringedw := Pic.Width (vringedp )
vringedh := Pic.Height (vringedp )
var blueshinep, blueshinew, blueshineh : int
blueshinep := Pic.FileNew ("blueshine.bmp")
blueshinew := Pic.Width (blueshinep )
blueshineh := Pic.Height (blueshinep )
var leftbluepointedp, leftbluepointedw, leftbluepointedh : int
leftbluepointedp := Pic.FileNew ("darkbluepointedleft.bmp")
leftbluepointedw := Pic.Width (leftbluepointedp )
leftbluepointedh := Pic.Height (leftbluepointedp )
var rightbluepointedp, rightbluepointedw, rightbluepointedh : int
rightbluepointedp := Pic.FileNew ("darkbluepointedright.bmp")
rightbluepointedw := Pic.Width (rightbluepointedp )
rightbluepointedh := Pic.Height (rightbluepointedp )
%=====================BULLET PATTERNS(use sprites.)====================
%pattern 1 is on permanent hiatus.
%bullet pattern 2: 5 spread circles, 2 colors
procedure p1pattern2pos (var shoty, shotx, shotA : int, var shoto : boolean, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : int) %generates xy loc of center of burst
var offset : int
randint (offset, ymin, ymax )
shoty := round (maxy / 4 * 3) + offset
randint (offset, xmin, xmax )
shotx := round (maxx / 4) + offset
shoto := true
randint (offset, - 15, 15)
shotA := shotA + offset
end p1pattern2pos
procedure p2pattern2pos (var shoty, shotx, shotA : int, var shoto : boolean, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : int) %generates xy loc of center of burst
var offset : int
randint (offset, ymin, ymax )
shoty := round (maxy / 4 * 3) + offset
randint (offset, xmin, xmax )
shotx := round (maxx / 4 * 3) + offset
shoto := true
randint (offset, - 15, 15)
shotA := shotA + offset
end p2pattern2pos
procedure pattern2ready %Setting up
%burst 1 - center burst
for i : 1 .. 20
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (i ) := maxx div 4 - 25
bulleta (i ) := i - 1
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst num 2 bottom right burst
for i : 21 .. 40
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3 - 50
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4) + 18
bulleta (i ) := i - 21
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst num 3 -top right burst
for i : 41 .. 60
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp ) %create sprites
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3 + 25
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4)
bulleta (i ) := i - 20
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst 4 - low purple
for i : 61 .. 90
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (vringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := maxy div 2
bulletx (i ) := maxx div 4
bulleta (i ) := 0 - (i + 151)
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst 5- high purple
for i : 91 .. 120
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (vringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4)
bulleta (i ) := i + 150
bulleto (i ) := true
end for
%burst 1 - center burst
for i : 121 .. 140
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4) * 3 - 25
bulleta (i ) := i - 1
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst num 2 bottom right burst
for i : 141 .. 160
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3 - 50
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4) * 3 + 20
bulleta (i ) := i - 21
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst num 3 -top right burst
for i : 161 .. 180
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rringedp ) %create sprites
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3) %will go over player sprite
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3 + 25
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4) * 3
bulleta (i ) := i - 20
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst 4 - low purple
for i : 181 .. 210
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (vringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := maxy div 2
bulletx (i ) := maxx div 4 * 3
bulleta (i ) := 0 - (i + 31)
bulleto (i ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
%burst 5- high purple
for i : 211 .. 240
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (vringedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
bullety (i ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (i ) := (maxx div 4) * 3
bulleta (i ) := i + 30
bulleto (i ) := true
end for
%changesamount of active bullets (used for collision)
active := 240
end pattern2ready
%procedure pattern2draw: moves bullets for p2
procedure pattern2draw (var waveLeft : int, player1dead, player2dead : boolean, var p1score, p2score : int)
var speed := 3 %speed of bullet- try to avoid decimals
for i : 1 .. 240
var alloffscreen : boolean := true %all bullets are offscreen
%if a bullet is still onscreen
for z : 1 .. 120
if bulleto (z ) = true and player1dead = false
alloffscreen := false
end if
end for
for z : 121 .. 240
if bulleto (z ) = true and player2dead = false
alloffscreen := false
end if
end for
%if onscreen and went past boundaries
if bulleto (i ) = true and ((bulletx (i ) >= maxx div 2 - 19 and bulletx (i ) <= maxx div 2 + 19) or (bulletx (i ) <= - 5) or (bullety (i ) >= maxy + 5) or (bullety (i ) <= - 5) or (bulletx (i ) >=
maxx + 5))
bulleto (i ) := false
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), maxx + 50, maxy + 50, true)
end if
%if onscreen, move bullet
if bulleto (i ) and bulletx (i ) < maxx div 2 and player1dead = false then
bulletx (i ) := round (cos (bulleta (i )) + cos (bulleta (i )) * speed ) + bulletx (i )
bullety (i ) := round (sin (bulleta (i )) + sin (bulleta (i )) * speed ) + bullety (i )
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
if bulleto (i ) and bulletx (i ) > maxx div 2 and player2dead = false then
bulletx (i ) := round (cos (bulleta (i )) + cos (bulleta (i )) * speed ) + bulletx (i )
bullety (i ) := round (sin (bulleta (i )) + sin (bulleta (i )) * speed ) + bullety (i )
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
%if all bullets are offscreen reset positions
if alloffscreen = true then
waveLeft - = 1 %waves
if player1dead = false then %
p1score + = 1 %
end if % scoring
if player2dead = false then %
p2score + = 1 %
end if
locate (3, maxcol div 2 + 1)
case waveLeft of %wave labels
label 0 :
put "0" ..
label 1 :
put "1" ..
label 2 :
put "2" ..
label 3 :
put "3" ..
label 4 :
put "4" ..
label 5 :
put "5" ..
label 6 :
put "6" ..
label 7 :
put "7" ..
label 8 :
put "8" ..
label 9 :
put "9 " ..
label 10 :
put "10" ..
end case
exit when waveLeft = 0
for z : 1 .. 20 %center burst
p1pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), - 30, - 20, - 5, 5)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 21 .. 40 %bottom right burst
p1pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), 15, 25, - 55, - 45)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 41 .. 60 %top right burst
p1pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), - 5, 5, 20, 30)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 61 .. 90 %low purple burst
bullety (z ) := maxy div 2
bulletx (z ) := maxx div 4
bulleto (z ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 91 .. 120 %highburst
bullety (z ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (z ) := maxx div 4
bulleto (z ) := true
end for
%P2 BULLETS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
for z : 121 .. 140 %center burst
p2pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), - 30, - 20, - 5, 5)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 141 .. 160 %bottom right burst
p2pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), 15, 25, - 55, - 45)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 161 .. 180 %top right burst
p2pattern2pos (bullety (z ), bulletx (z ), bulleta (z ), bulleto (z ), - 5, 5, 20, 30)
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 181 .. 210 %low purple burst
bullety (z ) := maxy div 2
bulletx (z ) := maxx div 4 * 3
bulleto (z ) := true
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (z ), bulletx (z ), bullety (z ), true)
end for
for z : 211 .. 240 %highburst
bullety (z ) := (maxy div 4) * 3
bulletx (z ) := maxx div 4 * 3
bulleto (z ) := true
end for
end if
end for
end pattern2draw
%pattern 3: vertical fall bullets with horizontal shoot bullets
%pattern3spawn:spawning the bullets for pattern 3
procedure pattern3spawn (var active : int, var whichDirection : array 1 .. * of string)
var location : int
active + = 60
var random : int
for i : 1 .. 10 %player 1's side
randint (location, 1, maxx div 2 - 25)
bulletx (i ) := location
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (blueshinep )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
whichDirection (i ) := "down"
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
for i : 11 .. 20 %player 2's side
randint (location, maxx div 2 + 25, maxx - 1)
bulletx (i ) := location
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (blueshinep )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 4)
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
whichDirection (i ) := "down"
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
for i : 1 .. 10
bullety (i ) := maxy - 14 + ((i - 1) * maxy div 10)
end for
for i : 11 .. 20
bullety (i ) := maxy - 14 + ((i - 11) * maxy div 10)
end for
for i : 21 .. 30 %l p1
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (leftbluepointedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3)
whichDirection (i ) := "left"
bulletx (i ) := maxx div 2 - 10
randint (random, 7, maxy - 7)
bullety (i ) := random
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
end for
for i : 31 .. 40 %l p2
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (leftbluepointedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3)
whichDirection (i ) := "left"
bulletx (i ) := maxx + 8
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety (i ) := random
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
end for
for i : 41 .. 50 %r p1
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rightbluepointedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3)
whichDirection (i ) := "right"
bulletx (i ) := - 8
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety (i ) := random
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
end for
for i : 51 .. 60 %r p2
bullets (i ) := Sprite.New (rightbluepointedp )
Sprite.SetHeight (bullets (i ), 3)
whichDirection (i ) := "right"
bulletx (i ) := maxx div 2 + 17
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety (i ) := random
Sprite.Show (bullets (i ))
end for
end pattern3spawn
procedure pattern3verticalreposition (i : int, var bulletx, bullety : int, var waveLeft : int, player1dead, player2dead : boolean, var p1score, p2score : int)
var randomizer : int
if i = 10 or i = 20 then
waveLeft - = 1
if player1dead = false then
p1score + = 1
end if
if player2dead = false then
p2score + = 1
end if
locate (3, maxcol div 2 + 1)
case waveLeft of
label 0 :
put "0" ..
label 1 :
put "1" ..
label 2 :
put "2" ..
label 3 :
put "3" ..
label 4 :
put "4" ..
label 5 :
put "5" ..
label 6 :
put "6" ..
label 7 :
put "7" ..
label 8 :
put "8" ..
label 9 :
put "9 " ..
label 10 :
put "10" ..
end case
end if
if bulletx < maxx div 2 - 11 then %p1's side verticals
randint (randomizer, 14, maxx div 2 - 39)
bulletx := randomizer
bullety := bullety + maxy
end if
if bulletx > maxx div 2 + 11 then %p2 verticals
randint (randomizer, maxx div 2 + 39, maxx - 15)
bulletx := randomizer
bullety := bullety + maxy
end if
end pattern3verticalreposition
%repositioning horizontal bullets
procedure pattern3horizontalreposition (var bulletx, bullety : int, var whichDirection : string)
var random : int
if whichDirection = "left" then
if bulletx < maxx div 2 then %p1 left
bulletx := maxx div 2 - 10
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety := random
end if
if bulletx > maxx div 2 then %p2 left
bulletx := maxx + 8
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety := random
end if
end if
if whichDirection = "right" then
if bulletx < maxx div 2 then
bulletx := - 8
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety := random
end if
if bulletx > maxx div 2 then
bulletx := maxx div 2 + 17
randint (random, 8, maxy - 8)
bullety := random
end if
end if
end pattern3horizontalreposition
%pattern3move: moving the bullets for pattern 3
procedure pattern3move (active : int, var whichDirection : array 1 .. * of string, var waveLeft : int, player1dead, player2dead : boolean, var p1score, p2score : int)
if player1dead = false then
for i : 1 .. 10 %verticals p1
if bullety (i ) < - 15 then
pattern3verticalreposition (i, bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), waveLeft, player1dead, player2dead, p1score, p2score )
bulletx (i + 20) - = 1
bulletx (i + 30) - = 1
bulletx (i + 40) + = 2
bulletx (i + 50) + = 1
end if
bullety (i ) - = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
end if
if player2dead = false then
for i : 11 .. 20 %verticals p2
if bullety (i ) < - 15 then
pattern3verticalreposition (i, bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), waveLeft, player1dead, player2dead, p1score, p2score )
bulletx (i + 20) - = 1
bulletx (i + 30) - = 1
bulletx (i + 40) + = 2
bulletx (i + 50) + = 1
end if
bullety (i ) - = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end for
end if
if player1dead = false then
for i : 21 .. 30 %lefts p1 side
if bulletx (i ) < - 7 then %repositioning
pattern3horizontalreposition (bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), whichDirection (i ))
end if
if (bulletx (i ) <= maxx div 2 - 11 and bulletx (i ) >= - 7) then
bulletx (i ) - = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
end for
for i : 41 .. 50 %rights for p1
if bulletx (i ) > maxx div 2 - 18 then
pattern3horizontalreposition (bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), whichDirection (i ))
end if
if bulletx (i ) >= - 7 and bulletx (i ) <= maxx div 2 - 18 then
bulletx (i ) + = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
end for
end if
if player2dead = false then
for i : 31 .. 40 %lefts p2 side
%repositioning if past boundaries
if bulletx (i ) < maxx div 2 + 18 then
pattern3horizontalreposition (bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), whichDirection (i ))
end if
if (bulletx (i ) >= maxx div 2 + 18 and bulletx (i ) <= maxx + 7) then
bulletx (i ) - = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
end for
for i : 51 .. 60 %rights for p2
if bulletx (i ) > maxx + 7 then
pattern3horizontalreposition (bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), whichDirection (i ))
end if
if bulletx (i ) >= maxx div 2 + 18 and bulletx (i ) <= maxx + 7 then
bulletx (i ) + = 1
Sprite.SetPosition (bullets (i ), bulletx (i ), bullety (i ), true)
end if
end for
end if
end pattern3move
%==========================MOVING THE PLAYER========================
procedure playermove (player1dead, player2dead : boolean)
Input.KeyDown (move )
if player1dead = false then
%PLAYER 1-----------------------------------------------------------
%focused (slower movement)
if move ('y') then
if player1y < maxy - 8 then
if move ('w') then %move up
player1y := player1y + 1
end if
end if
if move ('a') then %move left
if player1x - 1 < 11 then
player1x := 11
player1x := player1x - 1
end if
end if
if move ('d') then %move right
if player1x + 1 > maxx div 2 - 31 then
player1x := maxx div 2 - 31
player1x := player1x + 1
end if
end if
if player1y > 8 then
if move ('s') then %move down
player1y := player1y - 1
end if
end if
else %unfocused (faster movement)
if move ('w') then %up
if player1y + 5 > maxy - 8 then
player1y := maxy - 8
player1y := player1y + 5
end if
end if
if move ('a') then %left
if player1x - 5 < 11 then
player1x := 8
player1x := player1x - 5
end if
end if
if move ('d') then %right
if player1x + 5 > maxx div 2 - 31 then
player1x := maxx div 2 - 31
player1x := player1x + 5
end if
end if
if move ('s') then %down
if player1y - 5 < 13 then
player1y := 8
player1y := player1y - 5
end if
end if
end if
end if
%focused (slower movement)
if player2dead = false then
if move (KEY_SHIFT ) then
if player2y < maxy - 8 then
if move (KEY_UP_ARROW) then %move up
player2y := player2y + 1
end if
end if
if move (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then %move left
if player2x - 1 < maxx div 2 + 32 then
player2x := maxx div 2 + 32
player2x := player2x - 1
end if
end if
if move (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then %move right
if player2x + 1 > maxx - 7 then
player2x := maxx - 7
player2x := player2x + 1
end if
end if
if player2y > 8 then
if move (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then %move down
player2y := player2y - 1
end if
end if
else %unfocused (faster movement)
if move (KEY_UP_ARROW) then %up
if player2y + 5 > maxy - 8 then
player2y := maxy - 8
player2y := player2y + 5
end if
end if
if move (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then %left
if player2x - 5 < maxx div 2 + 32 then
player2x := maxx div 2 + 32
player2x := player2x - 5
end if
end if
if move (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then %right
if player2x + 5 > maxx - 7 then
player2x := maxx - 7
player2x := player2x + 5
end if
end if
if move (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then %down
if player2y - 5 < 13 then
player2y := 8
player2y := player2y - 5
end if
end if
end if
end if
%draw sprites
Sprite.SetPosition (player1s, player1x, player1y, true)
Sprite.SetPosition (player2s, player2x, player2y, true)
end playermove
%=======================TITLE PAGE==============================
procedure scores
Input.KeyDown (chars ) % If key down is = 'ESC' exit the game
if chars (KEY_ESC) then
end if
end loop
end scores
procedure title
% Music Plays
Music.PlayFileReturn ("Star wars.mp3")
var pic : int := Pic.FileNew ("spaceship.jpg")
pic := Pic.Scale (pic, 800, 600) % Set screen size
Pic.Draw (pic, 0, 0, picMerge)
var font : int % Variables
var continue : string (1)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 260, 510, maxx div 2 + 260, 190, 55) % Draws box
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 250, 500, maxx div 2 + 250, 200, 54)
font := Font.New ("Algerian:40") % Set font and size
Draw.Text ("Bullet Hell", maxx div 2 - 155, 450, font, white) % Displays
font := Font.New ("Algerian:30")
Draw.Text ("---Menu---", maxx div 2 - 90, 350, font, white)
font := Font.New ("Algerian:20")
Draw.Text ("1. Start Game", maxx div 2 - 100, 320, font, white)
Draw.Text ("2. High Scores", maxx div 2 - 100, 290, font, white)
Draw.Text ("", 20, 160, font, white) % Blank
Draw.Text ("", 20, 130, font, white)
Draw.Text ("", 20, 100, font, white)
Draw.Text ("OPTIONS : 1 / 2 ", 20, 20, font, white)
Input.KeyDown (chars ) % If key down is = 'ESC' exit the game
if chars ('2') then
end if
if chars ('1') then % If '1'
View.Set ("graphics:800;600,offscreenonly")
setscreen ("nocursor")
pic := Pic.Scale (pic, 800, 600)
Pic.Draw (pic, 0, 0, picMerge)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 260, 510, maxx div 2 + 260, 190, 55)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 250, 500, maxx div 2 + 250, 200, 54)
font := Font.New ("Algerian:40")
Draw.Text ("Instructions", maxx div 2 - 180, 450, font, white)
font := Font.New ("Algerian:15")
Draw.Text ("Move with the respective keys", maxx div 2 - 165, 430, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Player 1 --------------------- Player 2", maxx div 2 - 165, 410, font, white)
font := Font.New ("Algerian:20")
Draw.Text ("W-------------UP-----------UP", maxx div 2 - 145, 360, font, white)
Draw.Text ("S-----------DOWN-------DOWN", maxx div 2 - 142, 330, font, white)
Draw.Text ("A-----------LEFT--------LEFT", maxx div 2 - 145, 300, font, white)
Draw.Text ("D-----------RIGHT------RIGHT", maxx div 2 - 145, 270, font, white)
Draw.Text ("Press Anything To Continue...", 20, 20, font, white)
end if
end loop
View.Set ("nooffscreenonly") % Back to text mode
put "Please enter PLAYER 1's name(ENTER FIRST NAME ONLY): " .. % require name1
get name1
put " "
put "Please enter PLAYER 2's name(ENTER FIRST NAME ONLY): " .. % require name2
get name2
locate (20, 40)
put "STARTING IN 3." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
locate (20, 40)
put "STARTING IN 2." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
locate (20, 40)
put "STARTING IN 1." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
put "." ..
delay (300)
locate (20, 50)
put "GO!!"
delay (300)
Music.PlayFileReturn ("During.wav")
View.Set ("graphics:639;399,offscreenonly")
end title
%==========================GAME FUNCTIONS===========================
%showLives- displays players' lives
procedure showLives (var p1Life, p2Life : int)
locate (4, maxcol div 2 - 1)
put "P1: " ..
locate (5, maxcol div 2)
put p1Life ..
locate (8, maxcol div 2 - 1)
put "P2: " ..
locate (9, maxcol div 2)
put p2Life ..
end showLives
%waver- shows how long the pattern is going to last for
procedure waver (var waveLeft : int)
locate (1, maxcol div 2 - 1)
put "Waves" ..
locate (2, maxcol div 2)
put "Left:" ..
end waver
%isPlayerDead- checks if a player has run out of lives
procedure isPlayerDead (var p1life, p2life : int, var player1dead, player2dead : boolean)
if p1life = 0
player1dead := true
locatexy (maxx div 4, maxy div 2)
put "DEAD" ..
end if
if p2life <= 0
player2dead := true
locatexy (maxx div 4 * 3, maxy div 2)
put "DEAD" ..
end if
end isPlayerDead
%isPlayerHit1- checks if player has been hit by a bullet for pattern 1
procedure isPlayerHit1 (var active, player1x, player1y, player1Lives, player2x, player2y, player2Lives : int, var bulletx, bullety : array 1 .. * of int)
for i : 1 .. active div 2 %decrease player1's life if hit
if abs (bulletx (i ) - player1x ) < 8 and abs (bullety (i ) - player1y ) < 8 then
player1Lives - = 1
player1x := 148
player1y := 8
end if
end for
for i : active div 2 .. active %decrease player2's life if hit
if abs (bulletx (i ) - player2x ) < 8 and abs (bullety (i ) - player2y ) < 8 then
player2Lives - = 1
player2x := 502
player2y := 8
end if
end for
end isPlayerHit1
%isPlayerHit2- checks if player has been hit by a bullet for pattern 2
procedure isPlayerHit2 (var active, player1x, player1y, player1Lives, player2x, player2y, player2Lives : int, var bulletx, bullety : array 1 .. * of int, var whichDirection : array 1 .. * of
player1dead, player2dead : boolean)
for i : 1 .. 20 %verts
%player 1 hit
if player1dead = false then
if abs (bulletx (i ) - player1x ) < 18 and abs (bullety (i ) - player1y ) < 18 then
player1Lives - = 1
player1x := 148
player1y := 8
end if
end if
%p2 hit
if player2dead = false then
if abs (bulletx (i ) - player2x ) < 18 and abs (bullety (i ) - player2y ) < 18 then
player2Lives - = 1
player2x := 502
player2y := 8
end if
end if
end for
%p1 horzntal
if player1dead = false then
for i : 21 .. 30
if player1x > bulletx (i ) - 7 and player1y > bullety (i ) - 6 and player1x < bulletx (i ) + 7 and player1y < bullety (i ) + 6 then
player1Lives - = 1
player1x := 148
player1y := 8
end if
end for
for i : 41 .. 50
if player1x > bulletx (i ) - 7 and player1y > bullety (i ) - 6 and player1x < bulletx (i ) + 7 and player1y < bullety (i ) + 6 then
player1Lives - = 1
player2x := 502
player2y := 8
end if
end for
end if
%p2 horzntl
if player2dead = false then
for i : 31 .. 40
if player2x > bulletx (i ) - 7 and player2y > bullety (i ) - 6 and player2x < bulletx (i ) + 7 and player2y < bullety (i ) + 6 then
player2Lives - = 1
player2x := 502
player2y := 8
end if
end for
for i : 51 .. 60
if player2x > bulletx (i ) - 7 and player2y > bullety (i ) - 6 and player2x < bulletx (i ) + 7 and player2y < bullety (i ) + 6 then
player2Lives - = 1
player2x := 502
player2y := 8
end if
end for
end if
end isPlayerHit2
%=======================RUNNING THE ACTUAL GAME==============================
%defining more variables
var player1dead, player2dead : boolean := false %if player gets hit
var player1Lives, player2Lives : int := 5
var waveLeft := 1 %how many waves the pattern will last
var p1score, p2score : int := 0
var name, highName : string
var highscore : int
var winner : int := 0
var stream : int
endGame := false
exit when endGame = true
View.Set ("graphics:639;399,offscreenonly")
%drawing the player boundaries
color (black)
drawbox (1, 1, maxx div 2 - 25, maxy - 1, black)
drawbox (maxx div 2 + 25, 1, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, black)
playersready %initialize player positions
%initialize pattern 2 bullets and waves
waveLeft := 1
locate (3, maxcol div 2 + 1)
put "10" ..
%pattern 2
exit when (player1dead and player2dead ) or waveLeft = 0
playermove (player1dead, player2dead ) %moving players
pattern2draw (waveLeft, player1dead, player2dead, p1score, p2score ) %moving bullets
delay (3)
waver (waveLeft )
showLives (player1Lives, player2Lives ) %life counter
isPlayerHit1 (active, player1x, player1y, player1Lives, player2x, player2y, player2Lives, bulletx, bullety )
isPlayerDead (player1Lives, player2Lives, player1dead, player2dead )
end loop
%reset waves
waveLeft := 10
locate (3, maxcol div 2 + 1)
put waveLeft ..
%pattern 3 whether bullet moves right or left or down
var whichDirection : array 1 .. 600 of string
%free pattern 1 sprites
for i : 1 .. active
Sprite.Free (bullets (i ))
end for
%reset amount of active bullets
active := 1
%spawning bullets for pattern 3
pattern3spawn (active, whichDirection )
active := active - 1
%pattern 3
exit when (player1dead and player2dead ) or waveLeft = 0
playermove (player1dead, player2dead )
pattern3move (active, whichDirection, waveLeft, player1dead, player2dead, p1score, p2score )
delay (10)
waver (waveLeft )
showLives (player1Lives, player2Lives )
isPlayerHit2 (active, player1x, player1y, player1Lives, player2x, player2y, player2Lives, bulletx, bullety, whichDirection, player1dead, player2dead )
isPlayerDead (player1Lives, player2Lives, player1dead, player2dead )
end loop
for i : 1 .. active
Sprite.Free (bullets (i ))
end for
exit when player1dead and player2dead
end loop
% RUN AGAIN//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sprite.Hide (player1s )
Sprite.Hide (player2s )
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2)
put "GAME OVER."
delay (3000)
%reset player positions
player1x := 148 %player1's x position
player2x := 502 %player2's x position
player1y := 8 %player1 y position
player2y := 8 %player2 y position
%hide bullets
for i : 1 .. active
bulletx (i ) := maxx + 20
bullety (i ) := maxy + 20
end for
View.Set ("nooffscreenonly")
Music.PlayFileReturn ("Death.mp3")
put name1, " survived ", p1score, " waves."
put name2, " survived ", p2score, " waves."
put " "
% who won?
if p1score > p2score then
put name1, " won!"
winner := 1
elsif p2score > p1score then
put name2, " won!"
winner := 2
put "The two players tied!"
winner := 3
end if
put " "
open : stream, "highscore.txt", get
get : stream, highscore, highName : *
close (stream )
type Highscore :
name : string
score : int
end record
var score : Highscore
if (p1score or p2score ) > highscore then
if winner = 1 then %p1 highscore
score.name := highName
score.score := highscore
name := name1
open : stream, "highscore.txt", write, seek, mod
seek : stream, *
write : stream, score
%put : stream, p1score, " ", name
close (stream )
elsif winner = 2 then %p2 highscore
put name2, " beat ", highName, "'s highscore of ", highscore, "!"
name := name2
open : stream, "highscore.txt", put
put : stream, p2score, " ", name
close (stream )
elsif winner = 3 then %tied highscore
put "Both players tied, but you both beat ", highName, "'s highscore of ", highscore, "!"
put "Input the team's name: " ..
get name : *
open : stream, "highscore.txt", put
put : stream, p2score, " ", name
close (stream )
end if
end if
put "Run again? Enter anything to continue, 'no' to exit" %try again?
get response : *
if response = "no" or response = "No" or response = "NO" then % get response
endGame := true
end if
if endGame = true
Window.Close (window ) %Exits window
end if
if response not= "no" or response not= "No" or response not= "NO" then % reset players
player1x := 148
player2x := 502
player1y := 8
player2y := 8
crossthescreen := 8
end if
View.Set ("graphics:800;600")
end loop
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Turing 4.1.1
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Just cause it's kind of long, it won't run due to unuploaded pics + sound |
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35.12 KB |
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65 Time(s) |
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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:15 am Post subject: Re: Emergency Help With School Summative |
pizzajack1 @ Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:23 pm wrote:
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Removing title page
Good approach, but there's still too much left. What is the smallest example that you can make that will demonstrates this behaviour?
Alternatively, you can write some markers (commonly "entering/leaving procedure") to screen or file to see what part of the code the program is in and what it was doing before the problem. Knowing that "the problem is somewhere in this 10 line function" is much more useful than "the problem is somewhere in those 1100+ lines of code".
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:05 am Post subject: Re: Emergency Help With School Summative |
So the error IS inside the title page part? Do you potentially know what's causing the freezing?
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:53 am Post subject: Re: Emergency Help With School Summative |
pizzajack1 @ Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:05 am wrote: So the error IS inside the title page part?
I don't know, because this is a 1100+ line post. You'd need to find the parts of the code that are relevant to the problem observed.
What exactly do you mean by "freezing" anyway? If you add in code that prints text to screen/file, does that not happen?
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:03 pm Post subject: Re: Emergency Help With School Summative |
Freezing as in Turing itself becomes non-responsive, must shut it down and restart in order to run the program again
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:44 pm Post subject: RE:Emergency Help With School Summative |
That's just the first part of the question. How about identifying the furthest responsive point?
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |