View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering.
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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:01 pm Post subject: View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering. |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Stopping the occasional flickering
What is the problem you are having?
No matter where or how many View.Update or View.UpdateArea I put, my program still flickers occasionally, It stopped for a while once, but has started up again.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Choosing where to place the code occasionally.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
I am working on a project, and it has a rather large amount of code spread across lots of modules, here is the one causing problems.
Turing: |
% Platforming Test (WITH SAVE WIP)
% Unit 11
% Daniel Bradley
% 21/03/14
import loadingModule
View.Set ("text")
loadingModule.LoadFile ("dan2")
proc collision (cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 : int)
end collision
var x, y, ex, ey : int
var xspeed, yspeed, exspeed, eyspeed : int := 0
var gravity : int := 1
var jump, ground, ejump : boolean := false
var mx, my, button, cnt : int
var menu, quiting, options, running : boolean := false
cnt := 0
var chars : array char of boolean
%# Beginning of Game Segment #%
% Create Player, then cause them to fall down to bottom of screen. Plus Jumping stuff.
x := 16
y := maxy - 16
ex := maxx - 16
ey := y
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if menu = false and options = false then
for i : 1 .. upper (loadingModule.platform, 1)
drawbox (loadingModule.platform (i, 1), loadingModule.platform (i, 2), loadingModule.platform (i, 3), loadingModule.platform (i, 4), black)
end for
end if
% Draw Oval (Player)
if menu = false and options = false then
drawfilloval (x, y, 16, 16, red)
end if
if menu = false and options = false then
drawfilloval (ex, ey, 16, 16, blue)
end if
% I need to go enemy stuff somewhere this is a reminder.
% Landing on Platforms
for i : 1 .. upper (loadingModule.platform, 1)
if x > loadingModule.platform (i, 1) - 8 and x < loadingModule.platform (i, 3) + 8 and y > loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 2 and y < loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 20 and yspeed > 0 then
yspeed := 0
y := loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 16
jump := true
ground := true
end if
if x > loadingModule.platform (i, 1) - 8 and x < loadingModule.platform (i, 3) + 8 and y = loadingModule.platform (i, 2) and yspeed > 0 then
yspeed := 0
y := loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 16
end if
end for
% Physics!
if gravity not= 0
yspeed := yspeed + gravity
elsif gravity not= 0 and yspeed > 30 then
yspeed := 30
yspeed := -yspeed
end if
y := y - yspeed
% Stop
if y < 17 then
yspeed := 0
y := 16
jump := true
ground := true
end if
if ground = false then
jump := false
end if
if xspeed > 15 then
xspeed := 15
elsif xspeed < - 15 then
xspeed := - 15
end if
% Movement
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and menu = false and options = false then
xspeed := xspeed - 1
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and menu = false and options = false then
xspeed := xspeed + 1
elsif xspeed < 0 then
xspeed := xspeed + 1
elsif xspeed > 0 then
xspeed := xspeed - 1
elsif xspeed = 0 then
xspeed := 0
x := x
end if
x := x + xspeed
% Stopping at side of screen.
if x < 17 then
x := 17
xspeed := 0
elsif x > maxx - 17 then
x := maxx - 17
xspeed := 0
end if
% Jumping
if chars ('w') and jump = true and menu = false and options = false then
yspeed := yspeed - 16
jump := false
end if
%# End of Player Segment #%
%# Beginning of Enemy Segment #%
% Enemy Landing On Platforms
for i : 1 .. upper (loadingModule.platform, 1)
if ex > loadingModule.platform (i, 1) - 8 and ex < loadingModule.platform (i, 3) + 8 and ey > loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 2 and ey < loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 20 and eyspeed > 0 then
eyspeed := 0
ey := loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 16
ejump := true
end if
if ex > loadingModule.platform (i, 1) - 8 and ex < loadingModule.platform (i, 3) + 8 and ey = loadingModule.platform (i, 2) and eyspeed > 0 then
eyspeed := 0
ey := loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 16
end if
end for
% Enemy Physics!
if gravity not= 0
eyspeed := eyspeed + gravity
elsif gravity not= 0 and eyspeed > 30 then
eyspeed := 30
eyspeed := -eyspeed
end if
ey := ey - eyspeed
% Enemy Stop
if ey < 17 then
eyspeed := 0
ey := 16
ejump := true
end if
if ey > (maxy - 17) then
eyspeed := 0
ey := (maxy - 17)
end if
% Enemy X- axis Movement
if exspeed > 6 then
exspeed := 6
elsif exspeed < - 6 then
exspeed := - 6
end if
if x > ex and menu = false and options = false then
exspeed := exspeed + 1
elsif x < ex and menu = false and options = false then
exspeed := exspeed - 1
elsif exspeed < 0 then
exspeed := exspeed + 1
elsif exspeed > 0 then
exspeed := exspeed - 1
elsif exspeed = 0 then
exspeed := 0
ex := ex
end if
ex := ex + exspeed
% Enemy Stopping at side of screen.
if ex < 17 then
ex := 17
exspeed := 0
elsif ex > maxx - 17 then
ex := maxx - 17
exspeed := 0
end if
% Enemy Jumping
if y > ey and menu = false and options = false and ejump = true then
eyspeed := eyspeed - 20
ejump := false
end if
if menu = false and options = false then
end if
%end loop
%# End of Enemy Segment #%
%# Beginning of Menu Segment #%
% Check to see if ESC pressed, if so then draw menu (And save all other variables for reloading later.)
Mouse.Where (mx, my, button )
%Options Menu
if options = true then
menu := false
drawbox (150, 350, 500, 300, black)
end if
if options = true and menu = false and mx > 150 and mx < 250 and my < 250 and my > 150 and button = 1 then
drawbox (150, 250, 250, 150, brightblue)
elsif options = true and menu = false and mx > 150 and mx < 250 and my < 250 and my > 150then
drawbox (150, 250, 250, 150, brightblue)
elsif options = true and menu = false then
drawbox (150, 250, 250, 150, black)
end if
if options = true and menu = false and mx > 400 and mx < 500 and my < 250and my > 150 and button = 1 then
drawbox (400, 250, 500, 150, brightblue)
elsif options = true and menu = false and mx > 400 and mx < 500 and my < 250and my > 150 then
drawbox (400, 250, 500, 150, brightblue)
elsif options = true and menu = false then
drawbox (400, 250, 500, 150, black)
end if
if options = true and menu = false and mx > 150 and mx < 500 and my < 100 and my > 50 and button = 1 then
drawbox (150, 100, 500, 50, brightblue)
menu := true
options := false
elsif options = true and menu = false and mx > 150 and mx < 500 and my < 100 and my > 50 then
drawbox (150, 100, 500, 50, brightblue)
elsif options = true and menu = false then
drawbox (150, 100, 500, 50, black)
Font.Draw ("Back to Menu", 275, 73, defFontID, black)
end if
% Auto Save on Quit
if quiting = true then
put "Saving."
loadingModule.SaveFile ("sav") %(WORK ON THIS LATER)
delay (500)
put "Saved!"
delay (500)
put "Closing.."
delay (500)
Window.Close (defWinID )
end if
% Resume Button
if menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 350 and my >= 300 and button = 1 then
drawbox (200, 350, 450, 300, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Resume", 300, 325, defFontID, black)
menu := false
running := false
elsif menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 350 and my >= 300 then
drawbox (200, 350, 450, 300, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("Resume", 300, 325, defFontID, black)
elsif menu = true and quiting = false then
drawbox (200, 350, 450, 300, black)
Font.Draw ("Resume", 300, 325, defFontID, black)
end if
% Options Button
if menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 250 and my >= 200 and button = 1 then
drawbox (200, 250, 450, 200, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Options", 295, 225, defFontID, black)
options := true
elsif menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 250 and my >= 200 then
drawbox (200, 250, 450, 200, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("Options", 295, 225, defFontID, black)
elsif menu = true and quiting = false then
drawbox (200, 250, 450, 200, black)
Font.Draw ("Options", 295, 225, defFontID, black)
end if
%Quit Button
if menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 150 and my >= 100 and button = 1 then
drawbox (200, 150, 450, 100, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Quit Game", 290, 125, defFontID, black)
quiting := true
elsif menu = true and quiting = false and mx >= 200 and mx <= 450 and my <= 150 and my >= 100 then
drawbox (200, 150, 450, 100, brightblue)
Font.Draw ("Quit Game", 290, 125, defFontID, black)
elsif menu = true and quiting = false and options = false then
drawbox (200, 150, 450, 100, black)
Font.Draw ("Quit Game", 290, 125, defFontID, black)
end if
% Detect ESC Being Pressed
if chars (KEY_ESC) and menu = false and options = false and quiting = false then
menu := true
running := true
end if
% if menu = true and options = true then
% View.UpdateArea (0, 0, maxx, maxy)
% Time.Delay (35)
% cld if
end loop
%end menuproc
% if y > ey and ey < loadingModule.platform (i, 2) + 2 and ex < loadingModule.platform (i, 1) - 8 then
% exspeed := + 1
% end if
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:11 pm Post subject: Re: View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering. |
poww10s @ Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:01 pm wrote: how many View.Update
A number that is more than exactly 1 call per frame is wrong.
More importantly, you are not actually enabling the "offscreenonly" mode in the code posted. |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:13 pm Post subject: RE:View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering. |
Oh, really? what am I doing wrong? I read the tutorial on the wiki, so maybe I interpreted it wrong, because This has worked with everything else. do I have to put |
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:27 pm Post subject: RE:View.Set("offscreenonly") and View.Update (or) View.Update(area) (0,0,maxx,maxy) Still flickering. |
Oh, another mistake made by forgetting one line of code. |