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 Person waving problem!!
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:19 pm   Post subject: Person waving problem!!

What is it you are trying to achieve?
a person waving

What is the problem you are having?
my persons arm isnt erasing

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
tried adding cls or offscreenonly

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)


setscreen ("graphics:max;max")

%Hand Wave Variables
var handwavex : int := maxx - 570
var handwavey : int := 265
var handwave : int := 5


    drawfillbox (maxx - 500, 100, maxx - 550, 225, 2) %Top
    drawfilloval (maxx - 525, 225, 50, 50, 90) %Head
    Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 500, 170, maxx - 485, 125, 5, 7) %Left Arm
    drawfilloval (maxx - 545, 225, 5, 5, 7) %Left Eye
    drawfilloval (maxx - 505, 225, 5, 5, 7) %Right Eye
    drawarc (maxx - 525, 205, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7) %Smile
    drawarc (maxx - 520, 210, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7)
    drawarc (maxx - 530, 210, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7)
    Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 500, 100, maxx - 490, 50, 5, 7) %Left Leg
    Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 550, 100, maxx - 560, 50, 5, 7) %Right Leg
    delay (100)
    %Waving Arm
    Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 550, 170, handwavex, handwavey, 5, 7)
    handwavex := handwavex - handwave
    handwavey := handwavey - handwave
    if handwavex < maxx - 600 then
        handwave := -handwave
  elsif handwavex > maxx - 560 then
        handwave := -handwave
    end if
end loop

Please specify what version of Turing you are using
latest version

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:21 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

also, when i try to add it in my main program, it disappears Sad?

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:46 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

All your cls's and View.Updates are in if statements. Try moving them outside of the if statement, then see what happens.

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:04 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

it still wont work, his hand seems to to copy itself and it looks like he had 8 hands before it erases.

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

fixed it thanks! added a cls at the very beginning

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:58 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

%############Loading Screen#############%
var loadPercent : int := 0
var loadingMessage : string := ""

proc load1 ()
loadingMessage := "Loading Screen"
delay (10)
loadPercent += 10
end load1

proc load2 ()
loadingMessage := "Loading Objects"
delay (15)
loadPercent += 15
end load2

proc load3 ()
loadingMessage := "Loading Animations"
delay (20)
loadPercent += 50
end load3

proc load4 ()
loadingMessage := "Loading Pure Awesomeness"
delay (25)
loadPercent += 25
end load4

process loadGameProcess ()
load1 ()
load2 ()
load3 ()
load4 ()
loadingMessage := "DONE"
end loadGameProcess

proc loadGame ()
fork loadGameProcess

% Display Loading Bar
var loadingPercentFont : int := Font.New ("sans serif:16:bold")
var loadingMessageFont : int := Font.New ("sans serif:24:bold")

View.Update ()
Time.DelaySinceLast (100)

Font.Draw ( loadingMessage, 30, maxy div 2 + 40, loadingMessageFont, black )

% The actual bar and the percentage listed for it
Draw.FillBox (0, maxy div 2 + 15, maxx, maxy div 2 + 20, black )
Draw.FillBox (0, maxy div 2 - 15, maxx, maxy div 2 - 20, black )
Draw.FillBox (0, maxy div 2 - 15, round (maxx / 100 * loadPercent), maxy div 2 + 15, darkgrey)
Font.Draw ( intstr(loadPercent)+"%", maxx div 2 - 8, maxy div 2 - 8, loadingPercentFont, brightred )

exit when loadPercent >= 100
end loop

end loadGame



drawfillbox (0,0,maxx,maxy,10)
%#######BOAT MOVING + BACKGROUND#######%
var posy1 :int:=200
var posx2 : int:= 400
var motorboat : int := Pic.FileNew ("motor boat.bmp")
var handwavex : int := maxx - 270
var handwavey : int := 265
var handwave : int := 5

process boat

Pic.Draw (motorboat,posx2,posy1,picMerge)
posx2 := posx2-1

delay (100)
end loop
end boat


%Hand Wave Variables

process person
drawfillbox (maxx - 200, 100, maxx - 250, 225, 2) %Top
drawfilloval (maxx - 225, 225, 50, 50, 90) %Head
Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 200, 170, maxx - 185, 125, 5, 7) %Left Arm
drawfilloval (maxx - 245, 225, 5, 5, 7) %Left Eye
drawfilloval (maxx - 205, 225, 5, 5, 7) %Right Eye
drawarc (maxx - 225, 205, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7) %Smile
drawarc (maxx - 220, 210, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7)
drawarc (maxx - 230, 210, 5, 5, 180, 360, 7)
Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 200, 100, maxx - 190, 50, 5, 7) %Left Leg
Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 250, 100, maxx - 260, 50, 5, 7) %Right Leg

delay (100)

%Waving Arm

Draw.ThickLine (maxx - 250, 170, handwavex, handwavey, 5, 7)

handwavex := handwavex - handwave

handwavey := handwavey - handwave

if handwavex < maxx - 300 then
handwave := -handwave

elsif handwavex > maxx - 260 then
handwave := -handwave

end if

end loop
end person
fork person
fork boat

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FIX THIS!!! when i add them together i cant cls or it wont work so they have streaks and i dont know how to get rid of em!!

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:24 pm   Post subject: RE:Person waving problem!!

Thats a really bad way to do animations. Unless you're required to use processes, like maybe a class assignment, try this:

Procedure Person
end Person

Procedure Boat
end Boat

end loop
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