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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:34 pm   Post subject: HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

As much help as possible be great as this is 30% of my final mark and i dont understand this class at all, please help me!!!!

% This is the background
setscreen ("graphics")
colourback (black)
color (17)

% This is what is on the main screen
procedure mainscreen
Font.Draw ("Asteriods", 10, 190, font1, white)
Font.Draw ("Play Game", 230, 100, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 230, 70, font4, white)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 230, 40, font3, white)
end mainscreen

procedure playgame

end playgame

% This is the instructions to the game
procedure instructions
colour (white)
put "Welcome to Asteroids.The object of this game is to destroy all of the asteriods."
put "while trying to avoid being hit.As you adavance to the next levels, the amount"
put "of points you get for each destroyed asteroid will increase."
put "Good luck,enjoy the game and have fun!"
put "Controls"
put "Up arrow makes you accelerate"
put "Down arrow makes you decelerate"
put "Left arrow makes you turn to the left"
put "Right arrow makes you turn to the right"
put "Space bar makes you shoot a bullet"
put "Press any key to continue.."
end instructions


% If play game is selected
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button)
if mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 100 and mousey < 125 and button = 1 then
mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 70 and mousey < 95 and button = 1 then
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:00 am   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

what exactly do you need help with?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:38 am   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

Moved to Turing Help.

It is pretty amazing when 30% of the grade comes from a block of text describing the instructions to play a game and a loop with 5 statements inside of it.

You can use a combination of Draw.Oval and Draw.Line to put together more complicated shapes... but whatever the question is, complexity of drawings is certainly not what you should be worried about.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:28 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

If you want to draw your spaceship, using animations (drawfillbox, drawfilloval, etc.) will be your best bet. Just play around with the design and coordinates and such. If not, you could probably just draw a picture in "Paint" or something like that and use that drawing in your program.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:17 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

var font1 : int := Font.New ("serif:124")
var font2 : int := Font.New ("serif:20")
var font3 : int := Font.New ("Serif:20")
var font4 : int := Font.New ("Serif:20")
var mousex : int
var mousey : int
var button : int

% This is the background
setscreen ("graphics")
colourback (black)
color (17)

% This is what is on the main screen
procedure mainscreen
Font.Draw ("Asteriods", 10, 190, font1, white)
Font.Draw ("Play Game", 230, 100, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 230, 70, font4, white)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 230, 40, font3, white)
end mainscreen

procedure playgame
var ship : int := Pic.FileNew ("ship.gif")
View.Set ("graphics:300;250),nobuttonbar")
var pic : array 0 .. 35 of int
const CTR : int := 48
pic (0) := ship
for angle : 1 .. 35
pic (angle) := Pic.Rotate (pic (0), angle * 10, CTR, CTR)
end for
var angle : int :=0
var x : int := 300
var y : int := 300
var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if angle > 0 then
angle := angle - 1
angle := 35
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
if angle < 35 then
angle := angle + 1
angle := 0
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
x := x+round (2*sind(10*angle))
y := y+round (2*cosd(10*angle))
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
if angle > 0 then
angle := angle - 1
angle := 35
end if
end if

Pic.Draw (pic (angle), x, y, picMerge)

delay (50)

end loop
Pic.Draw (ship, 270, 160, picMerge)
delay (1000)
end playgame

% This is the instructions to the game
procedure instructions
colour (white)
put "Welcome to Asteroids.The object of this game is to destroy all of the asteriods."
put "while trying to avoid being hit.As you adavance to the next levels, the amount"
put "of points you get for each destroyed asteroid will increase."
put "Good luck,enjoy the game and have fun!"
put "Controls"
put "Up arrow makes you accelerate"
put "Down arrow makes you decelerate"
put "Left arrow makes you turn to the left"
put "Right arrow makes you turn to the right"
put "Space bar makes you shoot a bullet"
put "Press any key to continue.."
end instructions

so this is my game so far.. how do i make asteroids, its due tomorrow so i need help asap!!


% If play game is selected
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button)
if mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 100 and mousey < 125 and button = 1 then
mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 70 and mousey < 95 and button = 1 then
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:22 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

ashlyn10 @ Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:17 pm wrote:
so this is my game so far.. how do i make asteroids, its due tomorrow so i need help asap!!

What have you tried? Draw.Oval seems like the simplest approach.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:01 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

how would i input a picture of the asteroid into my program?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:20 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

Pic.Draw is one of the commands. The Turing Walkthrough has links to detailed tutorials on all of the subjects.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:47 pm   Post subject: Re: HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

what about making the spaceship shoot a mistle?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:57 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

Missile* and you would just need to animate a little mini box so thin it looks like a laser or something, and make it move in the direction you pointed it at, alternatively you could just import a picture of a missile and do the same thing, this game is actually what I did for my grade 11 summative, though I did it in java

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:03 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

so how exactly do that? this is my grade 11 summitave and i do not really understand the class at all. This is my game so far, how do i make the ship shoot a mistle at the asteroiods? help please!!

var font1 : int := Font.New ("serif:124")
var font2 : int := Font.New ("serif:20")
var font3 : int := Font.New ("Serif:20")
var font4 : int := Font.New ("Serif:20")
var mousex : int
var mousey : int
var button : int
var asteroid : int := Pic.FileNew("asteroid.jpg")
var asteroid3 : int := Pic.FileNew("asteroid3.jpg")

% This is the background
setscreen ("graphics")
colourback (black)
color (17)

% This is what is on the main screen
procedure mainscreen
Font.Draw ("Asteriods", 10, 190, font1, white)
Font.Draw ("Play Game", 230, 100, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 230, 70, font4, white)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 230, 40, font3, white)
end mainscreen

procedure playgame
var ship : int := Pic.FileNew ("ship.gif")
View.Set ("graphics:300;250),nobuttonbar")
var pic : array 0 .. 35 of int
const CTR : int := 48
pic (0) := ship
for angle : 1 .. 35
pic (angle) := Pic.Rotate (pic (0), angle * 10, CTR, CTR)
end for
var angle : int :=0
var x : int := 300
var y : int := 300
var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if angle > 0 then
angle := angle - 1
angle := 35
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
if angle < 35 then
angle := angle + 1
angle := 0
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
x := x+round (2*sind(10*angle))
y := y+round (2*cosd(10*angle))
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
if angle > 0 then
angle := angle - 1
angle := 35
end if
end if
Pic.Draw (pic (angle), x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (asteroid, 30, 40, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (asteroid3,420, 90, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (asteroid,120, 336, picMerge)
delay (50)

end loop
Pic.Draw (ship, 270, 160, picMerge)
delay (1000)
end playgame

% This is the instructions to the game
procedure instructions
colour (white)
put "Welcome to Asteroids.The object of this game is to destroy all of the asteriods."
put "while trying to avoid being hit.As you adavance to the next levels, the amount"
put "of points you get for each destroyed asteroid will increase."
put "Good luck,enjoy the game and have fun!"
put "Controls"
put "Up arrow makes you accelerate"
put "Down arrow makes you decelerate"
put "Left arrow makes you turn to the left"
put "Right arrow makes you turn to the right"
put "Space bar makes you shoot a bullet"
put "Press any key to continue.."
end instructions


% If play game is selected
Mouse.Where (mousex, mousey, button)
if mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 100 and mousey < 125 and button = 1 then
mousex > 230 and mousex < 350 and mousey > 70 and mousey < 95 and button = 1 then
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:03 am   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

You need the angle the missile is shooting at and the velocity (per frame). Then do some basic trig to determine how many pixels up and right to move it each frame.

Two other things:
1)--when posting code, use tags:
[syntax="turing"] var blahblahblah: real [/syntax]

2)--if you want to post a big program (~100+ lines), attach the file instead; theres a section at the bottom of the posting screen

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:18 pm   Post subject: RE:HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SPACESHIP FOR THE GAME ASTEROIDS? my game is due Friday help asap

Or alternatively if you're lazy you could make the ship only be able to move up left right, and only in one direction and make the asteroids only come from one direction
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