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 GUI Widget Module Closure
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:05 am   Post subject: GUI Widget Module Closure

Is there a way to not have the GUI widget module pop up when you close your program?
Or is that just something that happens when you import GUI? + bits for fastest answer. Canada

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:34 pm   Post subject: Re: GUI Widget Module Closure

I think Turing just brings up the code that it was last executing upon stopping a program. So if the program was running the GUI module at the time of termination, the GUI module code would appear to show you where the last executed line was. I doubt there's any way to stop this.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:47 pm   Post subject: RE:GUI Widget Module Closure

Also do remember that the GUI is a process, so its running alongside the rest of the program.

A simple fix would be to have the program close its self, instead of interrupting it.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:54 pm   Post subject: RE:GUI Widget Module Closure

Turing GUI is not a process -- it doesn't have its own thread, it uses one that your main program has via GUI.ProcessEvents call.

That being said, if you exit the program cleanly (exit loops, run to the end of the code), instead of interrupting a running program, it will not throw up any debug info.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:35 pm   Post subject: RE:GUI Widget Module Closure

Yeah I remember seeing that a lot when programming like 2 years ago, but I couldn't recreate it this time, and it was because I was actually quitting the program, instead of just closing it.

So basically just make sure you have a quit button or something, instead of using the stop program.
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