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 LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:22 pm   Post subject: LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)

Can anyone give me a good video tutorial or tutorial overall for making games on turing? a basic need-to-know or even more in depth with be greatly appreciated Smile

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:53 pm   Post subject: RE:LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)

I wrote a Minesweeper tutorial (see my signature, below) that forms a basic introduction to the way that most games are written. Beyond that, you could look into the Turing Tutorials section.

I doubt you'll find much in the way of video tutorials. Game development is (usually) a long, complicated, involved process that isn't well-suited to video tutorials. You might be able to find some tutorials about pixel-art, though.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:27 pm   Post subject: RE:LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)

Agree, and if you need help with a concept, most every answer can be found here, or google!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:03 pm   Post subject: Re: LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)

TBH, Programming Games is the same process as programming any other assignment. You start with the basics, program the structure. Then you solve the little problems, piece them together, and add some visuals. (In short, really. Not speaking on behalf of multimillion-dollar budget companies =P)

It should all come together nicely. My current assignment is a Hangman game, and I'd say it's pretty darn good.

I'll submit it before the end of the week. =P

What I normally do when I first start to program something, I list all the basic things I want to accomplish. I then solve them individually. When I am satisfied with an outcome of a solution, I move onto the next goal.

When I've completed all my goals, I piece them together, organize it all, comment it all out. Then I look at what I can add to the program to make it better. Bullet-proofing, Aesthetics, Nice Fonts, etc. (However, sometimes I do all my graphics in Photoshop first, and then do all my coding.. =P).

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:58 pm   Post subject: RE:LF > A good video tutorial (please read thread for more detail)

cool thanks for the tips guys and DemonWasp im about to check out your tutorial and thanks agian Smile
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