var txt : string := ""
var temp : string (1) := "@"
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 0)
Draw.Box (150, 260, 240, 235, 255)
Draw.FillBox (245, 235, 295, 260, 21)
Draw.Box (245, 235, 295, 260, 255)
colorback (21)
color (12)
locate (10, 32)
put "Submit" ..
locate (10, 20)
colorback (0)
color (255)
put txt, "|" ..
if hasch then
getch (temp)
end if
if (temp not= "@") and (ord (temp) > 64 and ord (temp) < 123) then
txt := txt + temp
temp := "@"
end if
end loop