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 Turing Space shooter game-hit detection and scoring problem
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:16 pm   Post subject: Turing Space shooter game-hit detection and scoring problem

What is it you are trying to achieve?
<Replace all the <> with your answers/code and remove the <>>

What is the problem you are having?
<Answer Here>

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
<Answer Here>

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
<Answer Here>

What is it you are trying to achieve?
I am trying to get my program to keep track of the score properly(10 points per hit)
and for the hit detection to work properly.

What is the problem you are having?
The score seems to go up randomly when i fire off to the side of cyclops

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I have tried if statements that create an imaginary "Box" around the cyclops but I may have messed it up.

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)


var x, y, button, buttonupdown : int
var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
var WinID : int
var lives : int := 0
var points : int := 0
var xcan : int := 0
var num, num1 : int := 0
var yball, xball : int := 0
var lvl : int := 0
var clr, clr1, clr2 : int := 0
var hiscore : int := 0
var code : string
var key : string (1)
var fired : boolean := false
var xc1, xc2, xc3, xc4, xc5, xc6, xc7, xc8, xc9, xc10 : int
var yc1, yc2, yc3, yc4, yc5, yc6, yc7, yc8, yc9, yc10 : int
drawfill (1, 1, 255, 1)
font1 := Font.New ("chiller:32:underline,bold")
font2 := Font.New ("Arial black:24")
font3 := Font.New ("TremorITC TT:32:underline,bold")
font4 := Font.New ("BankGothic Lt BT:32:bold")
Font.Draw ("Beware of the Cyclops", 180, 200, font1, 12)
play ("<ADGEDGDEGDE1>A>")
xcan := 260
xball := xcan
    %Title Screen
    drawfill (1, 1, 255, 1)
    color (14)
    colorback (255)
    drawbox (200, 370, 440, 320, 12) %start game button
    Font.Draw ("Start", 270, 335, font2, 14)
    drawbox (200, 230, 440, 180, 12) %Instructions button
    Font.Draw ("Instructions", 215, 195, font2, 14)
    drawbox (200, 100, 440, 50, 12) %Exit button
    Font.Draw ("Exit", 275, 65, font2, 14)

    %left cyclops on title screen
    drawfilloval (100, 200, 25, 25, 4)
    drawfilloval (100, 210, 7, 7, 1)
    drawfillarc (100, 190, 15, 10, 180, 0, 0)
    drawfillarc (100, 188, 12, 7, 180, 0, 255)

    %right cyclops on title screen
    drawfilloval (530, 200, 25, 25, 4)
    drawfilloval (530, 210, 7, 7, 1)
    drawfillarc (530, 190, 15, 10, 180, 0, 0)
    drawfillarc (530, 188, 12, 7, 180, 0, 255)
    View.Set ("offscreenonly")
    buttonwait ("down", x, y, button, buttonupdown)
    if x > 200 and x < 440 and y < 230 and y > 180 then
        drawfill (1, 1, 255, 1)
        drawbox (1, 399, 105, 350, 12)
        locate (2, 2)
        put "Back to menu" ..
        Font.Draw ("Instructions", 180, 325, font4, 9)
        locate (6, 1)
        color (0)
        put "Beware of the cyclops is played using the arrow keys, mouse and space bar. The"
        put "arrow keys control the movement of your cannon," ..
        put " and the spacebar is used to fire the cannon." ..
        put " You collect power ups by   shooting them out of the sky and killing bosses." ..
        put " You also accumulate points for each enemy you shoot down, these " ..
        put " points can be used to upgrade your cannon and to buy different projectiles." ..
        put " After 3 levels of gameplay you will face a boss,  which will be tougher than" ..
        put "regular cyclops, but will give a higher point reward."
            buttonwait ("down", x, y, button, buttonupdown)
            exit when x > 1 and x < 105 and y > 350 and y < 399
        end loop
        if x > 200 and x < 440 and y < 100 and y > 50 then
        end if
    elsif x > 200 and x < 440 and y > 320 and y < 370 then
        %Y co-ordinates for cyclops'
        randint (yc1, 400, 600)
        randint (yc2, 400, 610)
        randint (yc3, 400, 450)
        randint (yc4, 500, 600)
        randint (yc5, 400, 550)
        randint (yc6, 440, 610)
        randint (yc7, 550, 610)
        randint (yc8, 420, 610)
        randint (yc9, 600, 700)
        randint (yc10, 400, 440)

        %X co-ordinates for cyclops'
        randint (xc1, 40, 580)
        randint (xc2, 40, 580)
        randint (xc3, 40, 580)
        randint (xc4, 40, 580)
        randint (xc5, 40, 580)
        randint (xc6, 40, 580)
        randint (xc7, 40, 580)
        randint (xc8, 40, 580)
        randint (xc9, 40, 580)
        randint (xc10, 40, 580)
        randint (clr, 1, 255)
        randint (clr1, 1, 255)
        randint (clr2, 1, 255)
        lives := 10
                if yball > 400 and fired = true then
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                end if
                if fired = true and xball >= xc1 - 15 and xball <= xc1 + 15 and yball + 5 >= yc1 - 15 and yball + 5 <= yc1 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                    points := points + 10
                elsif fired = true and xball - 5 >= xc1 - 15 and xball + 5 <= xc1 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                    points := points + 10
                elsif fired = true and xball >= xc2 - 15 and xball <= xc2 + 15 and yball + 5 >= yc2 - 15 and yball + 5 <= yc2 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                    points := points + 10
                elsif fired = true and xball - 5 >= xc2 - 15 and xball - 5 <= xc2 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                    points := points + 10
                elsif fired = true and xball >= xc3 - 15 and xball <= xc3 + 15 and yball + 5 >= yc3 - 15 and yball + 5 <= yc3 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    points := points + 10
                elsif fired = true and xball - 5 >= xc3 - 15 and xball - 5 <= xc3 + 15 and yball < 390 then
                    randint (xc1, 30, 580)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 600)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    fired := false
                    yball := 0
                    xball := xcan
                    num := 0
                    points := points + 10
                end if
                locate (1, 1)
                color (12)
                put "Points ", points
                locate (18, 1)
                color (12)
                put "Lives: ", lives
                drawfilloval (xball + 40, yball + 80, 5, 5, 12)

                drawfillbox (xcan, 1, xcan + 60, 30, 8)
                drawfillbox (xcan + 30, 30, xcan + 50, 80, 8)
                drawfillarc (xcan + 40, 80, 10, 5, 180, 0, 255)

                drawfilloval (xc1, yc1, 15, 15, clr)
                drawfilloval (xc1, yc1 + 4, 3, 3, clr1)
                drawarc (xc1, yc1 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, clr2)

                drawfilloval (xc2, yc2, 15, 15, clr)
                drawfilloval (xc2, yc2 + 4, 3, 3, clr1)
                drawarc (xc2, yc2 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, clr2)

                drawfilloval (xc3, yc3, 15, 15, clr)
                drawfilloval (xc3, yc3 + 4, 3, 3, clr1)
                drawarc (xc3, yc3 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, clr2)
                delay (20)
                drawfilloval (xball + 40, yball + 80, 5, 5, 255)
                drawfillbox (xcan, 1, xcan + 60, 30, 255)
                drawfillbox (xcan + 30, 30, xcan + 50, 80, 255)
                drawfillarc (xcan + 40, 80, 10, 5, 180, 0, 255)

                drawfilloval (xc1, yc1, 15, 15, 255)
                drawfilloval (xc1, yc1 + 2, 3, 3, 255)
                drawarc (xc1, yc1 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, 255)

                drawfilloval (xc2, yc2, 15, 15, 255)
                drawfilloval (xc2, yc2 + 4, 3, 3, 255)
                drawarc (xc2, yc2 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, 255)

                drawfilloval (xc3, yc3, 15, 15, 255)
                drawfilloval (xc3, yc3 + 4, 3, 3, 255)
                drawarc (xc3, yc3 - 3, 4, 3, 180, 0, 255)
                yc1 := yc1 - 1
                yc2 := yc2 - 1
                yc3 := yc3 - 1
                yc4 := yc4 - 1
                yc5 := yc5 - 1
                yc6 := yc6 - 1
                yc7 := yc7 - 1
                yc8 := yc8 - 1
                yc9 := yc9 - 1
                yc10 := yc10 - 1

                if hasch then
                    getch (key) %get key pressed
                    num := ord (key)
                elsif num = 203 and xcan <= 5 then
                    xcan := xcan + 0
                elsif num = 203 then %left arrow
                    xcan := xcan - 10
                elsif num = 205 and xcan >= 560 then
                    xcan := xcan + 0
                elsif num = 205 then %right arrow
                    xcan := xcan + 10
                elsif num = 32 then
                    fired := true
                    yball := yball + 10
                    num1 := 32
                end if
                if lives = 0 then
                    Font.Draw ("GAME OVER:underline,bold", 180, 200, font4, 9)
                    locate (12, 40)
                    put "High Score:", hiscore
                elsif yc1 < 0 and yc2 < 0 and yc3 < 0 then
                    randint (xc1, 10, 630)
                    randint (xc2, 10, 630)
                    randint (xc3, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 630)
                    randint (yc2, 400, 630)
                    randint (yc3, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    lives := lives - 1

                elsif yc2 < 0 and yc1 < 0 then
                    randint (xc2, 10, 630)
                    randint (xc1, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 630)
                    randint (yc2, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    lives := lives - 1
                elsif yc3 < 0 and yc2 < 0 then
                    randint (xc3, 10, 630)
                    randint (xc2, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc2, 400, 630)
                    randint (yc3, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 254)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 254)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 254)
                    lives := lives - 1
                elsif yc1 < 0 then
                    randint (xc1, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc1, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    lives := lives - 1
                elsif yc2 < 0 then
                    randint (xc2, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc2, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    lives := lives - 1
                elsif yc3 < 0 then
                    randint (xc3, 10, 630)
                    randint (yc3, 400, 630)
                    randint (clr, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr1, 1, 255)
                    randint (clr2, 1, 255)
                    lives := lives - 1
                end if

                if fired = false then
                    xball := xcan
                    yball := 0
                end if
                if fired = true then
                    yball := yball + 20
                end if

            end loop
        if x >= 200 and x <= 440 and y >= 180 and y <= 230 then
        end if

        end loop
end if
    end loop
    WinID := Window.GetActive
    Window.Hide (WinID)


PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:31 pm   Post subject: Re: Turing Space shooter game-hit detection and scoring problem

go threw and add comments, I don't feel like reading every bit of code.

What you need to do is check your bullet + velocity of bullet to the target + targets velocity. You need to check the pathing from the jump, so your bullet doesn't jump over the target and miss the collision.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Turing Space shooter game-hit detection and scoring problem

You forget to update your 'fired' variable after every if statement...look for where you are missing it.
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