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Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:56 pm Post subject: Unknown Error? |
While in the middle of programming my culminating activity for school I got a weird error.
A completely new window pops up and many characters pop up..
From what I see there's no error in the program.
Anyone willing to help me with this?
Thank you in advance. |
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Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:58 pm Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
Perhaps post your code? It is hard to help with no specific detail.  |
Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:59 pm Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
var firstname : string
var lastname : string
var billingstreet : string
var billingnumber : int
var billingpostal : string
var billingcity : string
%More veriable declarations
var billingprovince : string
var itemnumber : int
var quantity : int
var answer : int
var cost : int
var finalcost : int
%Inputting information into variables for the items in my store
var workbooks : real := 1.11
var paperclips : real := 1.57
var sharpies : real := 8.29
var staplers : real := 12.52
var staples : real := 0.99
%Prices for more products
var binders : real := 1.52
var ruler : real := 0.99
var blankpaper : real := 4.30
var penholder : real := 6.91
var printerink : real : 17.24
%Prices for more products.
var shredder : real := 30.92
var liquidpaper : real := 1.29
var erasers : real := 0.49
var pencilcrayons : real := 4.99
var crayons : real := 1.00
var pencilcase : real := 3.24
var glue:real:=1.53
var pencilsharpener:real:=3.18
var folders:real:=0.37
%Asking the user to input information
procedure intro
put " " : 30 ..
put "Supplies for School Survival!"
put " "
put " "
end intro
procedure asking
put "Please enter your first name: " ..
get firstname
put "Please enter your last name: " ..
get lastname
put "Please enter your street name: " ..
get billingstreet
put "Please enter your house/appartment number: " ..
%ASking the user for more information.
get billingnumber
put "Please enter your postal code: " ..
get billingpostal
put "Please enter your city: " ..
get billingcity
put "Please enter your province: " ..
get billingprovince
end asking
%Main program
asking |

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:16 pm Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
I've looked over it and I do not get any errors, I did notice though you were missing a ":=" on one of the variables when defining a price.
The program should be rewritten to be more efficient.
May I recommend using Array's?
Edit* 1
The program is pretty basic am I right? Why go through all the trouble to make a basic plain program. If you are new to turing there is a section that can help you incredibly which can be found here
Edit* 2
If numbers are showing up when you don't want them too try using
For more information on CLS, look for it through Turing's documentations located HERE |
Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:27 pm Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
I think this is just a panic error, it happens from time to time (turing is far from perfect). Check where turing is installed or where your file is installed for a file called panic.log, if you find it then the panic error is your problem.
I am not aware of any solution other than to save often :\ |
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:19 am Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
Once turing freezes, which I guarantee will happen on Windows, it will create a panic.log with all of your turing crash info.
Like the post above me, save often. |
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:51 pm Post subject: RE:Unknown Error? |
I opened up the program in a earlier version of Turing and it worked fine, thanks for you help ! |