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 Hockey Puck in the net Game
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:52 am   Post subject: Hockey Puck in the net Game

Okay, I My Cannon Ball is the hockey puck, and the Target is the net.

The Cannon Ball (Puck) has to be in the lower left corner, and the target has to be in the bottom right corner.

I need to know how to arc the puck so it goes up and slowy comes down like it would in real life. Right now my coding makes no sense, it doesnt arc up and come down, it just keeps going up.

Is there any simpler coding to what I have. I know nothing about it, so explaining isn't really going to help. Im not asking you to write the whole program, just give me an arc coding that will help. I need to insert a power, and angle in the arc.

Heres my coding so far...


View.Set ("graphics:640;480")

var x, y, Randx, Randy : int
var POWER, ANGLE : int
var picID, picID2 : int
picID := Pic.FileNew ("Targets/HackeyPuckGood.jpg")
picID2 := Pic.FileNew ("Targets/HackeyNet.jpg")
x := 20
y := 5
Pic.Draw (picID, x, y, picCopy)

randint (Randx,20,maxy - 100)
randint (Randy,20,maxy - 100)
Pic.Draw (picID2, Randx, Randy, picCopy)

put "Enter the Power"
put "Enter the Arc (Lower = Steep | Higher = Shallower"

Pic.Draw (picID2, Randx, Randy, picCopy)

    Pic.Draw (picID, x, y, picCopy)
    delay (10)
    exit when y>= maxy -5
    drawfilloval (x,y,10,15,white)
    x := x + POWER
    y := round (x ** 2 / ANGLE) + 5
    if x = Randx - 10 or x = Randx + 10 and y = Randy -10 or y = Randy + 10 then
    put "YOU WIN TADAH!!!!!"
    POWER := 0
    elsif y >= maxy - 5 then
    elsif x >= maxx - 5 then
    end if
end loop

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:04 pm   Post subject: Re: Hockey Puck in the net Game

Alright, forgot all that coding up here. I Changed it,

View.Set ("graphics:640;480")

var x, y, Randx, Tary : int
var POWER, ANGLE : int
var picID, picID2 : int 

x := 20
y := 5
Tary := 10

randint (Randx,150,maxx - 10)

put "Enter the Power"
put "Enter the Arc (Lower = Steep | Higher = Shallower)"

drawfillbox (Randx, Tary, Randx +60, Tary + 10, brightblue)

    drawfilloval (x,y,5,5,black)
    delay (10)
    exit when y>= maxy -5
    drawfilloval (x,y,5,5,white)
    x := x + POWER
    y := round (x ** 2 / ANGLE) + 5
    if x >= Randx and x <= Randx + 10 then
    put "You Win"
    POWER := 0
    elsif y >= maxy - 5 then
    put "You Lose"
    elsif x >= maxx - 5 then
    put "You Lose"
    end if

end loop

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:28 pm   Post subject: Re: Hockey Puck in the net Game

Alright, Triple post.... >.>

Okay, Why doesnt this code run?


var x, y, x1, y1 : int
var velocity, gravity : int
var theta : int
gravity := 1
x := 10
y := 10
x1 := 10
y1 := 10
var Randx, Randx2 : int

randint (Randx, 160, maxx - 100)

drawfillbox (Randx, 2, Randx + 100, 12, brightred)

put " Enter The Velocity Between 1 and 30"
get velocity
put " Enter an Angle between 0 and 90 degress"
get theta

drawfillbox (Randx, 2, Randx + 100, 12, brightred)


    drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, black)
    delay (10)
    drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, white)
    x := x1 + velocity * time * cosd (theta)
    y := y1 + velocity * time * sind (theta) - 0.5 * gravity * time ** 2

end loop


PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:43 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

just use the edit button instead of triple posting, it's easier. and something is wrong with your main loop I think

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:44 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

It won't run because "time" returns a string which cannot be used in multiplication.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:52 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

Its just the coding my Teacher gave me to use to make the ball arc.

I replaced time with 1 to see if it work and i got an error.

It highlighted the second bracket on theta and the 2 at the very end.

The error stated "Assigned Value is the wrong type" I have no clue what is wrong.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:01 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

it means you're trying to put a string into an integer, or real into integer, or integer/real into string. For example,

var foo : string := 3.14

I assume x := x1 + velocity * time * cosd (theta) returns a decimal answer, which cannot fit into an integer variable.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

Well, from what my Assignment sheet says, time is sopossed to be a counter that increases by 1 each time through the loop.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:24 pm   Post subject: RE:Hockey Puck in the net Game

Well, then you need to declare a "time" variable - more specifically, you need to declare something like "loopCounter", as "time" is a reserved keyword used by Turing. Check the help (F10).

"counter that increases by 1 each time through the loop." means this:


var loopCounter : int := 0
    % Do your loop stuff here
    loopCounter := loopCounter + 1
end loop

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:21 pm   Post subject: Re: Hockey Puck in the net Game

time is already a predefined value used in DemonWasp mentioned, you can just make another counter and increase that by 1 every time in the loop

PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:38 pm   Post subject: Re: Hockey Puck in the net Game

Alright, before I Post my final coding for help. I just want to thank you guys for your help Smile

I've worked on this for like an hour straight and can't figure how to have my target stay the same shape and get in a different random stop. It moves, but it like just shrinks or grows and I dont know why.


 *       Cannon Ball Game        *
 *                    *
 *                               *
 *  This is a simple game where  *
 *  you  just type in the power  *
 *  and the angle of the cannon  *
 *  ball and try to hit the      *
 *  randomized target. The       *
 *  program keeps track of number*
 *  of shots you take.           *

var x, y, ay, vx, vy : real;                    % These are The Variables for the ball, the angle and the power
var randx, randx2, x2, y2, county : int           % Variables for the target and cannon
var ans : string      % Variables for if you want to play again
var picID : int := Pic.FileNew ("Cannon.jpg")
ay := -0.2;                                     % Cannon ball, power, angle variables
x := 115;
y := 98;
vx := 7;
vy := 7;
x2 := 5
y2 := 20
county := 0
drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)         % Picture of cannon

randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)              % Randomizing the target
randx2 := randx + 80;

drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)  % Drawing the target

colorback (53)
put "Enter the Speed"                          % Getting
get vx
put "Enter the Angle"
get vy
county := county + 1


    exit when (x > maxx) or (y < 0);                      %Exit when you miss
    if (y - 5 <= 21) then
        drawfillbox (0, 250, 200, maxy, 53)               % easy way to erase the text
        delay (500)
        locatexy (5, maxy - 5)
        put "You missed the target"
        delay (500)
        put "Play Again(Y/N)"                             %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then       %If yes

            ay := -0.2;                                   %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            county := county
            delay (10)
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)     %Drawing Cannon
            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)  % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)
            put "Enter the angle"     %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"     %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1
        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                                                                  % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off: " ..
            put county

        end if

    elsif x >= maxx or y <= 0 then     %If you lose

        put "YOU LOSE"
        put "Play Again(Y/N)"                     %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then                     %If yes

            colorback (53)                                                  % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off " ..
            put county

            ay := -0.2;                                    %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            county := county
            delay (10)
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)               %Drawing Cannon
            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)              % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)
            put "Enter the angle"                           %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"                           %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1
        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                                                                  % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off: " ..
            put county
        end if

        put "Play Again(Y/N)"                                %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then     %If yes

            ay := -0.2;                                       %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            randx2 := randx + 80;
            county := county
            delay (10)
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)                  %Drawing Cannon
            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)              % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)
            put "Enter the angle"                              %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"                              %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1

        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                                                                  % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off: " ..
            put county


        end if

    elsif x >= maxx or y <= 0 then                             %If you lose
        put "YOU LOSE"

        delay (1000)
        put "Play Again(Y/N)"                                  %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then     %If yes
            ay := -0.2;     %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            randx2 := randx + 80;
            county := county
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)     %Drawing Cannon
            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)              % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)
            put "Enter the angle"     %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"               %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1
        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                        % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off " ..
            put county

        end if
    end if

    % THIS IS THE CODING TO MOVE THE BALL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    drawfilloval (round (x), round (y), round (5), round (5), black);     %Drawing cannonball
    delay (10);
    drawfilloval (round (x), round (y), round (5), round (5), 53);     %Erasing Cannonball
    x += vx;     %Moving ball
    y += vy;
    vy += ay;

    if (x >= randx) and (x <= randx2) and (y >= 20) and (y <= 30) then     %If you win
        delay (1000)
        put "You hit the target!"
        delay (1000)
        vx := 0
        vy := 0
        delay (10)
        put "Play Again(Y/N)"     %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then     %If yes

            ay := -0.2;     %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            county := county
            delay (10)
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)     %Drawing Cannon

            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)  % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)
            put "Enter the angle"     %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"     %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1
        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                                                          % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off " ..
            put county


        end if

    elsif x >= maxx or y <= 0 then     %If you lose

        put "YOU LOSE"
        delay (10)
        put "Play Again(Y/N)"     %Asking to play again
        get ans
        if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then     %If yes

            ay := -0.2;     %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            county := county
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)       % Redrawing the Sky
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen) % Redrawing The Grass
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)     %Drawing Cannon
            randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)              % Randomizing the target
            drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred) % The Target
            put "Enter the angle"     %Asking to enter the angle of shot
            get vy
            put "Enter the speed"     %Asking to enter the speed of shot
            get vx
            county := county + 1
            delay (10)
        elsif ans = "N" or ans = "n" then

            colorback (53)                                                          % THE counter in the top corner
            locatexy (300, maxy - 5)
            put "Number of times shot off: " ..
            put county

        end if
    end if
end loop


PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:07 am   Post subject: Re: Hockey Puck in the net Game

            if ans = "Y" or ans = "y" then       %If yes

            ay := -0.2;                                   %Variables for all the balls and cannon
            x := 115;
            y := 98;
            x2 := 5
            y2 := 20
            vx := 7;
            vy := 7;
            county := county
            delay (10)
            drawfillbox (0, 20, maxx, maxy, 53)
            drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, 20, brightgreen)
            Pic.Draw (picID, x2, y2, picCopy)     %Drawing Cannon
            [b]randint (randx, 400, maxx - 80)  % Randomizing the target[/b]
            [b]drawfillbox (randx, 20, randx2, 30, brightred)[/b]

You have to change randx2, like you did before, because it contains position for old random position of target.

And one more thing vy is not angle, it's speed in y direction, and vx is just speed in x direction, not full speed.
You have to use trigonometry if you want to do it with angle.
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