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 Moving an object in Turing
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:03 pm   Post subject: Moving an object in Turing

Ok I need help animating how to move an object from left to right and keep going. Can someone tell me please how to move? Ok here is my program I want to animate across the screen and keep moving until the user closes it.


 Filename:  F22.T
 Filesize:  1.18 KB
 Downloaded:  83 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:29 pm   Post subject: Re: Moving an object in Turing

It would be a lot easier to just find a JPEG image of an F22 and animate that using Input.KeyDown and Sprite.Animate, unless the plane has to be drawn with drawlines?[/syntax]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:30 pm   Post subject: Re: Moving an object in Turing

It would be a lot easier to just find a JPEG image of an F22 and animate that using Input.KeyDown and Sprite.Animate, unless the plane has to be drawn with drawlines?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:30 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

sorry about the triple post, something went wrong

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:31 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

No the plane has to be drawn tho.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:40 pm   Post subject: Re: Moving an object in Turing

Ok to do this you need two variables.

1 will move you drawing
1 will switch the position it's going



var  x, direction : int := 0
if direction = 0 then
if x >= maxx then
direction := 1
end if
elsif direction = 1 then
if x <= 0 then
direction := 0
end if
end if
Draw.FillBox ( x-1, maxy div 2 - 1, x+1, maxy div 2 +1, black)
end loop
end loop

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:45 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

If you include a variable to 'add' to the draw coordinates, you can wrap it in a procedure and draw it wherever you want. I used a macro to add them in, and the other code is just garble to move it around in silly ways.

setscreen ("offscreenonly")

proc DrawThePlaneHurr (x, y : int)

    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 120 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 200 + x, 150 + y, 16)
    drawline (200 + x, 150 + y, 450 + x, 150 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 150 + y, 565 + x, 180 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 470 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 475 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (475 + x, 350 + y, 530 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (530 + x, 350 + y, 550 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (475 + x, 350 + y, 550 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (550 + x, 350 + y, 580 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 220 + y, 550 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (550 + x, 220 + y, 450 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (510 + x, 220 + y, 580 + x, 170 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 170 + y, 540 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (558 + x, 220 + y, 580 + x, 190 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 190 + y, 595 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (595 + x, 200 + y, 620 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (620 + x, 200 + y, 577 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 280 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (280 + x, 220 + y, 240 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (120 + x, 220 + y, 140 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (190 + x, 259 + y, 240 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (120 + x, 220 + y, 252 + x, 235 + y, 16)
    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 200 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (200 + x, 200 + y, 210 + x, 187 + y, 16)
    drawline (210 + x, 187 + y, 280 + x, 187 + y, 16)
    drawline (280 + x, 187 + y, 350 + x, 170 + y, 16)
    drawline (350 + x, 170 + y, 470 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (210 + x, 187 + y, 220 + x, 150 + y, 16)

    drawarc (190 + x, 239 + y, 50, 20, 90, 180, 16)

end DrawThePlaneHurr

% You can ignore everything below this line, it's just to move it
% around in stupid ways
const R := 10
type Point :
        x, y : int
    end record
fcn P (x, y : int) : Point
    var t : Point
    t.x := x
    t.y := y
    result t
end P
fcn GetStep (p, t, r : int) : int
    result (abs (t - p) div r)
end GetStep
fcn NextTarget () : Point
    result P (Rand.Int (0, maxx) - 300, Rand.Int (0, maxy) - 125)
end NextTarget
fcn ApproachVal (v, t, s : int) : int
    if (v < t) then
        if ((v + s) > t) then
            result t
            result (v + s)
        end if
    elsif (v > t) then
        if ((v - s) < t) then
            result t
            result (v - s)
        end if
    end if
    result t
end ApproachVal
proc Approach (var p : Point, var t : Point)
    var stepx := GetStep (p.x, t.x, R)
    var stepy := GetStep (p.y, t.y, R)
    p.x := ApproachVal (p.x, t.x, stepx)
    p.y := ApproachVal (p.y, t.y, stepy)
    if (((stepx + stepy) div 2) < 2) then
        t := NextTarget ()
    end if
end Approach
var position := P (0, 0)
var target := NextTarget ()
    Approach (position, target)
    DrawThePlaneHurr (position.x, position.y) % Yeah...
    View.Update ()
    Time.DelaySinceLast (20)
end loop

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:47 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

wow someone went over kill lol
were you bored?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:49 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

I ripped it from an example collection I'm working on for my peer tutor position at my highschool. Originally... it was a target that you had to throw darts at.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:49 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

lol thats funny

I think that's a bit more then he needed.... :p

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:57 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

setscreen ("offscreenonly")

proc DrawThePlaneHurr (x, y : int)

    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 120 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 200 + x, 150 + y, 16)
    drawline (200 + x, 150 + y, 450 + x, 150 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 150 + y, 565 + x, 180 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 470 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 475 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (475 + x, 350 + y, 530 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (530 + x, 350 + y, 550 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (475 + x, 350 + y, 550 + x, 350 + y, 16)
    drawline (550 + x, 350 + y, 580 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 220 + y, 550 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (550 + x, 220 + y, 450 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (510 + x, 220 + y, 580 + x, 170 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 170 + y, 540 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (558 + x, 220 + y, 580 + x, 190 + y, 16)
    drawline (580 + x, 190 + y, 595 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (595 + x, 200 + y, 620 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (620 + x, 200 + y, 577 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (450 + x, 220 + y, 280 + x, 220 + y, 16)
    drawline (280 + x, 220 + y, 240 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (120 + x, 220 + y, 140 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (190 + x, 259 + y, 240 + x, 240 + y, 16)
    drawline (120 + x, 220 + y, 252 + x, 235 + y, 16)
    drawline (50 + x, 200 + y, 200 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (200 + x, 200 + y, 210 + x, 187 + y, 16)
    drawline (210 + x, 187 + y, 280 + x, 187 + y, 16)
    drawline (280 + x, 187 + y, 350 + x, 170 + y, 16)
    drawline (350 + x, 170 + y, 470 + x, 200 + y, 16)
    drawline (210 + x, 187 + y, 220 + x, 150 + y, 16)

    drawarc (190 + x, 239 + y, 50, 20, 90, 180, 16)

end DrawThePlaneHurr

Yo this thing doesnt work I even set up new varibles to see if it works but it doesnt give any warning. It doesnt run.

Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Thanks Smile
[syntax="turing"]Code Here[/syntax]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:01 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

you need to loop this drawing
use my example and it will move your drawing

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:09 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

Ok I got it to move then I put in a picture and now its blinks so much that you cant even see. Plus it moves left to right and then right to left. I want it to move from left and keep going on screen.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:13 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

just set it so when the x variable get to like - 1000 then x will = +1000
but this doesn't require 2 variable to move the plan

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:21 pm   Post subject: RE:Moving an object in Turing

Ok thanks.
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