setscreen ("graphics:600;500")
process Elmossong
Music.PlayFile ("sesamestreettheme.mp3")
end loop
end Elmossong
process Elmo
var x1, x2, y1, y2 : int
x1 := 450
x2 := 335
y1 := 205
y2 := 270
for count : 1 .. 70
y1 := y1 + 1
drawoval (300, 350, 96, 82, 16)
drawfilloval (300, 350, 95, 80, 12)
%First Eye
drawfilloval (280, 400, 15, 16, 0)
%Black part of first eye
drawfilloval (280, 400, 8, 8, 16)
%Second Eye
drawfilloval (320, 400, 15, 16, 0)
%Black part of second eye
drawfilloval (320, 400, 8, 8, 16)
drawfilloval (301, 370, 20, 20, 42)
drawfillarc (300, 332, 50, 50, 180, 0, 16)
drawfillbox (361, 275, 241, 245, 12)
drawoval (300, 200, 71, 78, 16)
drawfilloval (300, 200, 70, 80, 12)
%Left arm
Draw.ThickLine (250, 265, 150, 230, 40, 12)
%Right arm..moves arm down
Draw.ThickLine (450, y1, 335, 270, 40, 12)
delay (50)
Draw.ThickLine (450, y1, 335, 270, 40, 0)
%Left Leg
Draw.ThickLine (210, 50, 300, 150, 40, 12)
drawfillarc (220, 30, 170, 90, 120, 140, 12)
%Right Leg
Draw.ThickLine (400, 200, 300, 150, 40, 12)
%Moves right arm down
if y1 = 275 then
Draw.ThickLine (450, 275, 335, 270, 40, 12)
for decreasing counte : 70 .. 1
y1 := y1 - 1
Draw.ThickLine (450, y1, 335, 270, 40, 12)
delay (50)
Draw.ThickLine (450, y1, 335, 270, 40, 0)
if y1 = 205 then
Draw.ThickLine (450, 205, 335, 270, 40, 12)
end if
end for
end if
end for
end loop
%Left Leg
Draw.ThickLine (210, 50, 300, 150, 40, 12)
drawfillarc (220, 30, 170, 90, 120, 140, 12)
end Elmo
fork Elmo
fork Elmossong