Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:38 pm Post subject: Very Hard Programming Code .. ( atleast 2 me :P) need help
hi, i have an assignment it says " Create a program for a restaurant owner to keep track of customer bills as wells as daily sales. For each customer, the waiters/ waitresses have entered all items for the customers, the program should calculate the subtotal, PST (8%), GST (7%), total, and sugessested tip (15% of the subtotal). There is no PST charged for any subtotals less than $4. A 5% discount is offered for any subtotal more than $50 and a 10% discount for any subtotal more than $100. Your do not need to display discounts of zero. The program should continue for each customer. At the end of the day the program should provide the user with the daily totals for sales, taxes, discounts, and profits for the day." talk about a huge assignment this is what i have so far :
put " Restaurant Program"
put " ---------------------"
put ""
put " Enter The Quantity For Item ( 0 To Quit ): " ..
get quantity1
put ""
if quantity1 > 0 then
put " Enter The Price For The Item: " ..
get price1
end if
totalquantity1 := price1 * quantity1
put ""
put " Enter The Quantity For Item ( 0 To Quit ): " ..
get quantity2
put ""
if quantity2 > 0 then
put " Enter The Price For The Item: " ..
get price2
end if
totalquantity2 := price2 * quantity2
put ""
put " Enter The Quantity For Item ( 0 To Quit ): " ..
get quantity3
put ""
if quantity3 > 0 then
put " Enter The Price For The Item: " ..
get price3
put ""
put ""
put " Sub-Total: $", subtotal :0:2
put " 5% Discount: "
put " PST: ", " $", pst * subtotal : 0 : 2
put " GST: ", " $", gst * subtotal : 0 : 2
put " ------------------"
put ""
put " Total: ", " $", totaltotal
put " Tip: ", "$", totaltotal * tip :0:2
put ""
put " Press Any key To Continue" ..
get continue
put " Are There More Sales? " ..
get moresales
exit when moresales = "n" or moresales = "NO" or moresales = "N" or moresales = "no"
end loop
const tip1 := 0.15
const gst1:= .07
subtotal := 0
discount5 := 0
totalquantity6 := price6 * quantity6
end if
subtotal1 := totalquantity4 + totalquantity5 + totalquantity6
totaltotal2 := pst1 + gst1 + subtotal2
put ""
put ""
put " Sub-Total: $", subtotal2 :0:2
put " 5% Discount: "
put " PST: ", " $", pst1 * subtotal2 : 0 : 2
put " GST: ", " $", gst1 * subtotal2 : 0 : 2
put " ------------------"
put ""
put " Total: ", " $", totaltotal2
put " Tip: ", "$", totaltotal2 * tip2 :0:2
put ""
put " Press Any key To Continue" ..
get continue
put " Are There More Sales? " ..
get moresales
exit when moresales = "n" or moresales = "NO" or moresales = "N" or moresales = "no"
end loop
put " Grand Totals For The Day"
put " ---------------------------"
put ""
I am so confused that I don't know what to do.. can someone please just correct the code .. i thank you in advance ...
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Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:49 pm Post subject: Re: Very Hard Programming Code .. ( atleast 2 me :P) need he
coolest35 wrote:
can someone please just correct the code .. i thank you in advance ...
oh, well since you thanked me in advance, hear's all of the code for you:
and that should set you off in the right direction for making an Evasive Maneuvers clone. wait, what was your question again?
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:01 pm Post subject: wrong..
uh.. the guy who replyed.. that was totally different .. than what ia asked about
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yeah mazer... dont be an ass... but I will keep your Evasive Maneuvers code anyways... maybe you can post the rest of the code as well
coolest35 - you're on the right track. Exsept that your program is way too hardcoded. Need to use arrays (if you learned them yet) and allow user more control over the input/output.
Comming to the forum, you've got to realize that noone will do your whole assignments for you, but if you have a specific question you would like to discuss, you're more then welcome to.
For your program, I might sujest trying to go backwards...
such as:
start with
put total
then work backwards from there... How do you get total? Subtotal + tax - discount.
How do you find those things? Continue from there. This way the assignment turns into more of a problem solving then guessing what to do next.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:17 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i'm sorry, i just couldn't resist. please accept these bits as an apology
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 9:53 pm Post subject: still don't understand!!
I still don't understand this.. so . plz.. i have done about 50% of the assignment.. i still don't get it!! please .. can someone just finish the rest... please.. thank you very much to ther person that reply's to this poor guy's desperate plee's
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well what are you having problems with? You've got it up to the display of total, whats next?
If you need daily total, you just keep on adding all the subtotals, taxes and discounts untill the "day" is over and display their values.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:46 am Post subject: (No subject)
wat? evasive manuver code where? *looks around*
Sponsor Sponsor
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
my god that is ugly code
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
why do you think i didn't post it for so long?
hey, it did it's job, and it even ran pretty well on the schools computers. but no, i won't deny that it really is ugly.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
oh, boo hoo...
mazer hid his code in shame
code does not suppost to look preaty, it's suppost to work. If code would be marked on how good it looks, we'll all be practicing ASCII art right now
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:14 pm Post subject: (No subject)
still the code should be tidied up it is a real mess, probably very difficult to expand and repair
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:17 pm Post subject: (No subject)
tony wrote:
oh, boo hoo...
mazer hid his code in shame
code does not suppost to look preaty, it's suppost to work. If code would be marked on how good it looks, we'll all be practicing ASCII art right now
good thinking!
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:37 pm Post subject: plz.. paypal
8) hi, i got a deal for someone.. i will pay them through paypal if they finish my assignment.. ( i will pay $10 US) ( will get paid after I verify code)