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 Game Character Movement
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 8:43 pm   Post subject: Game Character Movement

I'm currently making a hack and slash type game, and I don't know much about Turing at the moment. I have keyboard controls setup so when I push the up, down, left, and right arrows my character is drawn facing that way, in if statements. Now.. I also have movement setup so the character actually moves in that direction, with if statements as well. Now the problem is that my character only appears when I push the key, and disappears after the key is depressed. I've tried drawing the character facing up before the if statements, but the character is always drawn facing up even when I move a different direction. This may be hard to understand, I can post some of my coding if you want. Anyways any help would be greatly appreciated, this is actually going to be my final project for a class at school.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:00 pm   Post subject: Re: Game Character Movement

try storing the direction it is facing and then draw the character at the end of the animation loop

Try posting ur code. That way, I can help u more and if there are any suggestions I can give u, I'll help u

Very Happy

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:34 pm   Post subject: Re: Game Character Movement

A.J @ Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:00 pm wrote:
try storing the direction it is facing and then draw the character at the end of the animation loop

Try posting ur code. That way, I can help u more and if there are any suggestions I can give u, I'll help u

Very Happy

I see, I'll just post my code, easier that way.

var keys : array char of boolean
% -----------------------
%|Player X/Y/Height/Width|
% -----------------------
var plx := 100
var ply := 100
var plx2 := 120
var ply2 := 120
% -------------
%|Screen Config|
% -------------
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
setscreen ("graphics:1024;768")
    % ---------------
    %|Player Movement|
    % ---------------
    Input.KeyDown (keys)
    if keys (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
        ply += 1
        ply2 += 1
        % --------------
        %|Draw Player Up|
        % --------------
        % ----
        % ----
        Draw.FillBox (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ---------
        %|Left Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 4, ply + 20, plx2 - 11, ply2 + 5, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 4, ply + 20, plx2 - 11, ply2 + 5, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 11, ply + 20, plx2 - 4, ply2 + 5, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 11, ply + 20, plx2 - 4, ply2 + 5, black)
        % --------
        %|Left Arm|
        % --------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply + 2, plx2 - 20, ply2 + 10, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply + 2, plx2 - 20, ply2 + 10, black)
        Draw.Line (plx - 5, ply + 25, plx2 - 20, ply2 + 5, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Arm|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 2, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 10, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 2, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 10, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply + 25, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 5, black)
        % --------------
        %|Helm Left Horn|
        % --------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2 - 20, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 10, ply + 6, plx2 - 25, ply2 - 6, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 10, ply + 6, plx2 - 25, ply2 - 6, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 13, ply + 8, plx2 - 30, ply2 - 8, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 13, ply + 8, plx2 - 30, ply2 - 8, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply + 5, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply + 5, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2 - 20, ply2, black)
        % ---------------
        %|Helm Right Horn|
        % ---------------
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 25, ply + 6, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 6, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 25, ply + 6, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 6, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 30, ply + 8, plx2 + 13, ply2 - 8, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 30, ply + 8, plx2 + 13, ply2 - 8, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 15, ply + 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 15, ply + 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ----------------
        %|Player Attack Up|
        % ----------------
        if keys ('a') then
            % -----
            % -----
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 40, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 55, grey)
            Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 40, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 55, black)
            Draw.Line (plx + 22, ply + 40, plx2 + 2, ply2 + 55, black)
            Draw.Line (plx + 23, ply + 40, plx2 + 3, ply2 + 55, black)
            % ------------
            %|Sword Handle|
            % ------------
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 30, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 15, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 30, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 15, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 15, ply + 35, plx2 + 10, ply2 + 20, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx + 15, ply + 35, plx2 + 10, ply2 + 20, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 35, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 20, yellow)

            Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 35, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 20, black)
        end if
    end if
    if keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
        ply -= 1
        ply2 -= 1
        % ----------------
        %|Draw Player Down|
        % ----------------
        % ----
        % ----
        Draw.FillBox (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ---------
        %|Left Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 4, ply - 5, plx2 - 11, ply2 - 20, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 4, ply - 5, plx2 - 11, ply2 - 20, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 11, ply - 5, plx2 - 4, ply2 - 20, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 11, ply - 5, plx2 - 4, ply2 - 20, black)
        % --------
        %|Left Arm|
        % --------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply - 10, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply - 10, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 2, black)
        Draw.Line (plx - 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 25, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Arm|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply - 10, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply - 10, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 2, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply - 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 25, black)
        % --------------
        %|Helm Left Horn|
        % --------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2 - 20, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 10, ply + 6, plx2 - 25, ply2 - 6, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 10, ply + 6, plx2 - 25, ply2 - 6, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 13, ply + 8, plx2 - 30, ply2 - 8, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 13, ply + 8, plx2 - 30, ply2 - 8, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply + 5, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply + 5, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2 - 20, ply2, black)
        % ---------------
        %|Helm Right Horn|
        % ---------------
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 25, ply + 6, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 6, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 25, ply + 6, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 6, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 30, ply + 8, plx2 + 13, ply2 - 8, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 30, ply + 8, plx2 + 13, ply2 - 8, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 15, ply + 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 15, ply + 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 20, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ------------------
        %|Player Attack Down|
        % ------------------
        if keys ('a') then
            % -----
            % -----
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply - 55, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 40, grey)
            Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply - 55, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 40, black)
            Draw.Line (plx - 3, ply - 55, plx2 - 23, ply2 - 40, black)
            Draw.Line (plx - 2, ply - 55, plx2 - 22, ply2 - 40, black)
            % ------------
            %|Sword Handle|
            % ------------
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply - 15, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 30, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx- 5, ply - 15, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 30, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 10, ply - 20, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 35, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx - 10, ply - 20, plx2 - 15, ply2 - 35, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply - 20, plx2- 20, ply2 - 35, yellow)
            Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply - 20, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 35, black)
        end if
    end if
    if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
        plx += 1
        plx2 += 1
        % -----------------
        %|Draw Player Right|
        % -----------------
        % ----
        % ----
        Draw.FillBox (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ---------
        %|Left Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 4, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 11, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 4, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 11, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Foot|
        % ---------

        Draw.FillBox (plx + 20, ply + 11, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 4, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 20, ply + 11, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 4, black)
        % --------
        %|Left Arm|
        % --------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 2, ply + 20, plx2 + 10, ply2 + 5, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 2, ply + 20, plx2 + 10, ply2 + 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 25, ply + 20, plx2 + 5, ply2 + 5, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Arm|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 2, ply - 5, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 20, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx + 2, ply - 5, plx2 + 10, ply2 - 20, black)
        Draw.Line (plx + 25, ply - 5, plx2 + 5, ply2 - 20, black)
        % --------------
        %|Helm Left Horn|
        % --------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2, ply2 - 20, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 6, ply - 10, plx2 - 6, ply2 - 25, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 6, ply - 10, plx2 - 6, ply2 - 25, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 8, ply - 13, plx2 - 8, ply2 - 30, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 8, ply - 13, plx2 - 8, ply2 - 30, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 5, ply2 - 15, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 5, ply2 - 15, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2, ply2 - 20, black)
        % ---------------
        %|Helm Right Horn|
        % ---------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply + 20, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 6, ply + 25, plx2 - 6, ply2 + 10, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 6, ply + 25, plx2 - 6, ply2 + 10, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 8, ply + 30, plx2 - 8, ply2 + 13, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 8, ply + 30, plx2 - 8, ply2 + 13, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 5, ply + 15, plx2 - 5, ply2 + 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 5, ply + 15, plx2 - 5, ply2 + 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply + 20, plx2, ply2, black)
        % -------------------
        %|Player Attack Right|
        % -------------------
        if keys ('a') then
            % -----
            % -----
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 40, ply - 5, plx2 + 55, ply2 - 20, grey)
            Draw.Box (plx + 40, ply - 5, plx2 + 55, ply2 - 20, black)
            Draw.Line (plx + 40, ply - 2, plx2 + 55, ply2 - 23, black)
            Draw.Line (plx + 40, ply - 3, plx2 + 55, ply2 - 22, black)
            % ------------
            %|Sword Handle|
            % ------------
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 30, ply - 5, plx2 + 15, ply2 - 20, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx + 30, ply - 5, plx2 + 15, ply2 - 20, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 35, ply - 10, plx2 + 20, ply2 - 15, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx + 35, ply - 10, plx2 + 20, ply2 - 15, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx + 35, ply - 5, plx2 + 20, ply2 - 20, yellow)
            Draw.Box (plx + 35, ply - 5, plx2 + 20, ply2 - 20, black)
        end if
    end if
    if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
        plx -= 1
        plx2 -= 1
        % ----------------
        %|Draw Player Left|
        % ----------------
        % ----
        % ----
        Draw.FillBox (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ----------
        %|Right Foot|
        % ----------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply + 11, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 4, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply + 11, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 4, black)
        % ---------
        %|Left Foot|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 5, ply + 4, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 11, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx - 5, ply + 4, plx2 - 20, ply2 - 11, black)
        % ---------
        %|Right Arm|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 10, ply - 5, plx2 - 2, ply2 - 20, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx - 10, ply - 5, plx2 - 2, ply2 - 20, black)
        Draw.Line (plx - 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 25, ply2 - 20, black)
        % ---------
        %|Left Arm|
        % ---------
        Draw.FillBox (plx - 10, ply + 20, plx2 - 2, ply2 + 5, grey)
        Draw.Box (plx  - 10, ply + 20, plx2 - 2, ply2 + 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx - 5, ply + 20, plx2 - 25, ply2 + 5, black)
        % ---------------
        %|Helm Right Horn|
        % ---------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2, ply2 - 20, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 6, ply - 10, plx2 - 6, ply2 - 25, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 6, ply - 10, plx2 - 6, ply2 - 25, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 8, ply - 13, plx2 - 8, ply2 - 30, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 8, ply - 13, plx2 - 8, ply2 - 30, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 5, ply2 - 15, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 5, ply - 5, plx2 - 5, ply2 - 15, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply, plx2, ply2 - 20, black)
        % ---------------
        %|Left Right Horn|
        % ---------------
        Draw.Line (plx, ply + 20, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 6, ply + 25, plx2 - 6, ply2 + 10, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 6, ply + 25, plx2 - 6, ply2 + 10, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 8, ply + 30, plx2 - 8, ply2 + 13, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 8, ply + 30, plx2 - 8, ply2 + 13, black)
        Draw.Box (plx, ply, plx2, ply2, black)
        Draw.FillBox (plx + 5, ply + 15, plx2 - 5, ply2 + 5, brown)
        Draw.Box (plx + 5, ply + 15, plx2 - 5, ply2 + 5, black)
        Draw.Line (plx, ply + 20, plx2, ply2, black)
        % ------------------
        %|Player Attack Left|
        % ------------------
        if keys ('a') then
            % -----
            % -----
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 55, ply + 20, plx2 - 40, ply2 + 5, grey)
            Draw.Box (plx - 55, ply + 20, plx2 - 40, ply2 + 5, black)
            Draw.Line (plx - 55, ply + 23, plx2 - 40, ply2 + 2, black)
            Draw.Line (plx - 55, ply + 22, plx2 - 40, ply2 + 3, black)
            % ------------
            %|Sword Handle|
            % ------------
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 15, ply + 20, plx2 - 30, ply2 + 5, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx - 15, ply + 20, plx2 - 30, ply2 + 5, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 20, ply + 15, plx2 - 35, ply2 + 10, brown)
            Draw.Box (plx - 20, ply + 15, plx2 - 35, ply2 + 10, black)
            Draw.FillBox (plx - 20, ply + 20, plx2 - 35, ply2 + 5, yellow)
            Draw.Box (plx - 20, ply + 20, plx2 - 35, ply2 + 5, black)
        end if
    end if
    delay (5)
end loop

Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Smile
[syntax="Turing"]Code Here[/syntax]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:28 am   Post subject: RE:Game Character Movement

The problem is you are only drawing the character if a button is pressed. When a button is not pressed it skips all of those if statements and nothing is done. Draw your character outside of the if statements and you will always see him.

Hope I helped.

PS: Nice drawing on the character.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:45 am   Post subject: RE:Game Character Movement

Also to save LOTS of space put your character draw in a procedure. for example

procedure chardraw
%draw code
end chardraw
%to run procedure just simply write procedure name
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) ect ect.

use elsif after if for movement that way you don't end up seeing 2 different drawings.

Also Also Your sword is cool
If you want to do this also make lasers come out of each arm!
you could maybe have like 1 beam shoot out of an arm at a time and defend your self as you destroy your victums!
(Just a sugestion ;pWink

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:33 am   Post subject: Re: Game Character Movement


The problem is you are only drawing the character if a button is pressed. When a button is not pressed it skips all of those if statements and nothing is done. Draw your character outside of the if statements and you will always see him.

Hope I helped.

I see, but if I do that then the character will always be drawn in that one direction, how would I make it so the character is only drawn in the last direction that was shown?


PS: Nice drawing on the character.

Thanks, took me a while..


use elsif after if for movement that way you don't end up seeing 2 different drawings.

Alright, but how would I do this? Like I said I don't know much about Turing I've never used elsif before.


Also Also Your sword is cool
If you want to do this also make lasers come out of each arm!
you could maybe have like 1 beam shoot out of an arm at a time and defend your self as you destroy your victums!
(Just a sugestion ;p

Thanks, yeah that would be sweet.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:36 am   Post subject: RE:Game Character Movement

You could have a variable that starts at 0 for example. When key up arrow is used then the value of it changes. You will need a few more if statements saying if "value" is 0 then draw this way etc. Then if value is 1 because you went left then it is drawn another way. I have to go now, class is over but I will try to help some more tomorrow, and post some example code of what I mean.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:25 am   Post subject: Re: RE:Game Character Movement

Parker @ Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:36 am wrote:
You could have a variable that starts at 0 for example. When key up arrow is used then the value of it changes. You will need a few more if statements saying if "value" is 0 then draw this way etc. Then if value is 1 because you went left then it is drawn another way. I have to go now, class is over but I will try to help some more tomorrow, and post some example code of what I mean.

Nice, works flawlessly. I never realized it was that simple, thanks. I still have another problem though.. when two or more arrow keys are pressed at once it draws the character facing both ways. Is it possible to make it so only one key at a time can be pressed, and the program would wait for that key to be depressed before it executes another? It's not that big of a problem.. just rather annoying.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:27 pm   Post subject: Re: Game Character Movement

Like I said use elsif. so for example


%This won't accually work tweak it and understand it!
var picdraw:=1
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
picdraw := 2
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
picdraw := 1
elsif (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
picdraw := 4
elsif (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
picdraw := 3
end if.

if picdraw = 1 then
draw right face
elsif picdraw = 2 then
draw left face
elsif picdraw = 3 then
draw down face
elsif picdraw = 4 then
draw up face

Now also where I said draw _ face make 4 procedures for drawing each face.
then instead of draw _ face put the procedure name.

lastly for making your robot thing look like he is moving, You need to one of two things.
Either make the robot move adusting it's position
Move the terrain around it. (doing this you can center your robot at always have a view of it witch is good if thier is a big area for it to move on.

(btw what is that you had drawn? if it is infact a Robot then You may want to get ridd of the sword Reason: Low tect sword on a robot? see what I'm saying. Good Drawing though still keep it no matter what cause you may want it later.)(Also If you do keep the sword it may look better if there is on on each side.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:42 pm   Post subject: Re: Game Character Movement

copthesaint @ Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:27 pm wrote:
Like I said use elsif. so for example


%This won't accually work tweak it and understand it!
var picdraw:=1
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
picdraw := 2
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
picdraw := 1
elsif (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
picdraw := 4
elsif (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
picdraw := 3
end if.

if picdraw = 1 then
draw right face
elsif picdraw = 2 then
draw left face
elsif picdraw = 3 then
draw down face
elsif picdraw = 4 then
draw up face

Now also where I said draw _ face make 4 procedures for drawing each face.
then instead of draw _ face put the procedure name.

lastly for making your robot thing look like he is moving, You need to one of two things.
Either make the robot move adusting it's position
Move the terrain around it. (doing this you can center your robot at always have a view of it witch is good if thier is a big area for it to move on.

(btw what is that you had drawn? if it is infact a Robot then You may want to get ridd of the sword Reason: Low tect sword on a robot? see what I'm saying. Good Drawing though still keep it no matter what cause you may want it later.)(Also If you do keep the sword it may look better if there is on on each side.

I see, and nah it's actually supposed to be a warrior with silver armor and a viking-like helmet, lol. It may not look it though.. not easy to draw. But yeah.. the double sword idea does sound good.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:01 am   Post subject: RE:Game Character Movement

But did that help you? Like for what you hve to do? I Will also be waiting to see your first game done!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:33 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Game Character Movement

copthesaint @ Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:01 am wrote:
But did that help you? Like for what you hve to do? I Will also be waiting to see your first game done!

Yep helped greatly. I've made procedures for all movements and attacks. My character is now always shown and stays in the direction that was last shown. I can now attack while moving or while stopped in any direction. Thanks for all the help. I do have another question though about something else. I will be making a new topic.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:34 pm   Post subject: RE:Game Character Movement

If so then mark this forum as answered please.
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