Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:44 pm Post subject: integer to string with an array as a value
im trying to convert an array from an integer to a string but it has a problem when i indicate which key in the array because it utilizes brackets. any ideas?
%this is placed inside of a for statement
intstr (RLetters.whichletter(r))
thanks for any help possible.
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Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:42 pm Post subject: RE:integer to string with an array as a value
Do you mean you are trying to convert an array of integers to an array of strings?
Also, post some code that can be placed in better context, it's hard to tell what the problem is from your description.
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:49 pm Post subject: RE:integer to string with an array as a value
don't you need to assign that conversion to a variable?
for r: 1..x
var foo : int := intstr (RLetters.whichLetter(r))
end for
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:24 pm Post subject: RE:integer to string with an array as a value
You want convert an array of integers to an array of strings? If so, it would be something like this:
for i : 1..upper (integer_array)
string_array (i) := intstr (integer_array (i))
end for
I believe that's how you would do it. I am not in Windows so I can't check.