Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
if x >= 50 and x <= 230 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 then %smugglar
Font.Draw ("'Corrupt Side', composed of smuggulers and other veil groups who are the pain of the legal system", 15, 420, f5, 0)
delay (200)
end if
if x >= 300 and x <= 480 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 then %imperal
Font.Draw ("'Dark Side', the Imperial forces, backed by users of the dark side of the force", 90, 420, f5, 0)
delay (200)
end if
if x >= 550 and x <= 730 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 then %alliance
Font.Draw ("'Light Side', the Rebel Alliance and those who wish to overthrow the mantle of the Imperial yoke. ", 15, 420, f5, 0)
delay (200)
end if
drawfillbox (0, 416, maxx, 450, 255)
if x >= 50 and x <= 230 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 and button = 1 then %smugglar
drawfillbox (90, 450, maxx, 550, 255)
Font.Draw (player1, 50, 500, f2, brightred)
Font.Draw ("has joined the corrupt side.", 20 * length (player1) + 60, 500, f2, white)
count := count + 1
end if
if x >= 300 and x <= 480 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 and button = 1 then %imperal
drawfillbox (90, 450, maxx, 550, 255)
Font.Draw (player1, 50, 500, f2, brightred)
Font.Draw ("has joined the dark side.", 20 * length (player1) + 60, 500, f2, white)
count := count + 1
end if
if x >= 550 and x <= 730 and y >= 230 and y <= 410 and button = 1 then %alliance
drawfillbox (90, 450, maxx, 550, 255)
Font.Draw (player1, 50, 500, f2, brightred)
Font.Draw ("has joined the light side.", 20 * length (player1) + 60, 500, f2, white)
count := count + 1
end if
end loop