Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:37 am Post subject: Split tasks if possible?
For the program I am making I would like to have a menu for the user to select a certain operation to be done. For example one option will collect data and save it and the other will find the data and analyze it. Should I just be using different procedures and fuctions? or can i run an entire different program with a certain code?
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Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:20 am Post subject: Re: Split tasks if possible?
Yeah just use different routines. There's no reason to open a whole other program.
Just do something like this:
procedure CollectData
end CollectData
procedure AnalyzeData
end AnalyzeData
procedure Main
var x : string
put "1) Collect data"
put "2) Analyze data"
put "3) Quit"
get x : *
if x = "1" then
elsif x = "2" then
elsif x = "3" then
end if
end loop
end Main